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Jira Tima Mini Demo App

 import Felgo 3.0
 import QtQuick 2.0
 import Qt.labs.settings 1.1 as Labs

 Item {
   id: dataModel

   property alias loggedIn: settings.loggedIn
   property alias worklogModel: worklogModel
   property alias issuesModel: issuesModel

   // for issue filtering
   property alias filteredIssuesModel: filteredIssuesModel
   property string issuesSearchTerm

   property string totalTime: calculateTotalTime()

   property var worklogsJsonData: [
     {"id":"31123","title":"Update QtWS 2019 app","description":"FELGO-851 at 10:05: Upload to app stores","imageSrc":"../../assets/icon-jira-issue.png","started":"2019-10-18T03:05:00.000-0500","worktime":"10:05","timeSpent":"30m","timeSpentSeconds":1800,"tracking":false,"issueId":"11914","comment":"Store listing"},
     {"id":"31108","title":"Administration","description":"FELGO-19 at 09:15: Check Emails & Slack","imageSrc":"../../assets/icon-jira-story.png","started":"2019-10-18T02:15:00.000-0500","worktime":"09:15","timeSpent":"20m","timeSpentSeconds":1200,"tracking":false,"issueId":"10095","comment":"Emails, Slack"}

   property var issuesJsonData: [
     {"id":"11914","title":"Update QtWS 2019 app", "label" : "FELGO-851", "status": 3, "imageSrc":"../../assets/icon-jira-issue.png"},
     {"id":"10095","title":"Administration", "label" : "FELGO-19", "status": 0, "imageSrc":"../../assets/icon-jira-story.png"},
     {"id":"13123","title":"Attend QWS Berlin", "label" : "FELGO-23", "status": 1, "imageSrc":"../../assets/icon-jira-issue.png"},
     {"id":"12124","title":"Hold awesome live-coding presentation", "label" : "FELGO-16", "status": 2, "imageSrc":"../../assets/icon-jira-issue.png"}

   property var statusHelper: [
     {text: "TODO", color: "#172B4D"},
     {text: "PLANNED FOR TOMORROW", color: "#00C7E5"},
     {text: "IN PROGRESS", color: "#FFAB00"},
     {text: "READY FOR REVIEW", color: "#36B37E"},
     {text: "DONE", color: "#2684FF"}

   JsonListModel {
     id: worklogModel
     source: dataModel.worklogsJsonData
     keyField: "id"
     fields: ["id", "title", "started", "tracking", "timeSpent", "timeSpentSeconds", "imageSrc", "description", "comment", "issueId"]

   JsonListModel {
     id: issuesModel
     source: dataModel.issuesJsonData
     keyField: "id"
     fields: ["id", "title", "label", "status", "imageSrc"]

   SortFilterProxyModel {
     id: filteredIssuesModel
     sourceModel: dataModel.issuesModel
     filters: RegExpFilter {
       roleName: "title"
       pattern: issuesSearchTerm
       caseSensitivity: Qt.CaseInsensitive

   Labs.Settings {
     id: settings

     property bool loggedIn: false

   function login() {
     settings.loggedIn = true

   function logout() {
     settings.loggedIn = false

   function addWorklog(issue, startDate, timeSpent, comment) {
     var item = {
       id: (Math.random()*10000).toString(),
       title: issue.title,
       description: issue.label + " at " + Qt.formatTime(startDate, "hh:mm") + ": " + comment,
       imageSrc: issue.imageSrc,
       started: startDate,
       worktime: Qt.formatTime(startDate, "hh:ss"),
       timeSpent: timeSpent,
       timeSpentSeconds: getTimeSpentInSecondsFromString(timeSpent),
       tracking: "false",
       issueId: issue.id,
       comment: comment

     worklogModel.insert(0, item)

   function updateWorklog(issue, worklog, startDate, timeSpent, comment) {
     //console.debug("XXX " + worklog)
     //console.debug("XXX " + JSON.stringify(worklog))

     var item = {
       id: worklog.id,
       title: worklog.title,
       description: issue.label + " at " + Qt.formatTime(startDate, "hh:mm") + ": " + comment,
       imageSrc: worklog.imageSrc,
       started: startDate,
       worktime: Qt.formatTime(startDate, "hh:ss"),
       timeSpent: timeSpent,
       timeSpentSeconds: getTimeSpentInSecondsFromString(timeSpent),
       tracking: "false",
       issueId: worklog.issueId,
       comment: comment

     worklogModel.set(worklogModel.indexOf("id", worklog.id), item)
     worklogModel.countChanged() // trigger a re-cacluclation of totalTime, as it only listens to a change of count by default

   function getIssueForId(id) {
     return issuesModel.get(issuesModel.indexOf("id", id))

   function removeWorklog(id) {
     worklogModel.remove(worklogModel.indexOf("id", id))

   function getStatus(status) {
     return statusHelper[status].text

   function getStatusColor(status) {
     return statusHelper[status].color

   function formatDateTime(date) {
     return Qt.formatDateTime(date, "ddd d. MMM, yy hh:mm")

   function formatDuration(seconds) {
     var durationString = Math.floor(seconds/60)%60 + "m"
     var hours = Math.floor(seconds/3600)
     var days = Math.floor(hours/8)
     if(hours > 0) durationString = hours%8 + "h " + durationString
     if(days > 0) durationString = days + "d " + durationString
     return durationString

   function getTimeSpentInSecondsFromString(timeSpentString) {
     var timeArray = timeSpentString.split(" ")
     //var timeArrayMinutes = timeSpentString.split("m")
     //var timeArrayHours = timeSpentString.split("h")

     var timeInSeconds = 0
     for (var i=0; i<timeArray.length; i++) {
       var str
       if(timeArray[i].endsWith("m")) {
         str = timeArray[i].split("m")
         //console.debug("str:", JSON.stringify(str))
         timeInSeconds += str[0] * 60
       else if(timeArray[i].endsWith("h")) {
         str = timeArray[i].split("h")
         //console.debug("str:", JSON.stringify(str))
         timeInSeconds += str[0] * 3600
     return timeInSeconds

   function calculateTotalTime() {
     // this function updates automatically when count changes. a countChanged() is also triggered if a worklog is updated
     var sum = 0
     for(var i=0; i<worklogModel.count; i++) {
       sum += worklogModel.get(i).timeSpentSeconds
Qt_Technology_Partner_RGB_475 Qt_Service_Partner_RGB_475_padded