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Qt World Summit Conference App

 import QtQuick 2.0
 import Felgo 4.0

 NotificationBar {
   z: 1
   y: -height
   width: parent.width // parent should be game window, bar fills window then
   height: Theme.statusBarHeight + dp(60)
   enabled: visible
   visible: false // notification bar will be set visible when display(...) is called

   // duration that notification will show, in ms
   property int duration: 3000

   // colors of notification bar
   property color tintColor: "#f05352" // default value, will be set to MultiplayerView::tintColor when used by FelgoMultiplayer
   property color backgroundColor: Qt.rgba(tintColor.r, tintColor.g, tintColor.b, 0.75)
   property color textColor: "white"

   // content of last received notification
   property string lastNotificationMessage: ""
   property var lastNotificationData: []
   property bool lastNotificationIsActive: false

   // is emitted when user manually dismisses the notification by clicking
   signal dismiss(string message, var additionalData, bool isActive)

   // display function is called when FelgoMultiplayer receives a notification
   onDisplay: {
     console.debug("Display notification "+message+"; data: "+JSON.stringify(additionalData)+"; isActive: "+isActive)

     // memorize notification
     lastNotificationMessage = message
     lastNotificationData = additionalData
     lastNotificationIsActive = isActive

     // set notification text
     notificationMessage.text = message
     notificationTitle.text = additionalData.title

     // show notification bar
     y = 0
     visible = true

   // background
   Rectangle {
     anchors.fill: parent
     color: parent.backgroundColor

   // text
   Text {
     // set font
     id: notificationTitle
     font.pixelSize: sp(18)
     font.bold: true
     color: parent.textColor
     text: ""
     y: dp(8) + Theme.statusBarHeight
     x: dp(8)

   Text {
     // set font
     id: notificationMessage
     font.pixelSize: sp(15)
     x: dp(8)
     color: parent.textColor
     text: ""
     anchors.top: notificationTitle.bottom

   // handle clicks for dismiss
   MouseArea {
     anchors.fill: parent
     onClicked: {
       dismiss(lastNotificationMessage, lastNotificationData, lastNotificationIsActive)

   // hide automatically after interval passes
   Timer {
     id: hideAfterDelay
     interval: duration
     onTriggered: {

   // animate the y property to let the notification bar slide in and out
   Behavior on y {
     SequentialAnimation {
       // first do animation
       NumberAnimation {
         duration: 600
         easing.type: Easing.InOutCubic
       // if animation completed and it was a slide-out, reset notification bar
       ScriptAction {
         script: {
           if(y <= -height) {
             notificationMessage.text = ""
             notificationTitle.text = ""
             visible = false

   // hide function slides out the notification bar
   function hide() {
Qt_Technology_Partner_RGB_475 Qt_Service_Partner_RGB_475_padded