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Twitter Demo App

 import QtQuick 2.3
 import Felgo 3.0

 import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0

 import "../model"
 import "../widgets"

 ListPage {
   id: profilePage

   title: qsTr("Profile")
   backgroundColor: "white"

   navigationBarTranslucency: 1.0 // navigation bar is 100 percent translucent for this page
   useSafeArea: false // fill whole screen

   titleItem: Column {
     // Fade title item in depdending on scroll state
     opacity: 1 - profileImage.opacity

     AppText {
       anchors.horizontalCenter: Theme.isAndroid ? undefined : parent.horizontalCenter
       text: profilePage.profile.name
       color: "white"
       font.family: Theme.boldFont.name
       font.bold: true
       font.pixelSize: dp(14)

     AppText {
       anchors.horizontalCenter: Theme.isAndroid ? undefined : parent.horizontalCenter
       text: qsTr("%1 Tweets").arg(profilePage.profile.statuses_count.toLocaleString(Qt.locale(), "f", 0))
       color: "white"
       font.pixelSize: dp(10)

   // The actual profile data to display
   property var profile

   readonly property real barHeight: dp(Theme.navigationBar.height) + (nativeUtils.safeAreaInsets.top > Theme.statusBarHeight ? nativeUtils.safeAreaInsets.top : Theme.statusBarHeight)

   Component { id: detailPage; DetailPage {} }

   model: dataModel.timeline
   delegate: TweetRow {
     id: row

     onSelected: {
       console.debug("Selected item at index:", index)
       navigationStack.push(detailPageComponent, { tweet: row.item })

     onProfileSelected: {
       console.debug("Selected profile at index:", index)
       navigationStack.push(profilePageComponent, { profile: row.item.user })

   // Image header
   // Background color placeholder
   Rectangle {
     id: topImage

     z: 1

     y: listView.contentY + listView.headerItem.height > 0 ?
          -Math.min(listView.contentY + listView.headerItem.height, height - barHeight) : 0
     color: ("#" + (!!profile && profile.profile_background_color))
     width: parent.width
     height: dp(140)

     Image {
       id: imgHeader
       source: !!profile && !!profile.profile_banner_url ? profile.profile_banner_url : ""
       anchors.fill: parent
       fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectCrop
       visible: false

     FastBlur {
       source: imgHeader
       anchors.fill: imgHeader
       radius: 64 * Math.max(0, Math.min(1, (listView.contentY * 0.5 + topImage.height) / listView.headerItem.contentHeight))

     // Profile image
     RoundedImage {
       id: profileImage
       source: !!profile && !!profile.profile_image_url ? profile.profile_image_url.replace("_normal", "_bigger") : ""

       x: dp(10)
       y: -(height / 4) + parent.height
       width: dp(50)
       height: dp(50)

       opacity: Math.max(0, Math.min(1, -(listView.contentY + topImage.height) / topImage.height))
       scale: opacity

       border.color: "white"
       border.width: dp(2)
       backgroundColor: "white"

     Rectangle {
       anchors.fill: parent
       color: "#35000000"
       opacity: 1-profileImage.opacity

   listView {
     emptyText.text: qsTr("No tweets")
     anchors.leftMargin: nativeUtils.safeAreaInsets.left
     anchors.rightMargin: nativeUtils.safeAreaInsets.right
     anchors.bottomMargin: nativeUtils.safeAreaInsets.bottom

     header: Column {
       id: contentColumn

       width: parent.width

       property real contentHeight: height - topImage.height

       // Spacer for image header
       Item {
         height: topImage.height
         width: parent.width

       // Profile details
       Rectangle {
         width: parent.width
         height: profileContent.height + dp(10) + profileContent.y
         color: "white"

         Column {
           id: profileContent

           width: parent.width - dp(20)
           x: dp(10)
           y: profileImage.height * 0.75 + dp(10)
           spacing: dp(8)

           Column {
             spacing: dp(4)

             AppText {
               text: profile.name
               font.pixelSize: sp(16)
               font.bold: true

             AppText {
               text: "@" + profile.screen_name
               font.pixelSize: sp(12)
               color: Theme.secondaryTextColor

           AppText {
             text: profile.description
             width: parent.width
             wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
             font.pixelSize: sp(12)
             lineHeight: 1.3

           Flow {
             spacing: dp(6)
             width: parent.width

             Icon {
               icon: IconType.mapmarker
               size: dp(12)
               color: Theme.secondaryTextColor
               visible: profileLocation.visible

             Text {
               id: profileLocation
               text: profile.location
               visible: !!profile.location
               font.family: Theme.normalFont.name
               font.pixelSize: sp(12)
               color: Theme.textColor

             Icon {
               icon: IconType.link
               size: dp(12)
               color: Theme.secondaryTextColor
               visible: profileUrl.visible

             Text {
               id: profileUrl
               text: profile.entities.url && profile.entities.url.urls[0].display_url || ""
               visible: !!profile.entities.url
               font.family: Theme.normalFont.name
               font.pixelSize: sp(12)
               color: Theme.textColor

           Flow {
             spacing: dp(6)
             width: parent.width

             Text {
               text: profile.friends_count
               font.family: Theme.normalFont.name
               font.bold: true
               font.pixelSize: sp(12)
               color: Theme.textColor

             Text {
               text: qsTr("Following")
               font.family: Theme.normalFont.name
               font.pixelSize: sp(12)
               font.capitalization: Font.AllUppercase
               color: Theme.secondaryTextColor

             Text {
               text: profile.followers_count
               font.family: Theme.normalFont.name
               font.bold: true
               font.pixelSize: sp(12)
               color: Theme.textColor

             Text {
               text: qsTr("Followers")
               font.family: Theme.normalFont.name
               font.pixelSize: sp(12)
               font.capitalization: Font.AllUppercase
               color: Theme.secondaryTextColor

       Rectangle {
         y: parent.height - height
         width: parent.width
         height: 1
         color: Theme.dividerColor
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