A QML photo viewer that that uses XmlListModel and XmlRole to download Flickr feeds, and Package to display the photos in different views.
Photo Viewer demonstrates the following Qt Quick features:
To run the example from Qt Creator, open the Welcome mode and select the example from Examples. For more information, visit Building and Running an Example.
In the Photo Viewer app, we use the following custom types that are each defined in a separate .qml file:
To use the custom types, we add an import statement to the main QML file, main.qml, that imports the folder called PhotoViewerCore
where the types are located:
import "PhotoViewerCore"
In main.qml, we use the ApplicationWindow Qt Quick Control to create the app main window:
ApplicationWindow { id: mainWindow visible: true
We use a ListModel type with ListElement types to display photo albums:
ListModel { id: photosModel ListElement { tag: "Flowers" } ListElement { tag: "Wildlife" } ListElement { tag: "Prague" } }
List elements are defined like other QML types except that they contain a collection of role definitions instead of properties. Roles both define how the data is accessed and include the data itself. For each list
element, we use the tag
role to specify the photos to download.
A DelegateModel type is used together with the Package type to provide delegates to multiple views. The model
holds the model providing data for the delegate model and the delegate
property specifies the template defining each item instantiated by a view:
DelegateModel { id: albumVisualModel; model: photosModel; delegate: AlbumDelegate {} }
We use a GridView type to lay out the albums as a grid:
GridView { id: albumView; width: parent.width; height: parent.height; cellWidth: 210; cellHeight: 220 model: albumVisualModel.parts.album; visible: albumsShade.opacity != 1.0 }
The model
property references the package name album
that we specify in AlbumDelegate.qml. We use the Package type to allow the photos to move between
different views. The Package contains the named items browser
, fullscreen
, and album
Package { Item { Package.name: 'browser' GridView { id: photosGridView; model: visualModel.parts.grid; width: mainWindow.width; height: mainWindow.height - 21 x: 0; y: 21; cellWidth: 160; cellHeight: 153; interactive: false onCurrentIndexChanged: photosListView.positionViewAtIndex(currentIndex, ListView.Contain) } } Item { Package.name: 'fullscreen' ListView { id: photosListView; model: visualModel.parts.list; orientation: Qt.Horizontal width: mainWindow.width; height: mainWindow.height; interactive: false onCurrentIndexChanged: photosGridView.positionViewAtIndex(currentIndex, GridView.Contain) highlightRangeMode: ListView.StrictlyEnforceRange; snapMode: ListView.SnapOneItem } } Item { Package.name: 'album' id: albumWrapper; width: 210; height: 220
The named items are used as the delegates by the views that reference the special DelegateModel::parts property to select the model that provides the chosen delegate.
We use a ListView type to lay out albums in other views:
ListView { anchors.fill: parent; model: albumVisualModel.parts.browser; interactive: false } ListView { anchors.fill: parent; model: albumVisualModel.parts.fullscreen; interactive: false }
We use the PhotoDelegate custom type that is specified in PhotoDelegate.qml to display photos. We use a Package type to lay out the photos either in a stack, list, or a grid:
Package { Item { id: stackItem; Package.name: 'stack'; width: 160; height: 153; z: stackItem.PathView.z } Item { id: listItem; Package.name: 'list'; width: mainWindow.width + 40; height: 153 } Item { id: gridItem; Package.name: 'grid'; width: 160; height: 153 }
The photos are rotated at random angles by using the Math.random()
JavaScript method:
Item { width: 160; height: 153 Item { id: photoWrapper property double randomAngle: Math.random() * (2 * 6 + 1) - 6 property double randomAngle2: Math.random() * (2 * 6 + 1) - 6 x: 0; y: 0; width: 140; height: 133 z: stackItem.PathView.z; rotation: photoWrapper.randomAngle
We use a BorderImage type to create borders for the images:
BorderImage { anchors { fill: originalImage.status == Image.Ready ? border : placeHolder leftMargin: -6; topMargin: -6; rightMargin: -8; bottomMargin: -8 } source: 'images/box-shadow.png' border.left: 10; border.top: 10; border.right: 10; border.bottom: 10 }
In AlbumDelegate.qml, we use the DelegateModel to provide the PhotoDelegate delegate to the RssModel model:
DelegateModel { id: visualModel; delegate: PhotoDelegate { } model: RssModel { id: rssModel; tags: tag } }
In RssModel.qml, we use an XmlListModel type as a data source for Package objects to download photos from the selected feeds:
import QtQuick.XmlListModel 2.0 XmlListModel { property string tags : "" function encodeTags(x) { return encodeURIComponent(x.replace(' ',',')); }
We use the tags
custom property to specify which photos to download. The encodeTags
custom function uses the encodeURIComponent
JavaScript method to ensure that the requests to the server
are correctly formatted.
We use the source
property to fetch photos that have the specified tags attached from public Flickr feeds:
source: "http://api.flickr.com/services/feeds/photos_public.gne?"+(tags ? "tags="+encodeTags(tags)+"&" : "") query: "/feed/entry" namespaceDeclarations: "declare default element namespace 'http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom';"
The query
property specifies that the XmlListModel generates a model item for each feed entry.
The namespaceDeclarations
property specifies that the requested document uses the namespace http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom
, which is declared as the default namespace.
We use the XmlRole type to specify the model item attributes. Each model item has the title
, content
, and hq
attributes that match
the values of the corresponding feed entry:
XmlRole { name: "title"; query: "title/string()" } XmlRole { name: "content"; query: "content/string()" } XmlRole { name: "hq"; query: "link[@rel='enclosure']/@href/string()" }
When users select the Edit button, the album labels are flipped from their front side to their back side and the text on them changes from album name to Remove.
In AlbumDelegate.qml, we use the Tag custom type to specify the text to display on the front and back sides of album labels:
Tag { anchors { horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter; bottom: parent.bottom; bottomMargin: 10 } frontLabel: tag; backLabel: qsTr("Remove"); flipped: mainWindow.editMode onTagChanged: rssModel.tags = tag onBackClicked: if (mainWindow.editMode) photosModel.remove(index); }
The onTagChanged
signal handler is used to change the tag based on which the model is populated. The onBackClicked
signal handler is used to remove the album.
In Tag.qml, we use a Flipable type with custom properties and signals to create the labels:
Flipable { id: flipable property alias frontLabel: frontButton.label property alias backLabel: backButton.label property int angle: 0 property int randomAngle: Math.random() * (2 * 6 + 1) - 6 property bool flipped: false signal frontClicked signal backClicked signal tagChanged(string tag)
The front
property holds the EditableButton custom type that enables users to edit the label text:
front: EditableButton { id: frontButton; rotation: flipable.randomAngle anchors { centerIn: parent; verticalCenterOffset: -20 } onClicked: flipable.frontClicked() onLabelChanged: flipable.tagChanged(label) }
The back
property holds the Button
custom type that is used to remove the album:
back: Button { id: backButton; tint: "red"; rotation: flipable.randomAngle anchors { centerIn: parent; verticalCenterOffset: -20 } onClicked: flipable.backClicked() }
In AlbumDelegate.qml, we use a PathView type to lay out the photos provided by the visualModel.parts.stack
model on a path that has the form of a stack:
PathView { id: photosPathView; model: visualModel.parts.stack; pathItemCount: 5 visible: !busyIndicator.visible anchors.centerIn: parent; anchors.verticalCenterOffset: -30 path: Path { PathAttribute { name: 'z'; value: 9999.0 } PathLine { x: 1; y: 1 } PathAttribute { name: 'z'; value: 0.0 } } }
The path
property holds the Path type that defines the path used by the PathView. The PathAttribute types are used to set a range of 0
to 9999
for the z
attribute. This way, the path creates a stack of album photos. Because each
PhotoDelegate is slightly rotated at a random angle, this results in a realistic-looking stack of photos.
We use a busy indicator and a progress bar to indicate activity while Flickr feeds and photos are being loaded.
In AlbumDelegate.qml, we use the BusyIndicator
custom type and the on
custom property to display a rotating image while the Flickr feed is being loaded:
BusyIndicator { id: busyIndicator anchors { centerIn: parent; verticalCenterOffset: -20 } on: rssModel.status != XmlListModel.Ready }
In PhotoDelegate.qml, we use them to indicate activity while a photo is being loaded:
BusyIndicator { anchors.centerIn: parent; on: originalImage.status != Image.Ready }
We define the BusyIndicator
type in BusyIndicator.qml
. We use an Image type to display an image and apply a NumberAnimation to its rotation
property to rotate the image in an infinite loop:
Image { id: container property bool on: false source: "images/busy.png"; visible: container.on NumberAnimation on rotation { running: container.on; from: 0; to: 360; loops: Animation.Infinite; duration: 1200 } }
In your apps, you can also use the BusyIndicator type from the Qt Quick Controls module.
In main.qml, we use the ProgressBar
custom type to indicate progress while a high quality version of a photo is being opened on full screen:
ProgressBar { progress: mainWindow.downloadProgress; width: parent.width; height: 4 anchors.bottom: parent.bottom; opacity: mainWindow.imageLoading; visible: opacity != 0.0 }
We define the ProgressBar
type in ProgressBar.qml
. We use a Rectangle type to create the progress bar and apply a NumberAnimation to its opacity
property to change the color of the bar from black to white as data loading proceeds:
Item { id: container property real progress: 0 Behavior on opacity { NumberAnimation { duration: 600 } } Rectangle { anchors.fill: parent; color: "black"; opacity: 0.5 } Rectangle { id: fill; color: "white"; height: container.height width: container.width * container.progress } }
In your apps, you can also use the ProgressBar type from the Qt Quick Controls module.
The example application is translated into German and French. The translated strings are loaded at runtime according to the current locale.
We use a Column type in main.qml to position buttons for adding and editing albums and exiting the application:
Column { spacing: 20; anchors { bottom: parent.bottom; right: parent.right; rightMargin: 20; bottomMargin: 20 } Button { id: newButton; label: qsTr("Add"); rotation: 3 anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter onClicked: { mainWindow.editMode = false photosModel.append( { tag: "" } ) albumView.positionViewAtIndex(albumView.count - 1, GridView.Contain) } } Button { id: deleteButton; label: qsTr("Edit"); rotation: -2; onClicked: mainWindow.editMode = !mainWindow.editMode anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter } Button { id: quitButton; label: qsTr("Quit"); rotation: -2; onClicked: Qt.quit() anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter } }
We use the qsTr() command to mark the button labels translatable.
We use the lupdate()
tool to generate the translation source files and the lrelease()
tool to convert the translated strings to the QM files used by the application at runtime. These files are stored
in the i18n
To make the application aware of the translations, we add code to the main()
function in the main.cpp file. The code creates a QTranslator object, loads a translation according
to the current locale at runtime, and installs the translator object into the application:
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QGuiApplication app(argc, argv); QTranslator qtTranslator; qtTranslator.load(QLocale(), "qml", "_", ":/i18n/"); app.installTranslator(&qtTranslator);
See also QML Applications.