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Qt World Summit Conference App

 import Felgo 4.0
 import QtQuick 2.0
 import "../common"

 Item {
   id: dayScheduleItem

   property var scheduleData: []

   signal itemClicked(var item);

   readonly property bool loading: _.loadingCount > 0

   property alias emptyText: listView.emptyText

   property bool searchAllowed: true

   property alias listView: listView

   signal searchAccepted(string text)

   Component.onCompleted: {
     // helps to correctly update firstItemIndex and lastItemIndex of listView
     jumpToNow() // scroll to talk of current time initially

   // private members
   Item {
     id: _
     property int loadingCount: 0

   // jump to now button (top)
   JumpToNowButton {
     id: jumpToNowTop
     z: 1
     y: show ? dp(5) : -height
     opacity: show ? 1 : 0
     text: "now"
     visible: !Theme.isIos

     // whether jump to now button should be visible, will be set while scrolling through view
     property bool show: false

     // onClicked - jump to list view position
     onClicked: {
       if(text === "now")
       show = false

   // jump to now button (bottom)
   JumpToNowButton {
     id: jumpToNowBottom
     z: 1
     y: show ? parent.height - height - dp(5) : parent.height
     opacity: show ? 1 : 0
     text: "now"

     // whether jump to now button should be visible, will be set while scrolling through view
     property bool show: false

     // onClicked - jump to list view position
     onClicked: { jumpToNow(); show = false; }

   // show/hide jump to now buttons
   Connections {
     id: updater
     target: listView
     onFirstItemIndexChanged: updateJumpToNow()
     onLastItemIndexChanged: updateJumpToNow()

     // update visibility settings of jump to now button
     function updateJumpToNow() {
       if(!scheduleData || scheduleData.length == 0) {
         jumpToNowTop.show = false
         jumpToNowBottom.show = false

       var now = getCurrentDateTime()
       var nowItemIdx = itemIndexForTime(now.getTime())

       // check if nowItem (nearest) is not today -> always show scroll to top then
       var nowItemDate = getEventDateTime(scheduleData[nowItemIdx])
       if(nowItemDate.getFullYear() !== now.getFullYear() || nowItemDate.getMonth() !== now.getMonth() || nowItemDate.getDate() !== now.getDate())
         nowItemIdx = 0

       // use scroll to top if first
       if(nowItemIdx === 0)
         jumpToNowTop.text = "to top"
         jumpToNowTop.text = "now"

       // use scroll to bottom if last item
       if(nowItemIdx === (scheduleData.length - 1))
         jumpToNowBottom.text = "to bottom"
         jumpToNowBottom.text = "now"

       // show/hide correct buttons
       if(nowItemIdx >= listView.firstItemIndex && nowItemIdx <= listView.lastItemIndex) {
         // currently ongoing talk is visible
         jumpToNowTop.show = false
         jumpToNowBottom.show = false
       else if(nowItemIdx > listView.firstItemIndex && listView.firstItemIndex >= 0) {
         jumpToNowTop.show = false
         jumpToNowBottom.show = true
       else if(nowItemIdx < listView.lastItemIndex) {
         jumpToNowTop.show = true
         jumpToNowBottom.show = false
       else {
         jumpToNowTop.show = false
         jumpToNowBottom.show = false

   // app list view with daily schedule
   AppListView {
     id: listView
     width: parent.width
     height: parent.height - y
     model: JsonListModel {
       id: listModel
       source: scheduleData
       keyField: "id"
     cacheBuffer: 10000 // allows to cache delegate items to fill up whole listview for invisible area at top and bottom

     // search header for listview
     header: SearchBar {
       visible: searchAllowed
       height: searchAllowed ? implicitHeight : 0
       onAccepted: searchAccepted(text)
       iosAlternateStyle: true

     // provide index of first and last visible item
     property int firstItemIndex: nearestIndexAt(listView.width * 0.5, contentY, true)
     property int lastItemIndex: nearestIndexAt(listView.width * 0.5, contentY + listView.height, false)

     // nearestIndexAt - returns nearest item index for x,y position
     property real relaxationStep: dp(10)
     function nearestIndexAt(xPos, yPos, nextFirst) {
       var index = listView.indexAt(xPos, yPos)
       var relaxationStep = dp(10)

       // if nothing found (e.g. section is at chosen point) -> retry with relaxation factor
       var relaxation = relaxationStep
       while(index === -1 && relaxation <= listView.height * 0.5) {
         var next = listView.indexAt(listView.width * 0.5, yPos + relaxation)
         var prev = listView.indexAt(listView.width * 0.5, yPos - relaxation)
           index = next > -1 ? next : prev
           index = prev > -1 ? prev : next
         relaxation += relaxationStep

       return index

     // scrollToIndex - scrolls listview to item with given index
     function scrollToIndex(idx) {
       listView.positionViewAtIndex(idx, ListView.Beginning)

     // row item config
     delegate: ScheduleListItem {
       item: listModel.get(index)
       onSelected: dayScheduleItem.itemClicked(item)
       parentView: listView
       onLoadingChanged: {
       Component.onDestruction: if(loading) _.loadingCount--

     // section config
     section.property: "section"
     section.delegate: SimpleSection {
       style.compactStyle: true
       textItem.horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter

     emptyText.text: "No events."

   // add or remove item from favorites
   function toggleFavorite(item) {

   // itemIndexForTime - get item index for time in ms
   function itemIndexForTime(time) {
     var i = -1
     for(var idx in scheduleData) {
       var data = scheduleData[idx]
       var eventTime = getEventDateTime(data).getTime()
       if(eventTime >= time) {
     return i

   // getEventDateTime - build JS date object for event
   function getEventDateTime(event) {
     var date = new Date(event.day+"T"+event.start+".000"+dataModel.timeZone)
     return date

   // getCurrentDateTime - returns JS date object for current time
   function getCurrentDateTime() {
     return new Date()

   // jumpToNow - jumps to list entry matching current time
   function jumpToNow() {
     var now = getCurrentDateTime().getTime()
     var nowItemIndex = itemIndexForTime(now)
     if(nowItemIndex >= 0)
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