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An item for displaying icons from an icon font. More...

Import Statement: import Felgo 4.0



Detailed Description

Felgo application components come with a set of commonly used icons which can be used in AppListView rows, TabControl items or standalone within your custom user interface.

By default, the icons are drawn using an icon font called Font Awesome. For a list of available icons, see IconType. To see a categorized view of all available icons with interactive search, see here. Alternatively, a different icon font can be used by setting the Theme::iconFont property.

To add an icon to your user interface add a code snippet like the following:

 import Felgo

 App {
   AppPage {
      // A camera icon
     AppIcon {
       iconType: IconType.camera

Note: This QML type was renamed from Icon in Felgo 4.0.0. This is because the name conflicted with the already existing Icon type from Qt Location.

Property Documentation

color : color

Sets the icon's color. The default color is Theme::textColor.

iconType : string

Sets the icon type. One of the IconType constants.

Note: This property was renamed from icon in Felgo 4.0.0. This is because many types already inherit a property AbstractButton::icon from Qt Quick Controls 2.

size : real

Sets the icon's size (height), in pixels.

textItem : Text

The internally used Text item.

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