Bluetooth Low Energy Service, groups Characteristics. More...
Import Statement: | import Felgo 4.0 |
Since: | Felgo 3.7.0 |
General info and usage examples for Bluetooth LE: Use Bluetooth Low Energy
The BluetoothLeService is basically a characteristic grouping entity with an UUID and a name.
You can define ahead of time the characteristics you expect from your service by setting the uuid.
BluetoothLeService { uuid: 0x180F BluetoothLeCharacteristic { uuid: 0x2A19 } }
characteristics : list<BluetoothLeCharacteristic> |
The list of characteristics discovered for the servide or described in QML ahead of time.
name : string |
The service name reported by the device.
uuid : var |
Reading the uuid will always return the long 128bit string formated value as "{xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx}" where 'x' is a hex digit. A short 16bit uuid can be set using the 0xXXXX notation. Just like the example above.
valid : bool |
Set if a valid service is discovered for the current uuid.
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