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2048 - Puzzle Game

 import Felgo 4.0
 import QtQuick 2.2

 GameWindow {
   id: gameWindow

   screenWidth: 960
   screenHeight: 640

   activeScene: gameScene

   property int gridWidth: 300 // width and height of the game grid
   property int gridSizeGame: 4 // game grid size in tiles
   property int gridSizeGameSquared: gridSizeGame*gridSizeGame
   property var emptyCells // an array to keep track of all empty cells
   property var tileItems:  new Array(gridSizeGameSquared) // our Tiles

   EntityManager {
     id: entityManager
     entityContainer: gameContainer

   Scene {
     id: gameScene

     width: 480
     height: 320

     Component.onCompleted: {
       // fill the main array with empty spaces
       for(var i = 0; i < gridSizeGameSquared; i++)
         tileItems[i] = null

       // collect empty cells positions

       // create 2 random tiles

     Rectangle {
       id: background
       anchors.fill: gameScene.gameWindowAnchorItem
       color: "#B6581A" // main color
       border.width: 5
       border.color: "#4A230B" // margin color
       radius: 10 // radius of the corners

     Item {
       id: gameContainer
       width: gridWidth
       height: width // square so height = width
       anchors.centerIn: parent

       GameBackground {}

     Timer {
       id: moveRelease
       interval: 300

     Keys.forwardTo: keyboardController //  by forwarding keys to the \c keyboardController we make sure that \c focus is automatically provided to the \c keyboardController.

     Item {
       id: keyboardController

       Keys.onPressed: event => {

         if (event.key === Qt.Key_Left && moveRelease.running === false) {
           event.accepted = true
           console.log("move Left")
         else if (event.key === Qt.Key_Right && moveRelease.running === false) {
           event.accepted = true
           console.log("move Right")
         else if (event.key === Qt.Key_Up && moveRelease.running === false) {
           event.accepted = true
           console.log("move Up")
         else if (event.key === Qt.Key_Down && moveRelease.running === false) {
           event.accepted = true
           console.log("move Down")

     MouseArea {
       anchors.fill: gameScene.gameWindowAnchorItem

       property int startX // initial position X
       property int startY // initial position Y
       property string direction // direction of the swipe
       property bool moving: false

       //3 Methods below check swiping direction
       //and call an appropriate method accordingly
       onPressed: mouse => {
         startX = mouse.x //save initial position X
         startY = mouse.y //save initial position Y
         moving = false

       onReleased: {
         moving = false

       onPositionChanged: mouse => {
         var deltax = mouse.x - startX
         var deltay = mouse.y - startY

         if (moving === false) {
           if (Math.abs(deltax) > 40 || Math.abs(deltay) > 40) {
             moving = true

             if (deltax > 30 && Math.abs(deltay) < 30 && moveRelease.running === false) {
               console.log("move Right")
             else if (deltax < -30 && Math.abs(deltay) < 30 && moveRelease.running === false) {
               console.log("move Left")
             else if (Math.abs(deltax) < 30 && deltay > 30 && moveRelease.running === false) {
               console.log("move Down")
             else if (Math.abs(deltax) < 30 && deltay < 30 && moveRelease.running === false) {
               console.log("move Up")


   // extract and save emptyCells from tileItems
   function updateEmptyCells() {
     emptyCells = []
     for (var i = 0; i < gridSizeGameSquared; i++) {
       if(tileItems[i] === null)

   // creates new tile at random index(0-15)
   // positioning and value setting happens inside the tile class!
   function createNewTile() {
     var randomCellId = emptyCells[Math.floor(Math.random() * emptyCells.length)] // get random emptyCells
     var tileId = entityManager.createEntityFromUrlWithProperties(Qt.resolvedUrl("Tile.qml"), {"tileIndex": randomCellId}) // create new Tile with a referenceID
     tileItems[randomCellId] = entityManager.getEntityById(tileId) // paste new Tile to the array
     emptyCells.splice(emptyCells.indexOf(randomCellId), 1) // remove the taken cell from emptyCell array

   function merge(soureRow) {
     var i, j
     var nonEmptyTiles = [] // sourceRow without empty tiles
     var indices = []

     // remove zero elements
     for(i = 0; i < soureRow.length; i++) {
       indices[i] = nonEmptyTiles.length
       if(soureRow[i] > 0)

     var mergedRow = [] // sourceRow after it was merged

     for(i = 0; i < nonEmptyTiles.length; i++) {
       // push last element because there is no element after to be merged with
       if(i === nonEmptyTiles.length - 1)
       else {
         // comparing if values are mergeable
         if (nonEmptyTiles[i] === nonEmptyTiles[i+1]) {
           for(j = 0; j < soureRow.length; j++) {
             if(indices[j] > mergedRow.length)
               indices[j] -= 1

           // elements got merged a new element appears and gets incremented
           // skip one element(i++) because it got merged
           mergedRow.push(nonEmptyTiles[i] + 1)
         else {
           // no merge, so follow normal order

     // fill empty spots with zeroes
     for( i = mergedRow.length; i < soureRow.length; i++)
       mergedRow[i] = 0

     // now we create an object with the arrays inside and return it, the syntax is {identifier: data, identifier: data}
     return {mergedRow : mergedRow, indices: indices}

   function getRowAt(index) {
     var row  = []
     for(var j = 0; j < gridSizeGame; j++) {
       // if there are no tileItems at this spot we push(0) to the row, else push the tileIndex value
       if(tileItems[j + index * gridSizeGame] === null)
         row.push(tileItems[j + index * gridSizeGame].tileValue)
     return row

   function moveLeft() {
     var isMoved = false // move happens not for a single cell but for a whole row
     var sourceRow, mergedRow, merger, indices
     var i, j

     for(i = 0; i < gridSizeGame; i++) { // gridSizeGame is 4
       sourceRow = getRowAt(i)
       merger = merge(sourceRow)
       mergedRow = merger.mergedRow
       indices = merger.indices

       // checks if the given row is not the same as before
       if (!arraysIdentical(sourceRow, mergedRow)) {
         isMoved = true
         // merges and moves tileItems elements
         for(j = 0; j < sourceRow.length; j++) {
           // checks if an element is not empty
           if (sourceRow[j] > 0 && indices[j] !== j) {
             // checks if a merge has happened and at what position
             if (mergedRow[indices[j]] > sourceRow[j] && tileItems[gridSizeGame * i + indices[j]] !== null) {
               // Move, merge and increment value of the merged element
               tileItems[gridSizeGame * i + indices[j]].tileValue++ // incrementing the value of the tile that got merged
               tileItems[gridSizeGame * i + j].moveTile(gridSizeGame * i + indices[j]) // move second tile in the merge direction(will be visible only when all animations are set up)
               tileItems[gridSizeGame * i + j].destroyTile() // and destroy it
             } else {
               // Move only
               tileItems[gridSizeGame * i + j].moveTile(gridSizeGame * i + indices[j]) // move to the new position
               tileItems[gridSizeGame * i + indices[j]] = tileItems[gridSizeGame * i + j] // update the element inside the array
             tileItems[gridSizeGame * i + j] = null // set to empty an old position of the moved tile

     if (isMoved) {
       // update empty cells
       // create new random position tile

   function moveRight() {
     var isMoved = false
     var sourceRow, mergedRow, merger, indices
     var i, j, k // k used for reversing

     for(i = 0; i < gridSizeGame; i++) {
       // reverse sourceRow
       sourceRow = getRowAt(i).reverse()
       merger = merge(sourceRow)
       mergedRow = merger.mergedRow
       indices = merger.indices

       if (!arraysIdentical(sourceRow,mergedRow)) {
         isMoved = true
         // reverse all other arrays as well
         // recalculate the indices from the end to the start
         for (j = 0; j < indices.length; j++)
           indices[j] = gridSizeGame - 1 - indices[j]

         for(j = 0; j < sourceRow.length; j++) {
           k = sourceRow.length -1 - j

           if (sourceRow[k] > 0 && indices[k] !== k) {
             if (mergedRow[indices[k]] > sourceRow[k] && tileItems[gridSizeGame*i + indices[k]] !== null) {
               // Move and merge
               tileItems[gridSizeGame * i + indices[k]].tileValue++
               tileItems[gridSizeGame * i + k].moveTile(gridSizeGame * i + indices[k])
               tileItems[gridSizeGame * i + k].destroyTile()
             } else {
               // Move only
               tileItems[gridSizeGame * i + k].moveTile(gridSizeGame * i + indices[k])
               tileItems[gridSizeGame * i + indices[k]] = tileItems[gridSizeGame * i + k]
             tileItems[gridSizeGame * i + k] = null

     if (isMoved) {
       // update empty cells
       // create new random position tile

   function getColumnAt(index) {
     var column = []
     for(var j = 0; j < gridSizeGame; j++) {
       // if there are no tileItems at this spot we push(0) to the column, else push the tileIndex value
       if(tileItems[index + j * gridSizeGame] === null)
         column.push(tileItems[index + j * gridSizeGame].tileValue)

     return column

   function moveUp() {
     var isMoved = false
     var sourceRow, mergedRow, merger, indices
     var i, j

     for (i = 0; i < gridSizeGame; i++) {
       sourceRow = getColumnAt(i)
       merger = merge(sourceRow)
       mergedRow = merger.mergedRow
       indices = merger.indices

       if (! arraysIdentical(sourceRow,mergedRow)) {
         isMoved = true
         for (j = 0; j < sourceRow.length; j++) {
           if (sourceRow[j] > 0 && indices[j] !== j) {
             // keep in mind now we are working with COLUMNS NOT ROWS!
             // i and j are swapped when arranging tileItems
             if (mergedRow[indices[j]] > sourceRow[j] && tileItems[gridSizeGame * indices[j] + i] !== null) {
               // Move and merge
               tileItems[gridSizeGame * indices[j] + i].tileValue++
               tileItems[gridSizeGame * j + i].moveTile(gridSizeGame * indices[j] + i)
               tileItems[gridSizeGame * j + i].destroyTile()
             } else {
               // just move
               tileItems[gridSizeGame * j + i].moveTile(gridSizeGame * indices[j] + i)
               tileItems[gridSizeGame * indices[j] + i] = tileItems[gridSizeGame * j + i]
             tileItems[gridSizeGame * j + i] = null

     if (isMoved) {
       // update empty cells
       // create new random position tile

   function moveDown() {
     var isMoved = false
     var sourceRow, mergedRow, merger, indices
     var j, k

     for (var i = 0; i < gridSizeGame; i++) {
       sourceRow = getColumnAt(i).reverse()
       merger = merge(sourceRow)
       mergedRow = merger.mergedRow
       indices = merger.indices

       if (! arraysIdentical(sourceRow,mergedRow)) {
         isMoved = true

         for (j = 0; j < gridSizeGame; j++)
           indices[j] = gridSizeGame - 1 - indices[j]

         for (j = 0; j < sourceRow.length; j++) {
           k = sourceRow.length -1 - j

           if (sourceRow[k] > 0 && indices[k] !== k) {
             // keep in mind now we are working with COLUMNS NOT ROWS!
             // i and k will be swapped when arranging tileItems
             if (mergedRow[indices[k]] > sourceRow[k] && tileItems[gridSizeGame * indices[k] + i] !== null) {
               // Move and merge
               tileItems[gridSizeGame * indices[k] + i].tileValue++
               tileItems[gridSizeGame * k + i].moveTile(gridSizeGame * indices[k] + i)
               tileItems[gridSizeGame * k + i].destroyTile()

             } else {
               // Move only
               tileItems[gridSizeGame * k + i].moveTile(gridSizeGame * indices[k] + i)
               tileItems[gridSizeGame * indices[k] + i] = tileItems[gridSizeGame * k + i]
             tileItems[gridSizeGame * k + i] = null

     if (isMoved) {
       // update empty cells
       // create new random position tile

   function arraysIdentical(a, b) {
     var i = a.length
     if (i !== b.length) return false
     while (i--) {
       if (a[i] !== b[i]) return false
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