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One Card! - Multiplayer Card Game

 import QtQuick 2.0
 import Felgo 3.0

 // includes all cards in the game and the stack functionality
 Item {
   id: deck
   width: 82
   height: 134

   // amount of cards in the game
   property int cardsInDeck: 108
   // amount of cards in the stack left to draw
   property int cardsInStack: 108
   // array with the information of all cards in the game
   property var cardInfo: []
   // array with all card entities in the game
   property var cardDeck: []
   // all card types and colors
   property var types: ["zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six",
     "seven", "eight", "nine", "draw2", "skip", "reverse", "wild", "wild4"]
   property var cardColor: ["yellow", "red", "green", "blue", "black"]

   // shuffle sound in the beginning of the game
   SoundEffect {
     volume: 0.5
     id: shuffleSound
     source: "../../assets/snd/shuffle.wav"

   // the leader creates the deck in the beginning of the game
   function createDeck(){

   // the other players sync their deck with the leader in the beginning of the game
   function syncDeck(deckInfo){
     for (var i = 0; i < cardsInDeck; i ++){
       cardInfo[i] = deckInfo[i]

   // create the information for all cards
   function fillDeck(){
     var card
     var order = 0

     // create yellow, green, red and blue colored cards
     for (var i = 0; i < 4; i ++){
       // one zero card per color
       card = {variationType: types[0], cardColor: cardColor[i], points: 5, hidden: true, order: order}
       order ++

       // two 1-9 value cards per color
       for (var j = 1; j <= 9; j ++){
         for (var k = 0; k < 2; k ++){
           card = {variationType: types[j], cardColor: cardColor[i], points: 5, hidden: true, order: order}
           order ++

       // two draw2/skip/reverse cards per color
       for (var l = 10; l <= 12; l ++){
         for (var m = 0; m < 2; m ++){
           card = {variationType: types[l], cardColor: cardColor[i], points: 20, hidden: true, order: order}
           order ++

     // create four black wild and four wild4 cards
     for (var n = 13; n <= 14; n ++){
       for (var o = 0; o < 4; o ++){
         card = {variationType: types[n], cardColor: cardColor[4], points: 50, hidden: true, order: order}
         order ++

   // create the card entities with the cardInfo array
   function printDeck(){
     var id
     for (var i = 0; i < cardInfo.length; i ++){
       id = entityManager.createEntityFromUrlWithProperties(
             Qt.resolvedUrl("Card.qml"), {
               "variationType": cardInfo[i].variationType,
               "cardColor": cardInfo[i].cardColor,
               "points": cardInfo[i].points,
               "order": cardInfo[i].order,
               "hidden": cardInfo[i].hidden,
               "z": i,
               "state": "stack",
               "parent": deck,
               "newParent": deck})

   // hand out cards
   function handOutCards(amount){
     var handOut = []
     for (var i = 0; i < (cardsInStack + i) && i < amount; i ++){
       // highest index for the last card on top of the others
       var index = deck.cardDeck.length - (deck.cardDeck.length - deck.cardsInStack) - 1
       cardsInStack --
     // deactivate ONU state after drawing cards
     // deactivate card effects after drawing a card
     depot.effect = false
     var userId = multiplayer.activePlayer ? multiplayer.activePlayer.userId : 0
     multiplayer.sendMessage(gameLogic.messageSetEffect, {effect: false, userId: userId})
     return handOut

   // deactivate ONU state for active player after drawing cards
   function passedChance(){
     for (var i = 0; i < playerHands.children.length; i++) {
       if (playerHands.children[i].player === multiplayer.activePlayer){
         if (multiplayer.myTurn || !multiplayer.activePlayer || !multiplayer.activePlayer.connected){
           playerHands.children[i].onu = false
           var userId = multiplayer.activePlayer ? multiplayer.activePlayer.userId : 0
           multiplayer.sendMessage(gameLogic.messagePressONU, {userId: userId, onu: false})

   // the leader shuffles the cardInfo array in the beginning of the game
   function shuffleDeck(){
     // randomize array element order in-place using Durstenfeld shuffle algorithm
     for (var i = cardInfo.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
       var j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1))
       var temp = cardInfo[i]
       cardInfo[i] = cardInfo[j]
       cardInfo[j] = temp
     cardsInStack = cardsInDeck

   // remove all cards and playerHands between games
   function reset(){
     var toRemoveEntityTypes = ["card"]
     while(cardDeck.length) {
     cardsInStack = cardsInDeck
     for (var i = 0; i < playerHands.children.length; i++) {

   // get the id of the card on top of the stack
   function getTopCardId(){
     // create a new stack from depot cards if there's no card left to draw
     var index = Math.max(cardDeck.length - (cardDeck.length - cardsInStack) - 1, 0)
     return deck.cardDeck[index].entityId

   // reposition the remaining cards to create a stack
   function offsetStack(){
     for (var i = 0; i < cardDeck.length; i++){
       if (cardDeck[i].state == "stack"){
         cardDeck[i].y = i * (-0.1)

   // mark the stack if there are no other valid card options
   function markStack(){
     if (cardDeck.length <= 0) return
     var card = entityManager.getEntityById(getTopCardId())
     card.glowImage.visible = true

   // unmark the stack
   function unmark(){
     if (cardDeck.length <= 0) return
     var card = entityManager.getEntityById(getTopCardId())
     card.glowImage.visible = false

   // move the old depot cards to the stack if there are no cards left to draw
   function reStack(){
     var cardIds = []
     if (cardsInStack <= 1){
       // find all old depot cards
       for (var i = 0; i < cardDeck.length; i ++){
         if (cardDeck[i].state === "depot" && cardDeck[i].entityId !== depot.current.entityId){
       // reparent and hide the cards and move them to the beginning of the cardDeck array
       for (var j = 0; j < cardIds.length; j++) {
         for (var k = 0; k < cardDeck.length; k ++){
           if (cardDeck[k].entityId == cardIds[j]){
             if(cardDeck[k].variationType == "wild" || cardDeck[k].variationType == "wild4"){
               cardDeck[k].cardColor = "black"
             cardDeck[k].hidden = true
             cardDeck[k].newParent = deck
             cardDeck[k].state = "stack"
             moveElement(k, 0)
             cardsInStack ++
     // reposition the new cards to create a stack

   // move the stack cards to the beginning of the cardDeck array
   function moveElement(from, to){
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