The Trivial Wizard example illustrates how to create a linear three-page registration wizard using three instances of QWizardPage and one instance of QWizard.
The introduction page is created with the createIntroPage()
function where a QWizardPage is created and its title is set to "Introduction". A QLabel
is used to hold the description of page
. A QVBoxLayout is used to hold the label
. This page
is returned when the createIntroPage()
function is
QWizardPage *createIntroPage() { QWizardPage *page = new QWizardPage; page->setTitle("Introduction"); QLabel *label = new QLabel("This wizard will help you register your copy " "of Super Product Two."); label->setWordWrap(true); QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout; layout->addWidget(label); page->setLayout(layout); return page; }
The registration page is created with the createRegistrationPage()
function. QLineEdit objects are used to allow the user to input a name and an e-mail address. A QGridLayout is used to hold the QLabel and QLineEdit objects.
QWizardPage *createRegistrationPage() { QWizardPage *page = new QWizardPage; page->setTitle("Registration"); page->setSubTitle("Please fill both fields."); QLabel *nameLabel = new QLabel("Name:"); QLineEdit *nameLineEdit = new QLineEdit; QLabel *emailLabel = new QLabel("Email address:"); QLineEdit *emailLineEdit = new QLineEdit; QGridLayout *layout = new QGridLayout; layout->addWidget(nameLabel, 0, 0); layout->addWidget(nameLineEdit, 0, 1); layout->addWidget(emailLabel, 1, 0); layout->addWidget(emailLineEdit, 1, 1); page->setLayout(layout); return page; }
The conclusion page is created in the createConclusionPage()
function. This function's content is similar to createIntroPage()
. A QLabel is used to inform the user that
the registration process has completed successfully.
QWizardPage *createConclusionPage() { QWizardPage *page = new QWizardPage; page->setTitle("Conclusion"); QLabel *label = new QLabel("You are now successfully registered. Have a " "nice day!"); label->setWordWrap(true); QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout; layout->addWidget(label); page->setLayout(layout); return page; }
FunctionThe main()
function instantiates a QWizard object, wizard
, and adds all three QWizardPage objects to it. The wizard
window title is set to "Trivial Wizard" and its show()
function is invoked to display it.
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication app(argc, argv); #ifndef QT_NO_TRANSLATION QString translatorFileName = QLatin1String("qt_"); translatorFileName += QLocale::system().name(); QTranslator *translator = new QTranslator(&app); if (translator->load(translatorFileName, QLibraryInfo::location(QLibraryInfo::TranslationsPath))) app.installTranslator(translator); #endif QWizard wizard; wizard.addPage(createIntroPage()); wizard.addPage(createRegistrationPage()); wizard.addPage(createConclusionPage()); wizard.setWindowTitle("Trivial Wizard"); wizard.show(); return app.exec(); }
See also QWizard, Class Wizard Example, and License Wizard Example.
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