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Qt World Summit Conference App

 import Felgo 4.0
 import QtQuick 2.0
 import "../common"
 import QtQuick.Controls 2.0 as QtQuick2

 AppPage {
   id: page
   title: "Favorites"
   rightBarItem: ActivityIndicatorBarItem { opacity: dataModel.loading || scheduleItem.loading ? 1 : 0 }

   property var favoritesModel: dataModel.favorites ? prepareFavoritesModel(dataModel.favorites) : []
   readonly property bool dataAvailable: favoritesModel.length > 0

   signal floatingButtonClicked
   onFloatingButtonClicked: navigation.currentIndex = 1

   // update UI when favourites change
   Connections {
     target: dataModel
     onFavoritesChanged: favoritesModel = dataModel.favorites ? prepareFavoritesModel(dataModel.favorites) : []

   AppText {
     text: "No talks added to favorites yet."
     visible: !dataAvailable
     anchors.centerIn: parent

   TimetableDaySchedule {
     id: scheduleItem
     anchors.fill: parent
     scheduleData: favoritesModel
     searchAllowed: false
     onItemClicked: {
       //page.navigationStack.popAllExceptFirstAndPush(Qt.resolvedUrl("DetailPage.qml"), { item: item })
       page.navigationStack.popAllExceptFirstAndPush(detailPageComponent, { item: item })
     visible: dataAvailable

   FloatingActionButton {
     iconType: IconType.calendaro
     onClicked: floatingButtonClicked()

     property int currentVisibleItemCount: !!favoritesModel ? favoritesModel.length : 0

     opacity: (scheduleItem.listView.lastItemIndex === currentVisibleItemCount - 1) ? 0 : 1
     enabled: opacity > 0
     Behavior on opacity {
       NumberAnimation { duration: 150 }

   // prepareFavoritesModel - package favorites data in array ready to be displayed by TimeTableDaySchedule item
   function prepareFavoritesModel(favorites) {
     if(!(favorites && dataModel.talks))
       return []

     var days = ['Sunday','Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday','Saturday'];

     // get events and prepare data for sorting and sections
     var events = []
     for(var id in favorites) {
       var data = dataModel.talks[favorites[id]]
       if(data !== undefined) {
         // prepare event date for sorting
         var date = new Date(data.day+"T00:00.000Z")
         data.dayTime = date.getTime()

         // prepare event section
         var weekday = isNaN(date.getUTCDay()) ? "Unknown" : days[ date.getUTCDay() ]
         data.section = weekday + ", " + (data.start.substring(0, 2) + ":00")


     // sort events
     events = events.sort(function(a, b) {
       if(a.dayTime == b.dayTime)
         return (a.start > b.start) - (a.start < b.start)
         return (a.dayTime > b.dayTime) - (a.dayTime < b.dayTime)

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