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Qt World Summit Conference App

 import QtQuick 2.0
 import QtQuick.Controls 2.0
 import Felgo 4.0
 import "../common"

 // feedback window to contact Felgo
 Dialog {
   id: likeDialog
   negativeAction: false
   positiveAction: false
   autoSize: true
   outsideTouchable: false

   Item {
     id: contentArea
     width: parent.width
     height: content.height

     Column {
       id: content
       width: parent.width
       anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
       anchors.top: parent.top
       anchors.margins: spacing
       spacing: dp(20)

       // like text
       Text {
         id: likeText
         horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
         anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
         text: "Do you like this app?"
         color: Theme.textColor
         font.pixelSize: sp(18)
         width: parent.width * 0.8//- anchors.topMargin * 2
         wrapMode: Text.Wrap

       // like / dislike buttons
       Row {
         anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
         spacing: parent.spacing * 2

         Rectangle {
           width: dp(72)
           height: width / redThumbImage.sourceSize.width * redThumbImage.sourceSize.height
           radius: dp(10)
           color: Theme.secondaryBackgroundColor
           anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter

           AppImage {
             id: redThumbImage
             source: Qt.resolvedUrl("../../assets/RedThumb.png")
             anchors.fill: parent
             anchors.margins: dp(12)
             fillMode: AppImage.PreserveAspectFit

           MouseArea {
             anchors.fill: parent
             onClicked: likeDialog.canceled()

         Rectangle {
           width: dp(72)
           height: width / greenThumbImage.sourceSize.width * greenThumbImage.sourceSize.height
           radius: dp(10)
           color: Theme.secondaryBackgroundColor
           anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter

           AppImage {
             id: greenThumbImage
             source: Qt.resolvedUrl("../../assets/GreenThumb.png")
             anchors.fill: parent
             anchors.margins: dp(14)
             fillMode: AppImage.PreserveAspectFit

           MouseArea {
             anchors.fill: parent
             onClicked: likeDialog.accepted()

Qt_Technology_Partner_RGB_475 Qt_Service_Partner_RGB_475_padded