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One Card! - Multiplayer Card Game

 import QtQuick 2.0
 import Felgo 3.0

 Item {
   id: depot
   width: 82
   height: 134

   // current card on top of the depot for finding a match
   property var current
   // block the player for a short period of time when he gets skipped
   property alias effectTimer: effectTimer
   // the current depot card effect for the next player
   property bool effect: false
   // whether the active player is skipped or not
   property bool skipped: false
   // the current turn direction
   property bool clockwise: true
   // the amount of cards to draw, can be increased by draw2 and wild4 cards
   property int drawAmount: 1

   // sound effect plays when a player gets skipped
   SoundEffect {
     volume: 0.5
     id: skipSound
     source: "../../assets/snd/skip.wav"

   // sound effect plays when a player gets skipped
   SoundEffect {
     volume: 0.5
     id: reverseSound
     source: "../../assets/snd/reverse.wav"

   // blocks the player for a short period of time and trigger a new turn when he gets skipped
   Timer {
     id: effectTimer
     repeat: false
     interval: 3000
     onTriggered: {
       skipped = false
       var userId = multiplayer.activePlayer ? multiplayer.activePlayer.userId : 0
       multiplayer.sendMessage(gameLogic.messageSetSkipped, {skipped: false, userId: userId})
       console.debug("<<<< Trigger new turn after effect, clockwise: " + clockwise)

   // create the depot by placing a single stack card
   function createDepot(){
     deck.cardsInStack --

   // return a random number between two values
   function randomIntFromInterval(min,max)
     return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1) + min)

   // add the selected card to the depot
   function depositCard(cardId){
     var card = entityManager.getEntityById(cardId)
     // change the parent of the card to depot
     // uncover card right away if the player is connected
     // used for wild and wild4 cards
     // activePlayer might be undefined here, when initially synced
     if (!multiplayer.activePlayer || multiplayer.activePlayer.connected){
       card.hidden = false

     // move the card to the depot and vary the position and rotation
     var rotation = randomIntFromInterval(-5, 5)
     var xOffset = randomIntFromInterval(-5, 5)
     var yOffset = randomIntFromInterval(-5, 5)
     card.rotation = rotation
     card.x = xOffset
     card.y = yOffset

     // the first card starts with z 0, the others get placed on top
     if (!current) {
       card.z = 0
       card.z = current.z + 1

     // the deposited card is the current reference card
     current = card

     var userId = multiplayer.activePlayer ? multiplayer.activePlayer.userId : 0

     // signal if the placed card has an effect on the next player
       effect = true
       multiplayer.sendMessage(gameLogic.messageSetEffect, {effect: true, userId: userId})
     } else {
       effect = false
       multiplayer.sendMessage(gameLogic.messageSetEffect, {effect: false, userId: userId})

   // change the card's parent to depot
   function changeParent(card){
     card.newParent = depot
     card.state = "depot"

   // check if the card has an effect for the next player
   function hasEffect(){
     if (current.variationType === "skip" ||
         current.variationType === "draw2" ||
         current.variationType === "wild4"){
       return true
       return false

   // check if the selected card matches with the current reference card
   function validCard(cardId){
     // only continue if the selected card is in the hand of the active player
     for (var i = 0; i < playerHands.children.length; i++) {
       if (playerHands.children[i].player === multiplayer.activePlayer){
         if (!playerHands.children[i].inHand(cardId)) return false
     var card = entityManager.getEntityById(cardId)

     // draw2 and wild4 cards can only be matched by other cards of the same type
     if (effect && current.variationType === "draw2" && card.variationType !== "draw2") return false
     if (effect && current.variationType === "wild4" && card.variationType !== "wild4") return false
     // the card is valid if it is the same color or type as the current reference card
     if (card.cardColor === current.cardColor) return true
     if (card.variationType === current.variationType) return true
     // the card matches if either the selected or current reference cards are black
     if (card.cardColor === "black") return true
     if (current.cardColor === "black") return true

   // play a card effect depending on the card type
   function cardEffect(){
     if (effect){
       if (current && current.variationType === "skip") {
     } else {
       // reset the card effects if they are not active
       skipped = false
       depot.drawAmount = 1
       var userId = multiplayer.activePlayer ? multiplayer.activePlayer.userId : 0
       multiplayer.sendMessage(gameLogic.messageSetDrawAmount, {amount: 1, userId: userId})

   // skip the current player by playing a sound, setting the skipped variable and starting the skip timer
   function skip(){
     effect = false
     var userId = multiplayer.activePlayer ? multiplayer.activePlayer.userId : 0
     multiplayer.sendMessage(gameLogic.messageSetEffect, {effect: false, userId: userId})
     skipped = true

     if (multiplayer.activePlayer && multiplayer.activePlayer.connected){
       multiplayer.leaderCode(function() {

   // reverse the current turn direction
   function reverse(){
     // change direction
     clockwise ^= true
     // send current direction to other players
     var userId = multiplayer.activePlayer ? multiplayer.activePlayer.userId : 0
     multiplayer.sendMessage(gameLogic.messageSetReverse, {clockwise: clockwise, userId: userId})

   // increase the drawAmount when a draw2 or wild4 effect is active
   function draw(amount){
     if (drawAmount == 1) {
       drawAmount = amount
     } else {
       drawAmount += amount
     var userId = multiplayer.activePlayer ? multiplayer.activePlayer.userId : 0
     multiplayer.sendMessage(gameLogic.messageSetDrawAmount, {amount: depot.drawAmount, userId: userId})

   // reset the depot
   function reset(){
     skipped = false
     clockwise = true
     drawAmount = 1
     effect = false

   // sync the depot with the leader
   function syncDepot(depotCardIDs, currentId, currentCardColor, skipped, clockwise, effect, drawAmount){
     for (var i = 0; i < depotCardIDs.length; i++){
       deck.cardsInStack --

     current.cardColor = currentCardColor
     depot.skipped = skipped
     depot.clockwise = clockwise
     depot.effect = effect
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