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Flask of Rum - Slot Game

 import Felgo 4.0
 import QtQuick 2.0

 Item {
   id: winValidator

   // field to memorize lines that won
   property var currentLines

   // property to hold index of currently visible line
   property int visibleIndex

   // define winning lines
   WinningLine {
     id: line1
     visible: false
     image.source: Qt.resolvedUrl("../../assets/Line1.png")
     color: "#ff0000"
     positions: [
       {reel: 0, row: 1},
       {reel: 1, row: 1},
       {reel: 2, row: 1},
       {reel: 3, row: 1},
       {reel: 4, row: 1}

   WinningLine {
     id: line2
     visible: false
     image.source: Qt.resolvedUrl("../../assets/Line2.png")
     color: "#00ff00"
     positions: [
       {reel: 0, row: 0},
       {reel: 1, row: 0},
       {reel: 2, row: 0},
       {reel: 3, row: 0},
       {reel: 4, row: 0}

   WinningLine {
     id: line3
     visible: false
     image.source: Qt.resolvedUrl("../../assets/Line3.png")
     color: "#0080ff"
     positions: [
       {reel: 0, row: 2},
       {reel: 1, row: 2},
       {reel: 2, row: 2},
       {reel: 3, row: 2},
       {reel: 4, row: 2}

   WinningLine {
     id: line4
     visible: false
     image.source: Qt.resolvedUrl("../../assets/Line4.png")
     color: "#ffff00"
     positions: [
       {reel: 0, row: 0},
       {reel: 1, row: 1},
       {reel: 2, row: 2},
       {reel: 3, row: 1},
       {reel: 4, row: 0}

   WinningLine {
     id: line5
     visible: false
     image.source: Qt.resolvedUrl("../../assets/Line5.png")
     color: "#ff00ff"
     positions: [
       {reel: 0, row: 2},
       {reel: 1, row: 1},
       {reel: 2, row: 0},
       {reel: 3, row: 1},
       {reel: 4, row: 2}

   WinningLine {
     id: line6
     image.source: Qt.resolvedUrl("../../assets/Line6.png")
     visible: false
     color: "#00ffff"
     positions: [
       {reel: 0, row: 1},
       {reel: 1, row: 2},
       {reel: 2, row: 2},
       {reel: 3, row: 2},
       {reel: 4, row: 1}

   WinningLine {
     id: line7
     visible: false
     image.source: Qt.resolvedUrl("../../assets/Line7.png")
     color: "#ff8000"
     positions: [
       {reel: 0, row: 1},
       {reel: 1, row: 0},
       {reel: 2, row: 0},
       {reel: 3, row: 0},
       {reel: 4, row: 1}

   WinningLine {
     id: line8
     visible: false
     image.source: Qt.resolvedUrl("../../assets/Line8.png")
     color: "#00ff80"
     positions: [
       {reel: 0, row: 2},
       {reel: 1, row: 2},
       {reel: 2, row: 1},
       {reel: 3, row: 0},
       {reel: 4, row: 0}

   WinningLine {
     id: line9
     visible: false
     image.source: Qt.resolvedUrl("../../assets/Line9.png")
     color: "#8000ff"
     positions: [
       {reel: 0, row: 0},
       {reel: 1, row: 0},
       {reel: 2, row: 1},
       {reel: 3, row: 2},
       {reel: 4, row: 2}

   // Timer to alternate display of multiple winning lines
   Timer {
     id: showTimer
     interval: 1000
     onTriggered: {
       if(currentLines.length > 0) {
         var index = (visibleIndex + 1) % currentLines.length

   // validate if player won on the slot machine
     function validate(machine) {
       currentLines = []
       var winAmount = 0

       if(line1.validate(machine)) {
         winAmount += line1.winAmount
       if(line2.validate(machine)) {
         winAmount += line2.winAmount
       if(line3.validate(machine)) {
         winAmount += line3.winAmount
       if(line4.validate(machine)) {
         winAmount += line4.winAmount
       if(line5.validate(machine)) {
         winAmount += line5.winAmount
       if(line6.validate(machine)) {
         winAmount += line6.winAmount
       if(line7.validate(machine)) {
         winAmount += line7.winAmount
       if(line8.validate(machine)) {
         winAmount += line8.winAmount
       if(line9.validate(machine)) {
         winAmount += line9.winAmount

       // increase player credit by total win amount
       scene.creditAmount += winAmount

       // return true if player has won on at least 1 line
       return currentLines.length > 0

     // reset validator for new game
     function reset() {

     // shows lines that won
     function showWinningLines() {
       if(currentLines.length > 0) {
         // show first line and start timer to alternate display of winning lines

     // shows a specific line
     function showLine(index) {
       if(index < 0 || index >= currentLines.length)

       currentLines[index].visible = true
       visibleIndex = index

     // hides all lines
     function hideLines() {
       line1.visible = false
       line2.visible = false
       line3.visible = false
       line4.visible = false
       line5.visible = false
       line6.visible = false
       line7.visible = false
       line8.visible = false
Qt_Technology_Partner_RGB_475 Qt_Service_Partner_RGB_475_padded