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Qt Sensors Examples

These are the Qt Sensors examples.

Qt Sensors - Accel Bubble

The AccelBubble example demonstrates the Accelerometer QML type.

Qt Sensors - C++ Sensor Gestures Example

The sensor gesture example demonstrates the steps for creating a C++ application that uses sensor gestures and the included shake sensor.

Qt Sensors - Explorer QML Example

Demonstrates how to read the meta-data of available sensors.

Qt Sensors - Grue Sensor Example

The Qt Sensors - Grue sensor example demonstrates all the steps from creating a new sensor to using it.

Qt Sensors - Maze QML Example

The Maze example demonstrates the TiltSensor QML type.

Qt Sensors - QML example

The QtSensors - QML example demonstrates the QML sensors types in the QtSensors 5 import.

Qt Sensors - SensorGesture QML Type example

Demonstrates the use of SensorGesture QML type.

Qt Sensors - ShakeIt QML Example

The sensor gesture example demonstrates the steps for creating a QML application that uses sensor gestures and the included shake sensor.

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