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Stack With Friends Demo

 import Felgo 3.0
 import QtQuick 2.0
 import QtSensors 5.3
 import "../common"
 import "../entities"

 SceneBase {
   id: gameScene

   property alias itemEditor: itemEditor

   // gets increased when a new box is created, and reset to 0 when a new game is started
   // start with 1, because initially 1 Box is created
   property int createdBoxes: 1

   // this is the required minimum distance from the left and from the right (the scene.width)
   // when the box is rotated at 90°, its distance from the center is box1.width*Sqrt2, because width and height are the same
   // the hint about this issue was kindly provided by Martin Eigel
 //  property real safetyDistance: -1
 //  onSafetyDistanceChanged: console.debug("safetyDistance "+safetyDistance)

   // gets set by Obstacle
   property variant selectedEntity: null

   property string cameFromScene

   // gets increased with every box
   property int score

   // is emitted when gameOver() is called; can be handled to increase the gameOver counter for achievements
   signal gameLost

   // state: "levelEditing" enables dragging and clicking of obstacles
   // change the state in the next line to start in levelEditing mode:
   // the gameScene state can either be "playing", "testing" or "levelEditing"
   //state: "playing"
   state: "levelEditing"

   onBackButtonPressed: {
     if(cameFromScene === "menu") {
       mainItem.state = "menu"
     } else {
       mainItem.state = "selectLevel"

   onStateChanged: {
     if(state === "levelEditing") {

   // called from the LevelScene or when play is pressed in MainMenuScene
   function goToPlayMode() {
     state = "playing"

     // this is required so the highscore value is correct for gameNetwork.userHighscoreForCurrentActiveLeaderboard in the GameHUD
     // also, with this the leaderboard of this level is shown when opening the GameNetworkView from the main menu
       gameNetwork.currentActiveLeaderboard = levelEditor.currentLevelId.toString()

   function goToLevelEditingMode() {
     state = "levelEditing"

   function entitySelected(entity) {
     // reset the internal state of the old selected entity, to stop blinking of the selected obstacle
     if(selectedEntity && selectedEntity !== entity) {
       selectedEntity.entityState = ""
     selectedEntity = entity
     editEntityOverlay.obstacle = entity

   function resetGame() {
     // remove all entities of type "box", but not the walls
     // reset the createdBoxes amount
     gameScene.createdBoxes = 0;

     // reset the interval levels to ther start values
     score = 0

   // is called if the back button is pressed in GameHUD
   function stopGame() {
     state = "stopped"

   // is called when the
   function gameOver() {

     // in training mode, the currentLevelId is 0 and no highscore should be reported because there is no leaderboard for it
     // if in state testing (when testing the own level) this should also not be entered because no highscore should be submitted during testing
     if(gameScene.state === "playing" && levelEditor.currentLevelId) {

       console.debug("current levelId for highscore:", levelEditor.currentLevelId)
       // if the level was started from the authorGeneratedLevels, the levelId is the local id and not the publishedLevelId!
       if(levelEditor.currentLevelStorageLocation === levelEditor.authorGeneratedLevelsLocation) {
         // this branch is only entered if the level was started to play (and not testing!) from the My Levels tab; so in that case, publishedLevelId must exist as otherwise the play mode cannot be entered
         gameNetwork.reportScore(score, levelEditor.currentLevelData.levelMetaData.publishedLevelId)
       } else if(levelEditor.currentLevelStorageLocation === levelEditor.userGeneratedLevelsLocation) {
         gameNetwork.reportScore(score, levelEditor.currentLevelId)
       } else if(levelEditor.currentLevelStorageLocation === levelEditor.downloadedLevelsLocation) {
         gameNetwork.reportScore(score, levelEditor.currentLevelId)

       // ADD: connect to the onNewHighscore() signal of FelgoGameNetwork to check if the user has reached a new one

     // ADD: show a gameover overlay here and don't restart instantly, with the info if a new highscore is reached



   MultiResolutionImage {
     source: "../../assets/img/menubg.png"
     anchors.centerIn: parent

   MultiResolutionImage {
     // Apple appstore guidlines don't alow signs of mobiles on the screen of desktop applications.
     source: system.desktopPlatform ? "../../assets/img/bg-deco-desktop.png" : "../../assets/img/bg-deco.png"
     anchors.centerIn: parent

   Item {
     width: 210
     anchors.right: parent.right
     anchors.rightMargin: 20
     y: 40
     ResponsiveText {
       text: levelEditor.currentLevelNameString
       anchors.right: parent.right
       color: "#185010"
       font.pixelSize: 25
       font.family: fontHUD.name

   Text {
     x: 58
     y: 20
     width: parent.width
     // don't show the current best highscore for this level, but rather the current score
     //text: "Score: " + gameNetwork.userHighscoreForCurrentActiveLeaderboard
     text: "Score: " + score
     color: "#185010"
     font.pixelSize: 19
     // do show in testing and play mode
     visible: gameScene.state !== "levelEditing"
     font.family: fontHUD.name


   // display the amount of stacked boxes
 //  Text {
 //    x: 58
 //    y: 37
 //    width: parent.width
 //    text: "Boxes: " + gameScene.createdBoxes
 //    color: "#185010"
 //    font.pixelSize: 12
 //    visible: gameScene.state !== "levelEditing"
 //    font.family: fontHUD.name
 //  }

   GameHUD {
     id: gameHUD
     // put it on top of the gameScene contents

   ItemEditor {
     id: itemEditor
     opacity: 0.9
     // start invisible
     visible: false
     // anchor box on the right bottom side
     anchors.right: parent.gameWindowAnchorItem.right
     anchors.bottom: parent.gameWindowAnchorItem.bottom
     // use 2/3 of parent height
     height: parent.height*2/3

   Accelerometer {
     id: accelerometer
     active: !system.desktopPlatform && (gameScene.state === "playing" || gameScene.state === "testing")
     onReadingChanged: {
       world.gravity.x = reading.y*2

   PhysicsWorld {
     id: world
     gravity.y: 9.81 // make the objects fall faster
     z: 10 // draw the debugDraw on top of the entities

     // turn on when debugging physics
     debugDrawVisible: false

     // these are performance settings to avoid boxes colliding too far together
     // set them as low as possible so it still looks good
     updatesPerSecondForPhysics: 60
     velocityIterations: 5
     positionIterations: 5

   Component {
     id: mouseJoint
     MouseJoint {
       // make this high enough so the box with its density is moved quickly
       maxForce: mainItem.maxForce * world.pixelsPerMeter
       // The damping ratio. 0 = no damping, 1 = critical damping. Default is 0.7
       dampingRatio: mainItem.dampingRatio
       // The response speed, default is 5
       frequencyHz: mainItem.frequencyHz

   // when the user presses a box, move it towards the touch position
   MouseArea {
     anchors.fill: parent

     property Body selectedBody: null
     property MouseJoint mouseJointWhileDragging: null

     onPressed: {

       // set the state of the entitySelection of the selectedEntity to "", otherwise the fade animation is continuously played
       // this stops blinking of the old selected obstacle

       selectedBody = world.bodyAt(Qt.point(mouseX, mouseY));
       console.debug("selected body at position", mouseX, mouseY, ":", selectedBody);
       // if the user selected a body, this if-check is true
       if(selectedBody) {
         // create a new mouseJoint
         mouseJointWhileDragging = mouseJoint.createObject(world)

         // set the target position to the current touch position (initial position)
         mouseJointWhileDragging.target = Qt.point(mouseX, mouseY)

         // connect the joint with the body
         mouseJointWhileDragging.bodyB = selectedBody

     onPositionChanged: {
       // this check is necessary, because the user might also drag when no initial body was selected
       if (mouseJointWhileDragging)
         mouseJointWhileDragging.target = Qt.point(mouseX, mouseY)
     onReleased: {
       // if the user pressed a body initially, remove the created MouseJoint
       if(selectedBody) {
         selectedBody = null
         if (mouseJointWhileDragging)

   Ground {
     height: 16
     anchors {
       bottom: gameScene.bottom
       left: gameScene.left
       right: gameScene.right

   Wall {
     id: leftWall
     width: 48
     height: gameScene.height
     anchors {
       left: gameScene.left

   Wall {
     width: 16
     height: gameScene.height
     anchors {
       right: gameScene.right
   Ceiling {
     height: 16
     width: gameScene.width
     anchors {
       top: gameScene.top
       left: gameScene.left
       leftMargin: 32
     onCollidedWithBox: {

   Item {
     id: spawnBoxItem
     width: 32
     height: gameScene.height - 16
     y: 16
     Image {
       id: spawnBoxBar
       //color: "#ff7000"
       source: "../../assets/img/spawnbar.png"
       anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
       anchors.bottomMargin: 16
       width: parent.width
       height: parent.height

     Timer {
       id: spawnBoxBarTimer
       interval: 25
       running: gameScene.state === "playing" || gameScene.state === "testing"
       repeat: true
       onTriggered: {
         spawnBoxBar.height -= spawnBoxItem.height / (spawnInterval / spawnBoxBarTimer.interval)

     Timer {
       id: spawnBarLockTimer
       interval: 350

     function resetBar() {
       spawnBoxBar.height = spawnBoxItem.height

     MouseArea {
       anchors.fill: parent
       enabled: gameScene.state === "playing" || gameScene.state === "testing"
       onClicked: {
         if(spawnBarLockTimer.running) return
         var bonus = Math.floor(5*spawnBoxBar.height/spawnBoxItem.height)

   Timer {
     id: boxTimer
     interval: spawnInterval
     running: gameScene.state === "playing" || gameScene.state === "testing"// start running from the beginning, when the scene is loaded
     repeat: true // otherwise restart wont work

     onTriggered: {

   function spawnBox(bonusScore) {
     var newEntityProperties = {
       // vary x between [ safetyZoneHoriztonal ... width-safetyZoneHoriztonal]
       x: utils.generateRandomValueBetween(68, gameScene.width-36),
       y: 48, // position on top of the scene, at least below the top wall
       rotation: Math.random()*360



     // increase the createdBoxes number
     // increase highscore with every box
     score += 5 + bonusScore

   Connections {
     target: mainItem
     onSpawnIntervalChanged: {
       if(gameScene.state == "testing") {

   EditEntityOverlay {
     id: editEntityOverlay
     z: 100
Qt_Technology_Partner_RGB_475 Qt_Service_Partner_RGB_475_padded