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Juicy Squash - Match-3 Game

 import Felgo 4.0
 import QtQuick 2.0

 Item {
   id: gameArea

   // clip fuits outside of gameArea
   clip: true

   // properties for game area configuration
   property double blockSize

   // the game field is 8 columns by 12 rows big
   property int rows: 12
   property int columns: 8

   // shall be a multiple of the blockSize
   width: blockSize * columns
   height: blockSize * rows

   // hide and disable with opacity
   visible: gameArea.opacity > 0
   enabled: gameArea.opacity == 1

   // properties for increasing game difficulty
   property int maxTypes
   property int clicks

   // array for handling game field
   property var field: []

   // lock field when animating or swapping blocks
   property bool fieldLocked
   property bool playerMoveInProgress

   // stores highlighted blocks that help player
   property var helperBlocks: []

   // combos
   property double comboFactor
   property int comboScore
   property bool overload

   // game ended
   property bool gameEnded: false

   // gameover signal
   signal gameOver()

   // finished initialization
   signal initFinished()

   // show helpers some timer after field is unlocked
   onFieldLockedChanged: {
     if(!fieldLocked && !gameEnded) {
       // field is ready for player to make a move, check if moves possible
       if(helperBlocks.length === 0 || scene.remainingTime <= 0) {
         // signal game over if no more blocks can be removed
         gameEnded = true
       else {
         // show helper blocks after some time
     else {

   // timer to check for new possible removals after blocks fell down
   Timer {
     id: fallDownTimer
     onTriggered: {

   // timer to help player to find blocks
   Timer {
     id: helperTimer
     interval: 4000
     onTriggered: {

   // calculate field index
   function index(row, column) {
     return row * columns + column

   // fill game field with blocks
   function initializeField() {
     // reset difficulty
     gameArea.clicks = 0
     gameArea.maxTypes = 4

     // create field if not yet created
     if(field.length != rows * columns)

     // fill field

     // initialize properties
     fieldLocked = false
     playerMoveInProgress = false
     comboFactor = 1
     comboScore = 0
     overload = false
     gameEnded = false

     // start helper

     // signal initialization finished

   // fill game field with blocks
   function createField() {
     for(var i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
       for(var j = 0; j < columns; j++) {
         gameArea.field[index(i, j)] = createBlock(i, j, 0) // fill with default block

   // fill game field with random blocks
   function fillField() {
     for(var i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
       for(var j = 0; j < columns; j++) {
         var currType = null

         // get randomType
         currType = Math.floor(utils.generateRandomValueBetween(0, gameArea.maxTypes))

         var bannedType1 = -1
         var bannedType2 = -1

         // avoid creating blocks that immediately form a horizontal line
         if(j >= 2) {
           bannedType1 = gameArea.field[index(i, j - 2)].type
         // avoid creating block that immediately form a vertical line
         if(currType !== null && i >= 2) {
           bannedType2 = gameArea.field[index(i - 2, j)].type

         while(currType === bannedType1 || currType === bannedType2) {
           currType = (currType + 1) % gameArea.maxTypes // increase type until a valid type is found

         gameArea.field[index(i, j)].type = currType

   // replaces current field with new field
   function replaceFieldWithNewField() {
     // create and show new field
     for(var i = 0; i < gameArea.field.length; i++) {
       gameArea.field[i].opacity = 0
       gameArea.field[i].type = utils.generateRandomValueBetween(0, gameArea.maxTypes - 1) // always fill with one type less

   // removes all blocks and creates new ones (triggered when juicy meter is full)
   function removeAllBlocks() {
     fieldLocked = true
     overload = true

     var counts = []
     for(var row = 0; row < rows; row++) {
       for(var col = 0; col < columns; col++) {

     removeConnectedBlocks(null, counts, true)

   // create a new block at specific position
   function createBlock(row, column, type) {
     // configure block
     var properties = {
       width: blockSize,
       height: blockSize,
       x: column * blockSize,
       y: row * blockSize,

       // set row and column
       row: row,
       column: column,

       // initially visible
       opacity: 1,

       // set type based at parameter or random
       type: (type !== null)
              ? type    // type from parameter
              : Math.floor(utils.generateRandomValueBetween(0, gameArea.maxTypes)) // random type

     // create block entity based on entityType (or reuse pooled block)
     var blockId = entityManager.createEntityFromEntityTypeAndVariationType({entityType: "block"})

     // get block and set properties
     var block = entityManager.getEntityById(blockId)
     for (var propertyName in properties) {
       block[propertyName] = properties[propertyName]

     // link click signal from block to handler function
     block.swapBlock.disconnect(handleSwap) // remove first as pooled block might already be connected

     return block

   // handle swaps of blocks
   function handleSwap(row, column, targetRow, targetColumn) {
     if(fieldLocked || gameEnded)

     // swap blocks
     if(targetRow >= 0 && targetRow < rows && targetColumn >= 0 && targetColumn < columns) {
       fieldLocked = true
       swapBlocks(row, column, targetRow, targetColumn)
     else {

   // swap was finished -> check field for possible block removals
   function handleSwapFinished(row, column, swapRow, swapColumn) {
     if(!playerMoveInProgress) {
       playerMoveInProgress = true

       if(!startRemovalOfBlocks(row, column) && !startRemovalOfBlocks(swapRow, swapColumn)) {
         // swap is not possible, no blocks can be removed
         swapBlocks(row, column, swapRow, swapColumn)
       else {
         // increase difficulty every 10 clicks until maxTypes == 5
         if((gameArea.maxTypes < 8) && (gameArea.clicks % 10 == 0))

         playerMoveInProgress = false
     else {
       // nothing could be removed and blocks got swapped back
       playerMoveInProgress = false
       fieldLocked = false

   // starts removal of blocks at given position
   function startRemovalOfBlocks(row, column) {
     var type = field[index(row, column)].type

     // copy current field, allows us to change the array without modifying the real game field
     // this simplifies the algorithms to search for connected blocks and their removal
     var fieldCopy = field.slice()

     // count and delete horizontally OR vertically connected blocks
     var blockCount = findHorizontallyConnectedBlocks(fieldCopy, row, column, type)
     if(blockCount < 3) {
       fieldCopy = field.slice()
       blockCount = findVerticallyConnectedBlocks(fieldCopy, row, column, type)

     if(blockCount >= 3) {
       removeConnectedBlocks(fieldCopy, [blockCount], false)
       return true
       return false

   // get number of horizontal blocks of same type around row, col
   function findHorizontallyConnectedBlocks(fieldCopy, row, col, type) {
     var nrLeft = 1
     // look left
     while((col - nrLeft >= 0) && (fieldCopy[index(row, col - nrLeft)] !== null) && (fieldCopy[index(row, col - nrLeft)].type === type)) {
       fieldCopy[index(row, col - nrLeft)] = null
     // look right
     var nrRight = 1
     while((col + nrRight < columns) && (fieldCopy[index(row, col + nrRight)] !== null) && (fieldCopy[index(row, col + nrRight)].type === type)) {
       fieldCopy[index(row, col + nrRight)] = null

     fieldCopy[index(row, col)] = null
     return nrLeft + nrRight - 1

   // get number of vertical blocks of same type around row, col
   function findVerticallyConnectedBlocks(fieldCopy, row, col, type) {
     var nrUp = 1
     // look up
     while((row - nrUp >= 0) && (fieldCopy[index(row - nrUp, col)] !== null) && (fieldCopy[index(row - nrUp, col)].type === type)) {
       fieldCopy[index(row - nrUp, col)] = null
     // look down
     var nrDown = 1
     while((row + nrDown < rows) && (fieldCopy[index(row + nrDown, col)] !== null) && (fieldCopy[index(row + nrDown, col)].type === type)) {
       fieldCopy[index(row + nrDown, col)] = null

     fieldCopy[index(row, col)] = null
     return nrUp + nrDown - 1

   // remove previously marked blocks
   function removeConnectedBlocks(fieldCopy, blockCounts, clearAll) {
     if(clearAll) {
     else {
       // search for blocks to remove
       for(var i = 0; i < fieldCopy.length; i++) {
         if(fieldCopy[i] === null) {
           // remove block from field
           var block = gameArea.field[i]
           if(block !== null) {
             gameArea.field[i] = null

     // play sound

     // add score for all groups that will be removed
     for(var groupNr = 0; groupNr < blockCounts.length; groupNr++) {
       var blockCount = blockCounts[groupNr]

       // calculate and increase score
       // this will increase the added score for each block, e.g. four blocks will be 1+2+3+4 = 10 points
       var score = blockCount * (blockCount + 1) / 2
       var totalScore = score * comboFactor // combos increase score
       gameArea.comboScore += totalScore
       scene.score +=  totalScore

     if(clearAll) {
       fallDownTimer.interval = 1000
       fallDownTimer.start() // will trigger recursiveBlockRemoval()
     else {
       // move blocks down and remove connected blocks until no more blocks can be removed

   // move remaining blocks to the bottom and fill up columns with new blocks
   function moveBlocksToBottom() {
     var maxDistance = 0 // longest fall down distance of a block
     var longestFallBlock = null

     // check all columns for empty fields
     for(var col = 0; col < columns; col++) {

       // start at the bottom of the field
       for(var row = rows - 1; row >= 0; row--) {

         // find empty spot in grid
         if(gameArea.field[index(row, col)] === null) {

           // find block to move down
           var moveBlock = null
           for(var moveRow = row - 1; moveRow >= 0; moveRow--) {
             moveBlock = gameArea.field[index(moveRow,col)]

             if(moveBlock !== null) {
               gameArea.field[index(moveRow,col)] = null
               gameArea.field[index(row, col)] = moveBlock
               moveBlock.row = row
               moveBlock.fallDown(row - moveRow)

           // if no block found, fill whole column up with new blocks
           if(moveBlock === null) {
             var distance = row + 1

             for(var newRow = row; newRow >= 0; newRow--) {
               var newBlock = createBlock(newRow - distance, col, null) // random block
               gameArea.field[index(newRow, col)] = newBlock
               newBlock.row = newRow

               if(distance > maxDistance) {
                 maxDistance = distance
                 longestFallBlock = newBlock

             // column already filled up, no need to check higher rows again

       } // end check rows starting from the bottom
     } // end check columns for empty fields

     if(longestFallBlock != null) {

   // triggers events to do after fall-down is finished
   function handleFallFinished(block) {
     fallDownTimer.interval = 250
     fallDownTimer.start() // will trigger recursiveBlockRemoval()

   // recursively remove all blocks until no more blocks can be removed
   function recursiveBlockRemoval() {
     var blockCounts = []
     var nextGameField = field.slice()

     // search for connected blocks in field
     for(var row = rows-1; row >= 0; row--) {
       for(var col = 0; col < columns; col++) {
         // test all blocks
         // copy field
         var block = nextGameField[index(row, col)]
         if(block !== null) {
           // check for horizontal or vertical blocks to remove
           var fieldCopy = nextGameField.slice()
           var blockCount = findHorizontallyConnectedBlocks(fieldCopy, row, col, block.type)
           if(blockCount < 3) {
             fieldCopy = nextGameField.slice()
             blockCount = findVerticallyConnectedBlocks(fieldCopy, row, col, block.type)

           // memorize current group to be removed
           if(blockCount >= 3) {
             nextGameField = fieldCopy

     // stop if no more blocks can be removed
     if(blockCounts.length === 0) {
       // increase juicy meter
       var newJuicyLevel = scene.juicyMeterPercentage + (gameArea.comboScore / 5) // 500 pts = 100% juicy meter

       if(overload) {
         newJuicyLevel = scene.juicyMeterPercentage + (gameArea.comboScore / 40) // 2000 pts = 100% juicy meter when overload
         overload = false

         if(Math.round(utils.generateRandomValueBetween(0,1)) == 0)

       if(newJuicyLevel > 100)
         newJuicyLevel = 100

       scene.juicyMeterPercentage = newJuicyLevel

       // reset combo properties
       comboFactor = 1
       comboScore = 0

       // unlock field (new move possible)
       fieldLocked = false

       return // stop recursion if no blocks found
     else {
       comboFactor += 0.5

       // show overlay texts based on combofactor
       if(!overload) {
         if(comboFactor == 1.5) { // combo of 2
           if(Math.round(utils.generateRandomValueBetween(0,1)) == 0)
         else if(comboFactor == 2.5) { // combo of 4
         else if(comboFactor == 3) { // combo of 5

       // will also search again after moving blocks down (recursion)
       removeConnectedBlocks(nextGameField, blockCounts, false)

   // swaps positions of two blocks on field
   function swapBlocks(row, column, row2, column2) {
     var block = field[index(row, column)]
     var block2 = field[index(row2, column2)]

     // disconnect all handlers

     // react after second swap animation has finished

     block.swap(row2, column2)
     block2.swap(row, column)

     field[index(row, column)] = block2
     field[index(row2, column2)] = block

   // find possible block lines to show to player for help
   function findHelperBlocks() {
     // search field for possible moves
     for(var row = rows - 1; row >= 0; row --) {
       for (var col = 0; col < columns; col ++) {
         var block = field[index(row, col)]
         var type = block.type

         // move down?
         if(row + 1 < rows) {
           if(getLengthOfHorizontalBlock(row + 1, col, type, 0) >= 3
               || getLengthOfVerticalBlock(row + 1, col, type, 1) >= 3) {
         // move up?
         if(row - 1 >= 0) {
           if(getLengthOfHorizontalBlock(row - 1, col, type, 0) >= 3
               || getLengthOfVerticalBlock(row - 1, col, type, -1) >= 3) {
         // move right?
         if(col + 1 < columns) {
           if(getLengthOfVerticalBlock(row, col + 1, type, 0) >= 3
               || getLengthOfHorizontalBlock(row, col + 1, type, 1) >= 3)  {
         // move left?
         if(col - 1 >= 0) {
           if(getLengthOfVerticalBlock(row, col - 1, type, 0) >= 3
               || getLengthOfHorizontalBlock(row, col - 1, type, -1) >= 3)  {

   // get number of horizontal blocks of same type around row, col
   function getLengthOfHorizontalBlock(row, col, type, directions) {
     helperBlocks = []
     var nr = 1
     // look left
     while(directions < 1 && col - nr >= 0 && field[index(row, col - nr)].type === type) {
       helperBlocks.push(field[index(row, col - nr)])

     // look right
     nr = 1
     while(directions > -1 && col + nr < columns && field[index(row, col + nr)].type === type) {
       helperBlocks.push(field[index(row, col+nr)])

     return helperBlocks.length + 1

   // get number of vertical blocks of same type around row, col
   function getLengthOfVerticalBlock(row, col, type, directions) {
     helperBlocks = []
     var nr = 1
     // look left
     while(directions < 1 && row - nr >= 0 && field[index(row - nr, col)].type === type) {
       helperBlocks.push(field[index(row - nr, col)])
     // look right
     nr = 1
     while(directions > -1 && row + nr < rows && field[index(row + nr, col)].type === type) {
       helperBlocks.push(field[index(row + nr, col)])
     return helperBlocks.length + 1

   // shows blocks of a line to help player
   function showHelperBlocks() {
     // highlight blocks
     for(var i = 0; i < helperBlocks.length; i++) {
       var block = helperBlocks[i]

   // hides helper blocks of a line
   function hideHelperBlocks() {
     for(var i = 0; i < helperBlocks.length; i++) {
       var block = helperBlocks[i]
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