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3D, AR, Machine Learning & AI

3D Object with Rotation Sensor

This 130 line code example displays a 3D cube in your app. The cube rotates depending on the device rotation, using the RotationSensor. You can also change the color of the cube.

 import Felgo
 import QtQuick
 // 3d imports
 import QtQuick.Scene3D
 import Qt3D.Core
 import Qt3D.Render
 import Qt3D.Input
 import Qt3D.Extras
 import QtSensors

 App {
   // Set screen to portrait in live client app (not needed for normal deployment)
   onInitTheme: NativeUtils.preferredScreenOrientation = NativeUtils.ScreenOrientationPortrait

   RotationSensor {
     id: sensor
     active: true
     // We copy reading to custom property to use behavior on it
     property real readingX: reading ? reading.x : 0
     property real readingY: reading ? reading.y : 0
     // We animate property changes for smoother movement of the cube
     Behavior on readingX {NumberAnimation{duration: 200}}
     Behavior on readingY {NumberAnimation{duration: 200}}

   NavigationStack {
     AppPage {
       title: "3D Cube on Page"
       backgroundColor: Theme.secondaryBackgroundColor

       Column {
         padding: dp(15)
         spacing: dp(5)

         AppText {
           text: "x-axis " + sensor.readingX.toFixed(2)
         AppText {
           text: "y-axis " + sensor.readingY.toFixed(2)

       // 3d object on top of camera
       Scene3D {
         id: scene3d
         anchors.fill: parent
         focus: true
         aspects: ["input", "logic"]
         cameraAspectRatioMode: Scene3D.AutomaticAspectRatio

         Entity {

           // The camera for the 3d world, to view our cube
           Camera {
             id: camera3D
             projectionType: CameraLens.PerspectiveProjection
             fieldOfView: 45
             nearPlane : 0.1
             farPlane : 1000.0
             position: Qt.vector3d( 0.0, 0.0, 40.0 )
             upVector: Qt.vector3d( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 )
             viewCenter: Qt.vector3d( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 )

           components: [
             RenderSettings {
               activeFrameGraph: ForwardRenderer {
                 camera: camera3D
                 clearColor: "transparent"
             InputSettings { }

           PhongMaterial {
             id: material
             ambient: Theme.tintColor // Also available are diffuse, specular + shininess to control lighting behavior

           // The 3d mesh for the cube
           CuboidMesh {
             id: cubeMesh
             xExtent: 8
             yExtent: 8
             zExtent: 8

           // Transform (rotate) the cube depending on sensor reading
           Transform {
             id: cubeTransform
             // Create the rotation quaternion from the sensor reading
             rotation: fromAxesAndAngles(Qt.vector3d(1,0,0), sensor.readingX*2, Qt.vector3d(0,1,0), sensor.readingY*2)

           // The actuac 3d cube that consist of a mesh, a material and a transform component
           Entity {
             id: sphereEntity
             components: [ cubeMesh, material, cubeTransform ]
       } // Scene3D

       // Color selection row
       Row {
         anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
         anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
         spacing: dp(5)
         padding: dp(15)

         Repeater {
           model: [Theme.tintColor, "red", "green", "#FFFF9500"]

           Rectangle {
             color: modelData
             width: dp(48)
             height: dp(48)
             radius: dp(5)

             MouseArea {
               anchors.fill: parent
               onClicked: {
                 material.ambient = modelData
     } // Page
   } // NavigationStack
 } // App

Show a 2D and 3D Chart with a C++ Backend

You can find an example app that uses a C++ model to show 2D and 3D charts here: C++ Backend Charts Demo App

Use Qt 3D Module in your App

You can include 3D content in your app using the Qt 3D module. You can find a list of 3D examples here.

You can have a look at Qt 3D in action in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zCBESbHSR1k

Integrate Augmented Reality Views with Wikitude

Add Augmented Reality to Your Qt Mobile App with Wikitude and Felgo

Felgo’s Wikitude Plugin introduces the Wikitude Augmented Reality SDK in your Qt cross-platform app. It only takes a few lines of QML code to integrate rich cross-platform AR experiences.

Felgo’s Wikitude Plugin introduces the Wikitude Augmented Reality SDK in your Qt cross-platform app. It only takes a few lines of QML code to integrate rich cross-platform AR experiences.

Watch Wikitude Demo on YouTube

See this post to for a detailed introduction to Augmented Reality with Wikitude: Why and How to Add Augmented Reality to Your Mobile App

Add Machine Learning and AI features with TensorFlow

Machine Learning: Add Image Classification for iOS and Android with Qt and TensorFlow

This demo uses TensorFlow in a Felgo app, to run Image Classification and Object Detection models.

This demo uses TensorFlow in a Felgo app, to run Image Classification and Object Detection models.

Watch TensorFlow Demo on YouTube

See this guide for detailed steps how to build and integrate TensorFlow with Felgo: Add Image Classification for iOS and Android with Qt and TensorFlow

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