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Qt World Summit Conference App

 import QtQuick 2.0
 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1
 import Felgo 4.0
 import "../common"

 FlickablePage {
   id: page
   title: "Contact Info"

   property string contactId
   property var contact
   property var dataTextSize: sp(12)

   flickable.contentWidth: width
   flickable.contentHeight: contentCol.height

   GridLayout {
     id: contentCol
     x: dp(Theme.navigationBar.defaultBarItemPadding)
     Layout.preferredWidth: implicitWidth
     Layout.maximumWidth: parent.width - dp(Theme.navigationBar.defaultBarItemPadding)
     columns: 2
     rowSpacing: columnSpacing * 0.5
     columnSpacing: dp(Theme.navigationBar.defaultBarItemPadding)
     anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter

     Item {
       Layout.columnSpan: 2
       Layout.fillWidth: true
       height: parent.rowSpacing

     AppText {
       text: "Name:"
       visible: appTextName.visible
       font.pixelSize: page.dataTextSize
       font.bold: true
       font.weight: Font.Bold
       font.family: Theme.boldFont.name

     AppText {
       id: appTextName
       Layout.fillWidth: true
       text: contact && contact.name ? contact.name : ""
       wrapMode: AppText.WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere
       visible: text !== ""
       font.pixelSize: page.dataTextSize

     AppText {
       text: "Email:"
       visible: appTextEmail.visible
       font.pixelSize: page.dataTextSize
       font.bold: true
       font.weight: Font.Bold
       font.family: Theme.boldFont.name

     AppText {
       id: appTextEmail
       Layout.fillWidth: true
       text: contact && contact.email ? contact.email : ""
       wrapMode: AppText.WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere
       visible: text !== ""
       font.pixelSize: page.dataTextSize

     AppText {
       text: "Phone:"
       visible: appTextPhone.visible
       font.pixelSize: page.dataTextSize
       font.bold: true
       font.weight: Font.Bold
       font.family: Theme.boldFont.name

     AppText {
       id: appTextPhone
       Layout.fillWidth: true
       text: contact && contact.work_phone ? contact.work_phone : ""
       wrapMode: AppText.WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere
       visible: text !== "" && text !== "0"
       font.pixelSize: page.dataTextSize

     AppText {
       text: "Company:"
       visible: appTextCompany.visible
       font.pixelSize: page.dataTextSize
       font.bold: true
       font.weight: Font.Bold
       font.family: Theme.boldFont.name

     AppText {
       id: appTextCompany
       Layout.fillWidth: true
       text: contact && contact.company ? contact.company : ""
       wrapMode: AppText.WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere
       visible: text !== ""
       font.pixelSize: page.dataTextSize

     AppText {
       text: "Position:"
       visible: appTextJobTitle.visible
       font.pixelSize: page.dataTextSize
       font.bold: true
       font.weight: Font.Bold
       font.family: Theme.boldFont.name

     AppText {
       id: appTextJobTitle
       Layout.fillWidth: true
       text: contact && contact.job_title ? contact.job_title : ""
       wrapMode: AppText.WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere
       visible: text !== ""
       font.pixelSize: page.dataTextSize

     AppText {
       text: "Address:"
       visible: appTextAddress.visible
       font.pixelSize: page.dataTextSize
       font.bold: true
       font.weight: Font.Bold
       font.family: Theme.boldFont.name

     AppText {
       id: appTextAddress
       Layout.fillWidth: true
       text: contact && contact.address ? contact.address : ""
       wrapMode: AppText.WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere
       visible: text !== ""
       font.pixelSize: page.dataTextSize

     AppText {
       text: "City:"
       visible: appTextCity.visible
       font.pixelSize: page.dataTextSize
       font.bold: true
       font.weight: Font.Bold
       font.family: Theme.boldFont.name

     AppText {
       id: appTextCity
       Layout.fillWidth: true
       text: contact && contact.city ? contact.city : ""
       wrapMode: AppText.WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere
       visible: text !== ""
       font.pixelSize: page.dataTextSize

     AppText {
       text: "Province:"
       visible: appTextProvince.visible
       font.pixelSize: page.dataTextSize
       font.bold: true
       font.weight: Font.Bold
       font.family: Theme.boldFont.name

     AppText {
       id: appTextProvince
       Layout.fillWidth: true
       text: contact && contact.province ? contact.province : ""
       wrapMode: AppText.WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere
       visible: text !== ""
       font.pixelSize: page.dataTextSize

     AppText {
       text: "Country:"
       visible: appTextCountry.visible
       font.pixelSize: page.dataTextSize
       font.bold: true
       font.weight: Font.Bold
       font.family: Theme.boldFont.name

     AppText {
       id: appTextCountry
       Layout.fillWidth: true
       text: contact && contact.country ? contact.country : ""
       wrapMode: AppText.WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere
       visible: text !== ""
       font.pixelSize: page.dataTextSize

     Item {
       Layout.fillWidth: true
       Layout.columnSpan: 2
       width: parent.width
       height: parent.rowSpacing

     AppButton {
       text: "Store Contact"
       Layout.columnSpan: 2
       Layout.fillWidth: true
       flat: false
       anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
       onClicked: storeContact()

     AppButton {
       text: "Remove from Contact List"
       Layout.columnSpan: 2
       Layout.fillWidth: true
       flat: true
       anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
       onClicked: NativeDialog.confirm("Confirm Removal", "Are you sure want to remove this contact?", function(accept) {
         if(accept) {
       verticalMargin: 0


   function storeContact() {
     // get company data
     var company = contact && contact.company ? contact.company : ""
     var adress = contact && contact.address ? contact.address : ""
     var city = contact && contact.city ? contact.city : ""
     var province = contact && contact.province ? contact.province : ""
     var country = contact && contact.country ? contact.country : ""

     // get contact data
     var name = contact && contact.name ? contact.name : ""
     var phone = contact && contact.work_phone ? contact.work_phone : ""
     var email = contact && contact.email ? contact.email : ""
     var job = contact && contact.job_title ? contact.job_title : ""

     // build vCard
     var vCard = "BEGIN:VCARD

     // add plain or encoded name to vCard (encode if non-latin chars are present)
     if(vCardEncodingRequired(name)) {
       name = encodeQuotedPrintable(name)
       vCard += "N;CHARSET=UTF-8;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:"+name+";;;;
     } else {
       vCard += "N:"+name+";;;;

     // add company
       vCard += "ORG;CHARSET=UTF-8;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:"+encodeQuotedPrintable(company)+"\n";
       vCard += "ORG:"+company+"\n";

     // add job title
       vCard += "TITLE;CHARSET=UTF-8;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:"+encodeQuotedPrintable(job)+"\n";
       vCard += "TITLE:"+job+"\n";

     // add phone and email to vCard
     if(phone != "")
       vCard += "TEL;WORK:"+phone+"\n"
     if(email != "")
       vCard += "EMAIL;WORK:"+email+"\n"

     // add adress to vCard
     if(adress != "" || city != "" || province != "" || country != "") {
       // add plain or encoded adress (encode if non-latin chars are present)
       if(vCardEncodingRequired(adress) || vCardEncodingRequired(city) || vCardEncodingRequired(province) || vCardEncodingRequired(country)) {
         adress = encodeQuotedPrintable(adress)
         city = encodeQuotedPrintable(city)
         province = encodeQuotedPrintable(province)
         country = encodeQuotedPrintable(country)
         vCard += "ADR;WORK;CHARSET=UTF-8;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:;;"+adress+";"+city+";"+province+";;"+country+"\n";
         vCard += "ADR;WORK:;;"+adress+";"+city+";"+province+";;"+country+"\n";

     vCard += "END:VCARD";

     // store vCard
     var success = nativeUtils.storeContacts(vCard)
     if(system.isPlatform(System.IOS)) {
       // handle success/error on iOS give feedback to user
         NativeDialog.confirm("Contact stored.", "", function() {}, false)
         NativeDialog.confirm("Could not store contact",
                              "The app does not have permission to access the AddressBook, please allow access in the device settings.",
                              function() {}, false)
     else if (system.isPlatform(System.Android)) {
       // only react to error on Android, if successful the device will open the vcard data file
       if(!success) {
         NativeDialog.confirm("Could not store contact",
                              "Error when trying to store the vCard to the user documents folder.",
                              function() {}, false)
     else {
       // platform not supported
       NativeDialog.confirm("Could not store contact", "Storing contacts is only possible on iOS and Android.", function() {}, false)

   // function for encoding string in quoted-printable vor vCard
   function encodeQuotedPrintable(text) {
     var charsPerLine = 69 // output lines in quoted printable hold 70 chars max
     var result = ""
     var curLineLength = 0

     // convert string to utf-8
     var utf8 = unescape(encodeURIComponent(text));

     // convert all chars of line to quoted printable hex representation
     for(var i = 0; i < utf8.length; i++) {
       var charCode = utf8.charCodeAt(i)
       var hexChar =  charCode.toString(16).toUpperCase() // hex value of character
       if(hexChar.length == 1)
         hexChar = "0"+hexChar

       if((curLineLength + hexChar.length + 1) > charsPerLine) {
         curLineLength = 0
         result += "=\n" // invisible line break in vCard

       curLineLength += (hexChar.length + 1)
       result += ("=" + hexChar)

     return result

   // function to check whether a string must be encoded for vCard format
   function vCardEncodingRequired(str) {
     var regExNonLatin = /[^\u0000-\u007f]/;
     // encoding is required if non lating string or multi-line text
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