imgtag.qml Example File
import QtQuick 2.0
Rectangle {
id: main
width: 320; height: 480
focus: true
color: "#dedede"
property var hAlign: Text.AlignLeft
Flickable {
anchors.fill: parent
contentWidth: parent.width
contentHeight: col.height + 20
Column {
id: col
x: 10; y: 10
spacing: 20
width: parent.width - 20
TextWithImage {
text: "This is a <b>happy</b> face<img src=\"images/face-smile.png\">"
TextWithImage {
text: "This is a <b>very<img src=\"images/face-smile-big.png\" align=\"middle\"/>happy</b> face vertically aligned in the middle."
TextWithImage {
text: "This is a tiny<img src=\"images/face-smile.png\" width=\"15\" height=\"15\">happy face."
TextWithImage {
text: "This is a<img src=\"images/starfish_2.png\" width=\"50\" height=\"50\" align=\"top\">aligned to the top and a<img src=\"images/heart200.png\" width=\"50\" height=\"50\">aligned to the bottom."
TextWithImage {
text: "Qt logos<img src=\"images/qtlogo.png\" width=\"55\" height=\"60\" align=\"middle\"><img src=\"images/qtlogo.png\" width=\"37\" height=\"40\" align=\"middle\"><img src=\"images/qtlogo.png\" width=\"18\" height=\"20\" align=\"middle\">aligned in the middle with different sizes."
TextWithImage {
text: "Some hearts<img src=\"images/heart200.png\" width=\"20\" height=\"20\" align=\"bottom\"><img src=\"images/heart200.png\" width=\"30\" height=\"30\" align=\"bottom\"> <img src=\"images/heart200.png\" width=\"40\" height=\"40\"><img src=\"images/heart200.png\" width=\"50\" height=\"50\" align=\"bottom\">with different sizes."
TextWithImage {
text: "Resized image<img width=\"48\" height=\"48\" align=\"middle\" src=\"\">from the internet."
TextWithImage {
text: "Image<img align=\"middle\" src=\"\">from the internet."
TextWithImage {
height: 120
verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
text: "This is a <b>happy</b> face<img src=\"images/face-smile.png\"> with an explicit height."
Keys.onUpPressed: main.hAlign = Text.AlignHCenter
Keys.onLeftPressed: main.hAlign = Text.AlignLeft
Keys.onRightPressed: main.hAlign = Text.AlignRight