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Qt World Summit Conference App

 import Felgo
 import QtQuick
 import "../common"
 import "../details"

 ListPage {
   id: morePage
   title: "More"
   backgroundColor: Theme.colors.secondaryBackgroundColor

   property string ratingUrl: system.isPlatform(System.IOS) ? publisherDetails.ratingUrls.ios :
                              system.isPlatform(System.Android) ? publisherDetails.ratingUrls.android :

   // Note: no need to e.g. use JsonListModel here, this model menu items won't change while using the app
   property var modelConfig: app.tablet ? [
                         { text: "About this app", section: "More", page: Qt.resolvedUrl("AboutFelgoPage.qml"), icon: IconType.home },
                         { text: "Rate this app", section: "More", special: "rate", icon: IconType.star, visible: morePage.ratingUrl !== "" },
                         { text: "Share this app", section: "More", special: "share", icon: IconType.share, visible: morePage.ratingUrl !== "" }
                       ] : [
                         { text: "Venue", section: "General", page: Qt.resolvedUrl("VenuePage.qml"), icon: IconType.building },
                         { text: "Speakers", section: "General", page: Qt.resolvedUrl("SpeakersPage.qml"), icon: IconType.microphone },
                         { text: "Settings", section: "General", page: Qt.resolvedUrl("SettingsPage.qml"), icon: IconType.gears },
                         { text: "About this app", section: "More", page: Qt.resolvedUrl("AboutFelgoPage.qml"), icon: IconType.home },
                         { text: "Rate this app", section: "More", special: "rate", icon: IconType.star, visible: morePage.ratingUrl !== "" },
                         { text: "Share this app", section: "More", special: "share", icon: IconType.share, visible: morePage.ratingUrl !== "" }
   model: modelConfig.filter(entry => entry.visible !== false)

   section.property: "section"

   delegate: AppListItem {
     insetStyle: Theme.isIos
     leftItem: Item {
       width: dp(26)
       height: parent.height
       AppIcon {
         iconType: modelData.icon
         size: dp(17)
         anchors.centerIn: parent
     text: modelData.text
     visible: modelData.visible !== false
     onSelected: {
       if(modelData.special) {
         if(modelData.special === "rate") {
         } else if(modelData.special === "share") {
           nativeUtils.share("Check out the " + eventDetails.name + " Conference App!", morePage.ratingUrl)
       } else {
Qt_Technology_Partner_RGB_475 Qt_Service_Partner_RGB_475_padded