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Connectivity and Networking for Your Apps

Felgo and Qt provide you with tools to connect to basically anything, like services, servers and other devices.

Connect to a REST Service

We have a dedicated doc for this use-case, you can find it here: Access a REST Service

It also includes how to read and parse JSON data.

Read and parse XML

The easiest way to work with XML data is by using the XmlListModel type. After we set the XML source and add some queries to identify the items and item attributes, we can directly use this model to display the items with components like AppListView or Repeater.

The following example sets up a XmlListModel to load data from a local XML file and displays the items in a ListPage:


 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
   <item>Item 1</item>
   <item>Item 2</item>
   <item>Item 3</item>
   <item>Item 4</item>
   <item>Item 5</item>
   <item>Item 6</item>
   <item>Item 7</item>
   <item>Item 8</item>
   <item>Item 9</item>


 import Felgo
 import QtQuick.XmlListModel

 App {
   // model for loading and parsing xml data
   XmlListModel {
     id: xmlModel

     // set xml source to load data from local file or web service
     source: Qt.resolvedUrl("data.xml")

     // set query that returns items
     query: "/data/item"

     // specify roles to access item data
     XmlRole { name: "itemText"; query: "string()" }

   NavigationStack {

     // we display the xml model in a list
     ListPage {
       id: page
       title: "Parse XML"
       model: xmlModel
       delegate: SimpleRow { text: itemText }

Discover network services

On macOS, iOS and Android, you can discover devices and services in the local network via Bonjour/ZeroConf.

These protocols allow devices to broadcast active network services. You can obtain information about the service type, IP addresses and port, and other attributes.

You can use ZeroConf::startNetworkServiceDiscovery() to start searching for services in the active network.

See ZeroConf for an example.

Connectivity Options

You can use the full range of Qt Connectivity and Networking features with Felgo.

This includes:

  • Network Communication
  • WebSockets
  • World Wide Web Support
  • Bluetooth Communication (BT & BTLE)
  • Near Field Communication (NFC)
  • Bonjour/ZeroConf Network Service Discovery
  • Inter-Process Communication
  • Serial Port Communication

How do I write asynchronous code?

As Felgo relies on QML and Javascript, updates to the UI are already handled in a highly asynchronous and event-driven way. You weave-in your Javascript code as part of signal handlers that execute when certain events or user interactions happen. The QML rendering engine is highly optimized, so you do not need to worry about blocking the UI when adding your view logic.

Communication with your application backend is also easy, as you can use the HttpRequest Element asynchronously. The following example fetches a JSON response containing the URL to an image. The request happens asynchronously. The returned URL is then set as the AppImage source, which is able to asynchronously load an image from an URL:

 import Felgo
 import QtQuick

 App {

   property string serverUrl: "https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/photos/1"
   property var jsonData: undefined

   // handler function to be executed when the App Item is fully created, starts web requests
   Component.onCompleted: {
     // the 3rd parameter of open(...) is the asynchronous flag
     var request = HttpRequest
       .then(function(res) {
         jsonData = res.body // keep JSON result
       .catch(function(err) {

   AppPage {

     // just some spinning icon to show asynchronous loading of image
     AppIcon {
       anchors.centerIn: parent
       iconType: IconType.refresh
       NumberAnimation on rotation {
         loops: Animation.Infinite
         from: 0
         to: 360
         duration: 1000

     AppImage {
       // expression for source relies on the jsonData property (property binding!)
       // the REST api returns the web url to an image, which we can set directly to load the image
       source: jsonData !== undefined ? jsonData.url : ""
       anchors.fill: parent
       fillMode: AppImage.PreserveAspectFit
       // additionally you can make the image loading itself asynchronous
       // this is recommended for images loaded from web source
       asynchronous: true

After request completion, the result is stored to the jsonData property. The expression for the image source relies on the property, so the AppImage will automatically update and show the image as soon as the data arrives - nothing more to do.

More Frequently Asked Development Questions

Find more examples for frequently asked development questions and important concepts in the following guides:

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