Demonstrates how to read the meta-data of available sensors.
This example is divided into two parts:
, QPropertyInfo
and QSensorItem
This example is built as an executable with C++ code that runs the QML, but it can also be launched directly using the qmlscene
tool. You should build the top-level sensor_explorer project before trying to
run this example or it will not be able to find its dependencies.
qmlscene -I . sensor_explorer.qml
Above, the -I . parameter adds the current directory as a module import path to locate the Explorer QML module.
The Sensor Explorer QML import defines the Explorer QML module, exporting QSensorExplorer
, QPropertyInfo
and QSensorItem
C++ classes as QML types. The source code is available in
the sensor_explorer/import
To write a QML application that will use the QML types exposed by the Explorer module, following steps are needed:
Import the Explorer 1.0 declarative plugin:
import Explorer 1.0
Create a SensorExplorer QML item:
SensorExplorer { id: explorer }
You can retrieve a list of all available sensors using SensorExplorer.availableSensors
model: explorer.availableSensors
The example uses the returned list as a model to populate a view of available sensors.
To retrieve the properties of a sensor, use SensorItem.properties
propertyList.model = explorer.selectedSensorItem.properties
The property list is used as a model for another view that displays the property names and values.
It is possible to edit the values of certain sensor properties. Selecting a writable property value will open an editor. SensorExplorer
QML type allows you to pass a new value for a sensor property value as
explorer.selectedSensorItem.changePropertyValue(propertyList.selectedItem, loaderEditor.item.text);
Starting and stopping a sensor can be done by setting the SensorItem.start
if (text === "Start") { explorer.selectedSensorItem.start = true; text = "Stop"; } else { explorer.selectedSensorItem.start = false; text = "Start"; }
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