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ChickenOutbreak Demo

 import QtQuick 2.0
 import Felgo 4.0

 // is shown at game start and shows the maximum highscore and a button for starting the game
 SceneBase {

   onBackButtonPressed: {
     window.state = "main"

   // this allows navigation through key presses
   Keys.onReturnPressed: {
     window.state = "main"

   MultiResolutionImage {
     source: Qt.resolvedUrl("../assets/img/mainMenuBackground.png")
     anchors.centerIn: parent

   Column {
     anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
     y: 10

     MenuText {
       text: qsTr("Credits")
       font.pixelSize: 35

     Item {
       width: 1
       height: 35

     MenuText {
       text: qsTr("Art:")

     MenuText {
       text: "Astrid Handlechner"

     Item {
       width: 1
       height: 25

     MenuText {
       text: qsTr("Sound:")

     MenuText {
       text: "\"Two Fat Gangsters\""

     MenuText {
       text: "(playonloop.com)"
       MouseArea {
         onClicked: NativeUtils.openUrl("http://playonloop.com");

     Item {
       width: 1
       height: 30

     Item {
       width: vplayCredits.width
       height: vplayCredits.height

       Column {
         id: vplayCredits
         width: scene.parent.width
         spacing: 4

         MenuText {
           text: qsTr("Source code available with")
         Item {
           width: parent.width
           height: vplayLogo.height
           Image {
             id: vplayLogo
             anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
             source: Qt.resolvedUrl("../assets/img/felgo.png")
             // the image size is bigger (for hd2 image), so only a single image no multiresimage can be used
             // this scene is not performance sensitive anyway!
             fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit
             height: 50

         MenuText {
           text: qsTr("Build your own game in minutes!")

       MouseArea {
         anchors.fill: vplayCredits
         onClicked: {



   MenuButton {
     anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
     anchors.bottom: parent.gameWindowAnchorItem.bottom
     anchors.bottomMargin: 30

     text: qsTr("Back")

     width: 170 * 0.8
     height: 60 * 0.8

Qt_Technology_Partner_RGB_475 Qt_Service_Partner_RGB_475_padded