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YouTube Video Player App

 import QtQuick 2.0
 import Felgo 4.0

 Item {
   id: dataModel

   // property to configure target dispatcher / logic
   property alias dispatcher: logicConnection.target

   // configuration properties
   readonly property alias userName: _.userName
   readonly property alias channelId: _.channelId
   readonly property alias mainPlaylistId: _.mainPlaylistId
   readonly property alias uploadsPlaylistId: _.uploadsPlaylistId

   // data properties
   readonly property alias channelInfo: _.channelInfo
   readonly property alias channelPlaylists: _.channelPlaylists
   readonly property alias playlistVideos: _.playlistVideos

   // spotlight playlist
   readonly property alias mainPlaylist: _.mainPlaylist
   readonly property alias mainPlaylistItems: _.mainPlaylistItems
   readonly property alias mainPlaylistVideos: _.mainPlaylistVideos

   readonly property alias requestsPending: api.requestsPending

   Connections {
     id: logicConnection

     // action 1 - loadYouTubeData
     onLoadYouTubeData: {

       _.playlistVideos = { }

       api.getChannelForUsername(_.userName, function(channelData) {

         // store channel data
         _.channelInfo = channelData
         _.channelId = channelData.id
         _.uploadsPlaylistId = channelData.contentDetails.relatedPlaylists.uploads

         // get channel playlists
         api.getChannelPlaylists(_.channelId, function(playlists) {
           _.channelPlaylists = playlists

           // get uploads playlist
           api.getPlaylistById(_.uploadsPlaylistId, function(playlist) {
         }) // get playlists
       }) // get channel

     // action 2 - loadMainPlaylistVideos
     onLoadMainPlaylistVideos: playlist => {
       if(_.mainPlaylistId) {
         // get items of main playlist
         api.getPlaylistItems(_.mainPlaylistId, function(items) {
           _.mainPlaylistItems = items

           // get video data for playlist items
           var videoIds = _.mainPlaylistItems.map(function(item) { return item.contentDetails.videoId })
           api.getVideos(videoIds, function(videos) {
             _.mainPlaylistVideos = videos
           }) // get spotlight videos
         }) // get spotlight items

     // action 3 - getPlaylistVideos
     onFetchPlaylistVideos: playlist => {
       api.getPlaylistItems(playlist.id, function(items) {
         var videoIds = items.map(function(item) { return item.contentDetails.videoId })
         api.getVideos(videoIds, function(videos) {
           _.playlistVideos[playlist.id] = videos

     // action 4 - clearData
     onClearData: {
       _.channelId = ""
       _.mainPlaylistId = ""

       _.channelInfo = undefined
       _.channelPlaylists = []
       _.mainPlaylist = undefined
       _.mainPlaylistItems = []
       _.mainPlaylistVideos = []
       _.playlistVideos = { }

     // action 5 - setSpotlightPlaylist
     onSetSpotlightPlaylist: {
       if(playlist.id === "") {
         _.mainPlaylistId = ""
         _.mainPlaylist = undefined
         _.mainPlaylistItems = undefined
         _.mainPlaylistVideos = undefined
       else {
         _.mainPlaylistId = playlist.id
         _.mainPlaylist = playlist

     // action 6 - setUserName
     onSetUserName: {
       _.userName = name

   Storage {
     id: storage
     Component.onCompleted: {
       _.userName = storage.getValue("ytDemoUserName") || _.userName
       _.mainPlaylistId = storage.getValue("mainPlaylistId") || ""

   YouTubeAPI {
     id: api

   // private
   Item {
     id: _

     // configuration properties
     property string userName: "VPlayEngine"
     property string channelId: ""
     property string mainPlaylistId: ""
     property string uploadsPlaylistId: ""

     // data properties
     property var channelInfo: undefined
     property var channelPlaylists: []
     property var playlistVideos: null

     // spotlight playlist
     property var mainPlaylist: undefined
     property var mainPlaylistItems: undefined
     property var mainPlaylistVideos: undefined

     // try to retrieve main playlist if playlists change
     onChannelPlaylistsChanged: {
       var newMainPlaylist = undefined
       for(var i = 0; i < _.channelPlaylists.length; i++) {
         if(_.channelPlaylists[i].id === _.mainPlaylistId)
           newMainPlaylist = _.channelPlaylists[i]
       _.mainPlaylist = newMainPlaylist

     // data storage
     onUserNameChanged: storage.setValue("ytDemoUserName", _.userName)
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