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Platformer with Level Editor

 import Felgo 3.0
 import QtQuick 2.0
 import "../editorElements"

 PlatformerEntityBaseDraggable {
   id: player
   entityType: "player"

    * Custom properties ----------------------------------------------------
   // the player's start position
   property int startX
   property int startY

   // add aliases for easier access
   property alias horizontalVelocity: collider.linearVelocity.x
   property alias verticalVelocity: collider.linearVelocity.y

   // the number of collected coins
   property int score: 0

   // if this is true, the player can jump once, without touching the ground
   property bool doubleJumpEnabled: true

   // if isBig is true, the player sprite is higher, and the
   // player touch one enemy/spike without dying (like in Super Mario games)
   property bool isBig: false

   // if true, the player is invincible
   property bool invincible: false

   // the time in ms, the player is invincible, after collecting a star
   property int starInvincibilityTime: 4000

   // this property is used to determine if the player touches any solid
   // objects (e.g. ground or platform)
   property int contacts: 0

   // these properties set the player's jump force for normal- and
   // kill-jumps
   property int normalJumpForce: 210
   property int killJumpForce: 420

   // This property holds how many more iterations the player's
   // jump height can increase. We use this to control the jump height.
   // See the ascentControl Timer for more details.
   property int jumpForceLeft: 20

   // the player's accelerationForce
   property int accelerationForce: 1000

   // the factor by how much the player's speed decreases when
   // the user stops pressing left or right
   property real decelerationFactor: 0.6

   // the player's maximum movement speed
   property int maxSpeed: 230

   // maximum falling speed
   property int maxFallingSpeed: 800

    * Signals ----------------------------------------------------

   // signal for finishing the level
   signal finish

    * Object properties ----------------------------------------------------

   // set the player's size to his image size
   width: image.width
   height: image.height

   // define colliderComponent for collision detection while dragging
   colliderComponent: collider

   // set image
   image.source: "../../assets/player/player.png"

   // make player smaller, if isBig is false
   scale: isBig ? 1 : 0.64
   // animate scale changes
   Behavior on scale { NumberAnimation { duration: 500 } }

   // transform from the center of the bottom
   transformOrigin: Item.Bottom

   // If the player touches another solid object, we set his state
   // to "walking". Otherwise we set it to "jumping".
   // The player can only jump when "walking", or by using the doubleJump.
   state: contacts > 0 ? "walking" : "jumping"

   // make player unremovable
   preventFromRemovalFromEntityManager: true

   // limit falling speed
   onVerticalVelocityChanged: {
     if(verticalVelocity > maxFallingSpeed)
       verticalVelocity = maxFallingSpeed

   onFinish: audioManager.playSound("finish")

    * Colliders ---------------------------------------

   // the player's main collider
   PolygonCollider {
     id: collider

     // We set the collider vertices to fit the body of the player.
     // Note, that we set the very left and right bottom vertices
     // to 62.8/62.85. This avoids collision with edges of solid objects,
     // when the player moves.
     // Also we have two different shapes, depending on the size
     // of the player.
     vertices: isBig ?
     // big collider
       Qt.point(15, 24),
       Qt.point(25, 14),
       Qt.point(40, 14),
       Qt.point(47, 24),
       Qt.point(49, 62.8),
       Qt.point(44, 63),
       Qt.point(19, 63),
       Qt.point(14, 62.8)
     ] :
     // small collider
       Qt.point(21, 39),
       Qt.point(28, 34),
       Qt.point(39, 34),
       Qt.point(43, 39),
       Qt.point(43, 62.85),
       Qt.point(40, 63),
       Qt.point(23, 63),
       Qt.point(20, 62.85)

     // the bodyType is dynamic in-game
     bodyType: Body.Dynamic

     // the collider should not be active in edit mode
     active: !inLevelEditingMode

     // Category1: player body
     categories: Box.Category1
     // Category5: opponent body, Category5: solids,
     // Category6: powerups, Category7: reset sensor
     collidesWith: Box.Category3 | Box.Category5 | Box.Category6 | Box.Category7

     // we set friction to zero to make the player slide down the sides of other entities
     friction: 0

     // don't allow sleeping
     sleepingAllowed: false

     // Apply the horizontal value of the TwoAxisController as force
     // to move the player left or right.
     force: Qt.point(controller.xAxis * accelerationForce, 0)

     // limit the horizontal velocity
     onLinearVelocityChanged: {
       if(linearVelocity.x > maxSpeed) linearVelocity.x = maxSpeed
       if(linearVelocity.x < -maxSpeed) linearVelocity.x = -maxSpeed

     // this is called whenever the contact with another entity begins
     fixture.onBeginContact: {
       var otherEntity = other.getBody().target

       // on contact with a coin, collect it and increase score
       if(otherEntity.entityType === "coin") {

         score += 1
       // on contact with a mushroom, collect it and make player big
       else if(otherEntity.entityType === "mushroom") {

         // make big
         isBig = true
       // on contact with a star, collect it and make player invincible
       else if(otherEntity.entityType === "star") {

         // make invincible

     // this is called whenever the contact with another entity changes
     fixture.onContactChanged: {
       var otherEntity = other.getBody().target

       // on contact with an opponent or spikes, call the die() function
       if(otherEntity.entityType === "opponent" || otherEntity.entityType === "spikes") {

   // this collider handles contacts and the killing of opponents
   BoxCollider {
     id: feetSensor

     // set and adjust size, depending on player size (big or small)
     width: 32 * parent.scale
     height: 10 * parent.scale

     // set position
     anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
     anchors.top: parent.bottom

     // the bodyType is dynamic
     bodyType: Body.Dynamic

     // the collider should not be active in edit mode
     active: gameScene.state === "edit" ? false : true

     // Category2: player feet sensor
     categories: Box.Category2
     // Category3: opponent body, Category5: solids
     collidesWith: Box.Category3 | Box.Category5

     // this is only a sensor, so it should not physically collide
     // with any other object
     collisionTestingOnlyMode: true

     // this is called whenever the contact with another entity begins
     fixture.onBeginContact: {
       var otherEntity = other.getBody().target

       // if colliding with opponent...
       if(otherEntity.entityType === "opponent") {
         // ...calculate the lowest point of the player and
         // the opponent...
         var playerLowestY = player.y + player.height
         var oppLowestY = otherEntity.y + otherEntity.height

         // ...and if the player's y position is at least
         // 5px above the opponent's...
         if(playerLowestY < oppLowestY - 5) {
           // ...kill opponent...
           console.debug("kill opponent")

           // ...and jump in the air
       // else if colliding with another solid object...
       else if(otherEntity.entityType === "platform" || otherEntity.entityType === "ground") {
         // ...increase the player's contacts

         // if the player stands on this object...
         if(verticalVelocity >= 0)
           // ...set doubleJumpEnabled to true again
           doubleJumpEnabled = true

     // when contact ends
     fixture.onEndContact: {
       var otherEntity = other.getBody().target

       // when collision with another object ends, decrease the player's contacts
       if(otherEntity.entityType === "platform" || otherEntity.entityType === "ground")

   // this sensor makes sure, that the user can't draw/create any
   // entities close to the player
   BoxCollider {
     id: editorCollider

     anchors.fill: parent

     collisionTestingOnlyMode: true

     // Category16: misc
     categories: Box.Category16

    * Update timer --------------------------------------------------------

   // This timer is used to slow down the players horizontal movement,
   // when the controllers xAxis is in neutral position (0).
   // The collider's linearDamping property works similar, but also
   // slows down the vertical velocity - which we don't want.
   Timer {
     id: updateTimer

     // Set this interval as high as possible to improve performance,
     // but as low as needed so it still looks good.
     interval: 60

     running: true
     repeat: true

     onTriggered: {
       var xAxis = controller.xAxis;

       // if xAxis is 0 (no movement command) we slow the player down
       // until he stops
       if(xAxis == 0) {
         if(Math.abs(player.horizontalVelocity) > 10)
           player.horizontalVelocity *= decelerationFactor
           player.horizontalVelocity = 0

    * Invincibility ------------------------------------------------------

   // this is the overlay image, that signals, that the player is invincible
   MultiResolutionImage {
     id: invincibilityOverlayImage

     source: "../../assets/player/player_rainbow.png"

     opacity: 0

     // this animation fades out the incibility overlay, to signal, that
     // the invincibility will end soon
     NumberAnimation on opacity {
       id: invincibilityOverlayImageFadeOut

       // slowly reduce opacity from 1 to 0
       from: 1
       to: 0

       // duration of the animation, in ms
       duration: 500

   // this timer is triggered shortly before invincibility ends, to signal,
   // that it will end soon
   Timer {
     id: invincibilityWarningTimer

     onTriggered: warnInvincibility()

   // as long as this timer is running, the player is invincible
   // when it is triggered, invincibility ends
   Timer {
     id: invincibilityTimer

     onTriggered: endInvincibility()

    * ascentControl ------------------------------------------------------

   // The ascentControl allows the player to jump higher, when pressing the
   // jump button longer, and lower, when pressing the jump button shorter.
   // It is running while the player presses the jump button.
   Timer {
     id: ascentControl

     // every 15 ms this is triggered
     interval: 15
     repeat: true

     onTriggered: {
       // If jumpForceLeft is > 0, we set the players verticalVelocity to make
       // him jump.
       if(jumpForceLeft > 0) {

         var verticalImpulse = 0

         // At the beginning of the jump we set the verticalVelocity to 0 and
         // apply a high vertical impulse, to get a high initial vertical
         // velocity.
         if(jumpForceLeft == 20) {
           verticalVelocity = 0

           verticalImpulse = -normalJumpForce
         // After the first strong impulse, we only want to increase the
         // verticalVelocity slower.
         else if(jumpForceLeft >= 14) {
           verticalImpulse = -normalJumpForce / 5
         // Then, after about a third of our maximum jump time, we further
         // reduce the verticalImpulse.
         else {
           verticalImpulse = -normalJumpForce / 15
         // Reducing the verticalImpulse over time allows for a more precise
         // controlling of the jump height.
         // Also it gives the jump a more natural feeling, than using a constant
         // value.

         // apply the impulse
         collider.applyLinearImpulse(Qt.point(0, verticalImpulse))

         // decrease jumpForceLeft

    * Item editor -----------------------------------------
   // make properties editable via itemEditor
   EditableComponent {
     editableType: "Balance"
     properties: {
       "Player" : {
         "normalJumpForce": {"min": 0, "max": 400, "stepSize": 5, "label": "Jump Force"},
         "killJumpForce": {"min": 0, "max": 1000, "stepSize": 10, "label": "Kill Jump Force"},
         "accelerationForce": {"min": 0, "max": 5000, "stepSize": 10, "label": "Acceleration"},
         "maxSpeed": {"min": 0, "max": 400, "stepSize": 5, "label": "Speed"},
         "maxFallingSpeed": {"min": 5, "max": 1000, "stepSize": 5, "label": "Max Falling Speed"}
       "Power-Ups" : {
         "starInvincibilityTime": {"min": 500, "max": 10000, "stepSize": 100, "label": "Star Duration (ms)"}

    * Game related JS functions --------------------------------------------------

   // This function is called, when the user presses the jump button or, when
   // the player jumps on an opponent.
   // isNormalJump is true, when the user pressed the jump button.
   // When jumping after a kill jump, isNormalJump is false.
   function startJump(isNormalJump) {
     if(isNormalJump) {
       // when the player stands on the ground and the jump
       // button is pressed, we start the ascentControl
       if(player.state == "walking") {
       // if doubleJumpEnabled, the player can also jump without
       // standing on the ground
       else if(doubleJumpEnabled) {
         doubleJumpEnabled = false
     else {
       // When killing an opponent, we want the player to jump
       // a little. We do that by just setting the verticalVelocity
       // to a negative value.
       verticalVelocity = -killJumpForce

   // this function is called, when the user releases the jump button
   function endJump() {
     // stop ascentControl

     // reset jumpForceLeft
     jumpForceLeft = 20

   function die(dieImmediately) {
     // if dieImmediately is true OR
     // the player is (NOT big AND NOT invincible)...
     if(dieImmediately || (!isBig && !invincible))
       // ...die
     // else if invincible...
     else if(invincible) {
       // ... don't do anything
     // else => (!dieImmediately && !invincible && isBig)...
     else {
       // ...make player small and invincible for a short time
       isBig = false


   function startInvincibility(interval) {
     // this is the time the player is warned, that the invincibility will
     // end soon
     var warningTime = 500

     // the interval (invincibility time) must be at least as long as the
     // warning time
     if(interval < warningTime)
       interval = warningTime

     // show invincibility overlay
     invincibilityOverlayImage.opacity = 1

     // Calculate and set time until the invincibility warning.
     // This value is at least 0.
     invincibilityWarningTimer.interval = interval - warningTime
     // start timer

     // Calculate and set time until the invincibility ends.
     // This value is at least warningTime.
     invincibilityTimer.interval = interval
     // start timer

     // enable invincibility
     invincible = true


     console.debug("start invincibility; interval: "+interval)

   function warnInvincibility() {
     // fade out the invincibilityOverlayImage

     console.debug("warn invincibility")

   function endInvincibility() {
     // disable invincibility again
     invincible = false


     console.debug("stop invincibility")

   // changes the direction in which the player looks, depending on the direction
   // he moves in
   function changeSpriteOrientation() {
     if(controller.xAxis == -1) {
       image.mirrorX = true
       invincibilityOverlayImage.mirrorX = true
     else if (controller.xAxis == 1) {
       image.mirrorX = false
       invincibilityOverlayImage.mirrorX = false

    * Start position JS functions -----------------------------------------------

   // every time the player is released in edit mode, we update his start position
   onEntityReleased: updateStartPosition()

   function updateStartPosition() {
     startX = x
     startY = y

   // this function tries to load the start position from a saved level, or sets
   // it to a default value
   function loadStartPosition() {
     // load startX if it is saved in the current level
     if(gameWindow.levelEditor && gameWindow.levelEditor.currentLevelData
         && gameWindow.levelEditor.currentLevelData["customData"]
         && gameWindow.levelEditor.currentLevelData["customData"]["playerX"]) {
       startX = parseInt(gameWindow.levelEditor.currentLevelData["customData"]["playerX"])
     else {
       // if there is no startX saved, we set it to a default value
       startX = 32

     // load startY if it is saved in the current level
     if(gameWindow.levelEditor && gameWindow.levelEditor.currentLevelData
         && gameWindow.levelEditor.currentLevelData["customData"]
         && gameWindow.levelEditor.currentLevelData["customData"]["playerY"]) {
       startY = parseInt(gameWindow.levelEditor.currentLevelData["customData"]["playerY"])
     else {
       // if there is no startY saved, we set it to a default value
       startY = -96

    * Init and reset JS functions -------------------------------------

   function initialize() {
     // load the player's start position from the level

     // reset the player

     // set PlatformerEntityBaseDraggable's lastPosition property
     lastPosition = Qt.point(x, y)

   function reset() {
     // reset position
     x = startX
     y = startY

     // reset velocity
     collider.linearVelocity.x = 0
     collider.linearVelocity.y = 0

     // reset score
     score = 0

     // reset doubleJumpEnabled
     doubleJumpEnabled = true

     // reset isBig
     isBig = false

     // reset invincibility
     invincible = false
     invincibilityOverlayImage.opacity = 0

   function resetContacts() {
     // Reset the contacts to ensure the player starts each level
     // with zero contacts.
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