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PropertyCross Demo App

 import QtQuick 2.0
 import QtPositioning 5.3
 import Qt.labs.settings 1.0

 Item {

   // property to configure target dispatcher / logic
   property alias dispatcher: logicConnection.target

   //called when a page of listings has been received from the server
   signal listingsReceived

   //called when the location of the device has been received
   signal locationReceived

   //location type, a coordinate type with latitude, longitude and isValid property
   readonly property var location: positionSource.position.coordinate

   //true when there is data being loaded in the background
   //or when the location is being retrieved
   readonly property bool loading: client.loading || positionSource.active

   //total number of found listings, listings property only contains the first page
   readonly property alias numTotalListings: _.numTotalListings

   //number of listings currently loaded
   readonly property int numListings: _.listings.length

   //list model for listings list page
   readonly property var listings: _.createListingsModel(_.listings)

   //list model for listings list page
   readonly property var favoriteListings: _.createListingsModel(_.favoriteListingsValues, true)

   //list model for search page location list
   readonly property var locations: _.createLocationsModel()

   //list model for search page recent searches list
   readonly property var recentSearches: _.createRecentSearchesModel()

   readonly property bool isSuggested: _.locationSource === _.locationSourceSuggested
   readonly property bool isRecent: _.locationSource === _.locationSourceRecent
   readonly property bool isError: _.locationSource === _.locationSourceError

   readonly property bool positioningSupported: positionSource.supportedPositioningMethods !==
                                                PositionSource.NoPositioningMethods &&

   // handle logic actions
   Connections {
     id: logicConnection

     // action 1 - useLocation
     onUseLocation: {
       if(positionSource.position.coordinate.isValid) {
         //already have a location
       } else {
         _.locationSearchPending = true

     // action 2 - searchListings
     onSearchListings: {
       _.lastSearchText = addToRecents ? searchText : ""
       _.listings = []
       client.search(searchText, _.responseCallback)

     // action 3 - showRecentSearches
     onShowRecentSearches: {
       _.locationSource = _.locationSourceRecent

     // action 4 - loadNextPage
     onLoadNextPage: {
       client.repeatForPage(_.currentPage + 1, _.responseCallback)

     // action 5 - toggleFavorite
     onToggleFavorite: {
       var listingDataStr = JSON.stringify(listingData)
       var index =  _.favoriteListingsValues.indexOf(listingDataStr)

       if(index < 0) {
         _.favoriteListingsValues.push(listingDataStr) // add entry to favorites
       } else {
         _.favoriteListingsValues.splice(index, 1)  // remove entry in favorites


   function isFavorite(listingData) {
     return _.favoriteListingsValues.indexOf(JSON.stringify(listingData)) >= 0

   Settings {
     property string recentSearches: JSON.stringify(_.recentSearches)
     property string favoriteListingsValues: JSON.stringify(_.favoriteListingsValues)

     Component.onCompleted: {
       _.recentSearches = recentSearches && JSON.parse(recentSearches) || {}
       _.favoriteListingsValues = favoriteListingsValues && JSON.parse(favoriteListingsValues) || []

   Client {
     id: client

   PositionSource {
     id: positionSource
     active: false

     onActiveChanged: {
       var coord = position.coordinate
       console.log("Coordinates:", coord.latitude, coord.longitude,
                   "valid:", coord.isValid,
                   "source active:", active)

       if(!active) {
         if(coord.isValid && _.locationSearchPending) {
           _.locationSearchPending = false

     onUpdateTimeout: console.log("location timed out")

   Item {
     id: _ //private members

     property int locationSource: locationSourceRecent

     property var favoriteListingsValues: []

     property var recentSearches: ({})

     property var locations: []
     property var listings: []
     property int numTotalListings

     property int currentPage: 1

     property string lastSearchText: ""

     readonly property int locationSourceSuggested: 1
     readonly property int locationSourceRecent: 2
     readonly property int locationSourceError: 3

     readonly property var successCodes: ["100", "101", "110"]
     readonly property var ambiguousCodes: ["200", "202"]

     property bool locationSearchPending: false

     function searchByLocation() {
       var coord = positionSource.position.coordinate
       client.searchByLocation(coord.latitude, coord.longitude, _.responseCallback)

     function responseCallback(obj) {
       var response = obj.response
       var code = response.application_response_code
       console.debug("Server returned application code:", code)
       if(successCodes.indexOf(code) >= 0) {
         //found a location -> display listings
         currentPage = parseInt(response.page)
         listings = listings.concat(response.listings)
         numTotalListings = response.total_results || 0
         console.debug("Server returned", response.listings.length, "listings")
         addRecentSearch(qsTr("%1 (%2 listings)").arg(lastSearchText).arg(numTotalListings))
       } else if(ambiguousCodes.indexOf(code) >= 0) {
         //found ambiguous locations -> display locations
         locations = response.locations
         console.debug("Server returned", response.locations.length, "locations")
         addRecentSearch(qsTr("%1 (%2 locations)").arg(lastSearchText).arg(response.locations.length))
         locationSource = locationSourceSuggested
       else if(code === "210") {
         // no result found
         locations = []
         locationSource = locationSourceSuggested
       else {
         //found nothing -> display error
         locations = []
         locationSource = locationSourceError

     function createLocationsModel() {
       return locations.map(function(data) {
         return {
           heading: "Please select a location below",
           text: data.title,
           detailText: data.long_title,
           model: data,
           searchText: data.place_name

     function createRecentSearchesModel() {
       return Object.keys(recentSearches).map(function(text) {
         return {
           heading: "Recent Searches",
           text: recentSearches[text].displayText,
           searchText: text

     function createListingsModel(source, parseValues) {
       return source.map(function(data) {
           data = JSON.parse(data)

         return {
           text: data.price_formatted,
           detailText: data.title,
           image: data.thumb_url,
           model: data

     function addRecentSearch(displayText) {
       if(lastSearchText) {
         recentSearches[lastSearchText] = {
           displayText: displayText
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