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Qt World Summit Conference App

 import QtQuick 2.0
 import Felgo 4.0
 import Qt5Compat.GraphicalEffects
 import "pages"
 import "common"
 import "common/social"

 Item {
   anchors.fill: parent

   // make navigation public
   property alias navigation: navigation

   // social view (only once per app)
  // property alias socialViewItem: socialView //publicly accessible

   Component.onCompleted: {
     if(system.publishBuild) {
 //      // give 1 point for opening the app
 //      if(gameNetwork.userScoresInitiallySynced)
 //        gameNetwork.reportRelativeScore(1)
 //      else
 //        gameNetwork.addScoreWhenSynced += 1
     notificationTimer.start() // schedule notification at app-start
     checkFeedbackDialog() // check app starts and show feedback dialog

   // handle data loading failed
   Connections {
     target: dataModel
     onLoadingFailed: NativeDialog.confirm("Failed to update conference data, please try again later.")
     onFavoriteAdded: talk => {
       console.debug("favorite added")
 //      if(gameNetwork.userScoresInitiallySynced)
 //        gameNetwork.reportRelativeScore(1)
 //      else
 //        gameNetwork.addScoreWhenSynced += 1

       // only schedule a notification for the changed talk, not for all again

       amplitude.logEvent("Favor Talk",{"title" : talk.title, "talkId" : talk.id})
     onFavoriteRemoved: talk => {
       console.debug("favorite removed")
 //      if(gameNetwork.userScoresInitiallySynced && gameNetwork.userHighscoreForCurrentActiveLeaderboard > 0)
 //        gameNetwork.reportRelativeScore(-1)
 //      else if(!gameNetwork.userScoresInitiallySynced)
 //        gameNetwork.addScoreWhenSynced -= 1


       amplitude.logEvent("Unfavor Talk",{"title" : talk.title, "talkId" : talk.id})
     onFavoritesChanged: {
       // the schedule call is stopped below anyways, if the notificationTimer did not complete
       // with this check, we would not allow push not syncing if the user is offline, thus do not add this
       //if(!gameNetwork.userInitiallyInSync) {
       //  console.debug("favorties changed, but user is not synced with server yet thus wait")
       //  return

       // dont reschedule all when favorites changed - they are scheduled indidividually instead as a complete reschedule is a lenghty operation
     onNotificationsEnabledChanged: {
        console.debug("onNotificationsEnabledChanged, reschedule notifications")

   // timer to schedule notifications several seconds after app startup
   Timer {
     id: notificationTimer
     interval: 8000 // we can delay this, is not time-critical to happen initially
     //running: true // start the timer when the compoent was loaded - it is started from onCompleted after the navigation was setup
     onTriggered: {
       console.debug("notificationTimer.triggered", running)

   Connections {
     target: notificationManager
     // display alert for upcoming sessions
     onNotificationFired: {
       if(notificationId >= 0) {
         // session reminder
         if(dataModel.loaded && dataModel.talks && dataModel.talks[notificationId]) {
           var talk = dataModel.talks[notificationId]
           var text = talk["title"]+" starts "+talk.start+" at "+talk["room"]+"."
           var title = "Session Reminder"
           NativeDialog.confirm(title, text, function(){}, false)
       else {
         // default notification
         NativeDialog.confirm("The conference starts soon!", "Thanks for using our app, we wish you a great Qt World Summit 2019!", function(){}, false)

   // scheduleNotificationsForFavorites
   function scheduleNotificationsForFavorites() {
     console.debug("attempting scheduleNotificationsForFavorites()")

     if(notificationTimer.running) {
       console.debug("notificationTimer at initialization is currently running, dont update yet")

     // if used within Demo Launcher app project, we do not use notifications
     if(typeof notificationManager === "undefined")

     console.debug("scheduling notifications now")

     // TODO: only re-schedule, if the current nofications changed. this may be a lengthy process

     if(!dataModel.notificationsEnabled || !dataModel.favorites || !dataModel.talks)

     for(var idx in dataModel.favorites) {
       var talkId = dataModel.favorites[idx]

     // add notification before world summit starts!
     var nowTime = new Date().getTime()
     var eveningBeforeConferenceTime = new Date("2019-11-03T21:00.000"+dataModel.timeZone).getTime()
     if(nowTime < eveningBeforeConferenceTime) {
       var text = "Felgo wishes all the best for Qt World Summit 2019 tomorrow!"
       var notification = {
         notificationId: -1,
         message: text,
         timestamp: Math.round(eveningBeforeConferenceTime / 1000) // utc seconds

   // scheduleNotificationForTalk
   function scheduleNotificationForTalk(talkId) {
     if(dataModel.loaded && dataModel.talks && dataModel.talks[talkId]) {
       var talk = dataModel.talks[talkId]
       var text = talk["title"]+" starts "+talk.start+" at "+talk["room"]+"."

       var nowTime = new Date().getTime()
       var utcDateStr = talk.day+"T"+talk.start+".000"+dataModel.timeZone
       var notificationTime = new Date(utcDateStr).getTime()
       notificationTime = notificationTime - 10 * 60 * 1000 // 10 minutes before

       if(nowTime < notificationTime) {
         var notification = {
           notificationId: talkId,
           message: text,
           timestamp: Math.round(notificationTime / 1000) // utc seconds

   function cancelNotificationForTalk(talkId) {

   // app navigation
   Navigation {
     id: navigation
     property string previousPageTitle: ""
     property string previousPagePlatform: ""
     property var currentPage: {
         return null

         return currentNavigationItem.navigationStack.currentPage
         return currentNavigationItem.page
     // track previous page & platform changes to restore previous page on platform-switch when navigation changes
     onCurrentPageChanged: {
       if(previousPagePlatform !== Theme.platform && previousPageTitle !== "") {
         previousPagePlatform = Theme.platform

         // current page changed due to platform switch -> restore previous page
         restorePageTimer.previousPageTitle = previousPageTitle
       else if(!!currentPage) {
         previousPagePlatform = Theme.platform
         previousPageTitle = currentPage.title

     // automatically load data if not loaded and schedule/favorites page is opened
     onCurrentIndexChanged: {
       if(currentIndex > 0 && currentIndex < 3) {
         if(!dataModel.loaded && isOnline)
     onCurrentNavigationItemChanged: {
       amplitude.logEvent("Open Page",{"title" : currentNavigationItem.title})

     // Drawer header item
     headerView: AppImage {
       id: drawerImage
       width: parent.width
       source: "../assets/QtWS2019_web banner1.png"
       fillMode: AppImage.PreserveAspectFit

       MouseArea {
         anchors.fill: parent
         onClicked: {
           navigation.currentIndex = 0

     NavigationItem {
       title: "About"
       iconComponent: Component {
         Item {
           height: !!parent ? parent.height : 0
           width: height

           property bool selected: parent && parent.selected

           AppIcon {
             anchors.centerIn: parent
             width: height
             height: parent.height
             iconType: IconType.home
             color: !parent.selected ? Theme.textColor  : Theme.tintColor
             visible: !felgoIcon.visible

           Image {
             id: felgoIcon
             height: parent.height
             anchors.horizontalCenter: parent ? parent.horizontalCenter : undefined
             fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit
             source: !parent.selected ? (Theme.isAndroid ? "../assets/Qt_logo_Android_off.png" : "../assets/Qt_logo_iOS_off.png") : "../assets/Qt_logo.png"
             visible: true

       NavigationStack {
         navigationBarShadow: false
         MainPage {}
     } // main

     NavigationItem {
       title: "Agenda"
       iconType: IconType.calendaro

       NavigationStack {
         splitView: tablet && landscape
         // if first page, reset leftColumnIndex (may change when searching)
         onTransitionFinished: {
           if(depth === 1)
             leftColumnIndex = 0

         TimetablePage {
     } // timetable

     NavigationItem {
       title: "Favorites"
       iconType: IconType.star

 //      asynchronous: true
       tabContentComponent: favoritesComponent
     } // favorites

     NavigationItem {
       title: "Speakers"
       iconType: IconType.microphone

 //      asynchronous: true
       tabContentComponent: speakersComponent
     } // speakers

     NavigationItem {
       title: "More"
       iconType: IconType.ellipsish
       showItem: !Theme.isAndroid

       tabContentComponent: moreComponent
       //asynchronous: true

 //    // social
 //    NavigationItem {
 //      title: "Business Meet"
 //      iconType: IconType.group
 //      showItem: Theme.isAndroid

 //      //asynchronous: true
 //      tabContentComponent: businessMeetComponent
 //    } // business meet

 //    NavigationItem {
 //      title: "Profile"
 //      iconType: IconType.user
 //      showItem: Theme.isAndroid

 //      //asynchronous: true
 //      tabContentComponent: profileComponent
 //    } // profile

 //    NavigationItem {
 //      title: "Chat"
 //      iconType: IconType.comment
 //      showItem: Theme.isAndroid

 //      //asynchronous: true
 //      tabContentComponent: chatComponent
 //    } // chat

 //    NavigationItem {
 //      title: "Leaderboard"
 //      iconType: IconType.flagcheckered
 //      showItem: Theme.isAndroid

 //     // asynchronous: true
 //      tabContentComponent: leaderboardComponent
 //    } // leaderboard

     NavigationItem {
       title: "Tracks"
       iconType: IconType.tag
       showItem: Theme.isAndroid

       //asynchronous: true
       tabContentComponent: tracksComponent
     } // tracks

     NavigationItem {
       title: "Venue"
       iconType: IconType.building
       showItem: Theme.isAndroid

       tabContentComponent: venueComponent
       //asynchronous: true
     } // venue

 //    NavigationItem {
 //      title: "QR Contacts"
 //      iconType: IconType.qrcode
 //      showItem: Theme.isAndroid

 //      asynchronous: true
 //      sourceComponent: contactsComponent
 //    } // qr contacts

     NavigationItem {
       title: "Settings"
       iconType: IconType.gears
       showItem: Theme.isAndroid

       tabContentComponent: settingsComponent
       //asynchronous: true
     } // settings

 //    NavigationItem {
 //      title: "About Felgo"
 //      showItem: Theme.isAndroid
 //      iconComponent: Item {
 //        height: parent.height
 //        width: height

 //        property bool selected: parent && parent.selected

 //        AppIcon {
 //          anchors.centerIn: parent
 //          width: height
 //          height: parent.height
 //          iconType: IconType.home
 //          color: !parent.selected ? Theme.textColor  : Theme.tintColor
 //          visible: !felgoIcon.visible
 //        }

 //        Image {
 //          id: felgoIcon
 //          height: parent.height
 //          anchors.horizontalCenter: parent ? parent.horizontalCenter : undefined
 //          fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit
 //          source: !parent.selected ? "../assets/Felgo_icon_nav_off.png" : "../assets/Felgo_icon_nav.png"
 //          visible: Theme.isIos || Theme.backgroundColor.r == 1 && Theme.backgroundColor.g == 1 && Theme.backgroundColor.b == 1
 //        }
 //      }

 //      sourceComponent: aboutFelgoComponent
 //      asynchronous: true
 //    } // About Felgo
   } // nav

   Component {
     id: favoritesComponent
     NavigationStack {
       splitView: tablet && landscape
       //Component.onCompleted: push(Qt.resolvedUrl("pages/FavoritesPage.qml"))
       FavoritesPage {


   Component {
     id: speakersComponent
     NavigationStack {
       splitView: landscape && tablet
       SpeakersPage {

       //Component.onCompleted: push(Qt.resolvedUrl("pages/SpeakersPage.qml"))

   Component {
     id: moreComponent
     NavigationStack {
       splitView: tablet && landscape
       Component.onCompleted: push(Qt.resolvedUrl("pages/MorePage.qml"))

 //  Component {
 //    id: businessMeetComponent
 //    NavigationStack {
 //      Component.onCompleted: push(socialView.businessMeetPage)
 //    }
 //  }

 //  Component {
 //    id: profileComponent
 //    NavigationStack {
 //      Component.onCompleted: push(socialView.profilePage)
 //    }
 //  }

 //  Component {
 //    id: chatComponent
 //    NavigationStack {
 //      Component.onCompleted: push(socialView.inboxPage)
 //    }
 //  }

 //  Component {
 //    id: leaderboardComponent
 //    NavigationStack {
 //      Component.onCompleted: push(socialView.leaderboardPage)
 //    }
 //  }

   Component {
     id: tracksComponent
     NavigationStack {
       splitView: landscape && tablet
       //Component.onCompleted: push(Qt.resolvedUrl("pages/TracksPage.qml"))
       TracksPage {


   Component {
     id: venueComponent
     NavigationStack {
       //Component.onCompleted: push(Qt.resolvedUrl("pages/VenuePage.qml"))
       VenuePage {


 //  Component {
 //    id: contactsComponent
 //    NavigationStack {
 //      // Note: QZXing library for barcode scanning is not available with QML Live Reloading
 //      Component.onCompleted: push(Qt.resolvedUrl("pages/ContactsPage.qml"))
 //    }
 //  }

   Component {
     id: settingsComponent
     NavigationStack {
       //Component.onCompleted: push(Qt.resolvedUrl("pages/SettingsPage.qml"))
       SettingsPage {


 //  Component {
 //    id: aboutFelgoComponent
 //    NavigationStack {
 //      Component.onCompleted: push(Qt.resolvedUrl("pages/AboutFelgoPage.qml"))
 //    }
 //  }

 //  SocialView {
 //    id: socialView
 //    visible: false
 //    anchors.fill: parent
 //    tintColor: Theme.tintColor

 //    profileUserDelegate: SocialProfileDelegate { }
 //    leaderboardUserDelegate: SocialLeaderboardDelegate { }

 //    property Component businessMeetPage: SocialUserSearchPage {
 //      id: businessMeetPage
 //      title: "Business Meet"
 //      filterToUsersWithCustomData: true // only search users with custom data

 //      // replace default user delegate to also show custom data
 //      userSearchUserDelegate: SocialSearchDelegate { }

 //      // open profile when user is selected
 //      onUserSelected: {
 //        socialViewItem.pushProfilePage(gameNetworkUser, businessMeetPage.navigationStack,
 //                               { friendStatus: modelData.friendStatus})
 //      }
 //    }
 //  }

   Timer {
     id: restorePageTimer
     interval: 5
     property string previousPageTitle: ""
     onTriggered: {
       var activeTitle = restorePageTimer.previousPageTitle

       // set active Android NavigationItem in drawer
       if(Theme.isAndroid) {
 //        if(activeTitle === "About Felgo")
 //          navigation.currentIndex = 12
         if(activeTitle === "Settings")
           navigation.currentIndex = 10
 //        else if(activeTitle === "Contacts")
 //          navigation.currentIndex = 10
         else if(activeTitle === "Venue")
           navigation.currentIndex = 9
         else if(activeTitle === "Tracks")
           navigation.currentIndex = 8
         else if(activeTitle === "Highscores")
           navigation.currentIndex = 7
         else if(activeTitle === "Inbox")
           navigation.currentIndex = 6
         else if(activeTitle === "User Profile")
           navigation.currentIndex = 5
         else if(activeTitle === "Business Meet")
           navigation.currentIndex = 4
       else {
         // push active Page to More-Page on iOS
         var target = ""
         if(activeTitle === "Highscores")
           target = socialView.leaderboardPage
         else if(activeTitle === "Inbox")
           target = socialView.inboxPage
         else if(activeTitle === "User Profile")
           target = socialView.profilePage
         else if(activeTitle === "Business Meet")
           target = socialView.businessMeetPage
         else if(activeTitle === "About Felgo")
           target = Qt.resolvedUrl("pages/AboutFelgoPage.qml")
         else if(activeTitle === "Settings")
           target = Qt.resolvedUrl("pages/SettingsPage.qml")
         else if(activeTitle === "Contacts")
           target = Qt.resolvedUrl("pages/ContactsPage.qml")
         else if(activeTitle === "Venue")
           target = Qt.resolvedUrl("pages/VenuePage.qml")
         else if(activeTitle === "Tracks")
           target = Qt.resolvedUrl("pages/TracksPage.qml")

         if (target != "") {
           navigation.currentIndex = navigation.countVisible - 1 // open more page

   // openInbox activates inbox navigation item on Android or more navigation item with inbox page on iOS
   function openInbox() {
       navigation.currentIndex = 6 // go to inbox navigation item
     else {
       navigation.currentIndex = navigation.count - 1 // open more page
       if(!navigation.currentPage || navigation.currentPage.title === "Inbox")

       navigation.currentPage.navigationStack.push(socialView.inboxPage) // push inbox page

   // check app starts and show feedback dialog if required
   function checkFeedbackDialog() {
     if(!dataModel.feedBackSent) {
       //Theme.dialog.dividerHeight = 0

   Component {
     id: searchPageComponent
     SearchPage {


   Component {
     id: detailPageComponent
     DetailPage {


   Component {
     id: speakerDetailPageComponent
     SpeakerDetailPage {


   Component {
     id: trackDetailPageComponent
     TrackDetailPage {


   FeedbackDialog {
     id: feedbackDialog

   RatingDialog {
     id: ratingDialog

   LikeDialog {
     id: likeDialog
     onCanceled: {
       // open the feedback dialog instead

       amplitude.logEvent("Dislike App")
     onAccepted: {
       // open the rating dialog instead
       //Theme.dialog.dividerHeight = 1

       amplitude.logEvent("Like App")
Qt_Technology_Partner_RGB_475 Qt_Service_Partner_RGB_475_padded