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One Card! - Multiplayer Card Game

 import Felgo 3.0
 import QtQuick 2.2

 // displayer username, profile image and remaining time
 EntityBase {
   id: playerTag
   width: 120
   height: canvas.height + name.contentHeight + name.anchors.topMargin

   property var player: MultiplayerUser{}
   property int level: 1
   property string activeColor: "#f9c336"
   property string inactiveColor: "#28a3c1"

   // set the image if the player is connected to facebook
   property string facebookImage: ""
   property alias canvas: canvas
   property alias avatar: avatar
   property alias avatarSource: avatar.source
   property alias name: name.text
   property alias nameColor: name.color
   property alias infoButton: infoButton

   // display tag of unconnected player in the main menu
   property bool menu: false

   // user gameNetwork properties
   property int highscore
   property int rank
   property bool friendRequested: player && player.isFriend ? true : false

   // circle indicating the game leader
   Rectangle {
     id: leaderMarker
     width: name.font.pixelSize * 0.75
     height: width
     radius: width * 0.5
     color: name.color
     visible: player && player.leader && !menu && name != ""
     anchors.top: canvas.bottom
     anchors.topMargin: 6
     x: (parent.width - name.implicitWidth) * 0.5 - leaderMarker.width - 6

   // username text
   Text {
     id: name
     text: player && player.name ? player.name : ""
     anchors.top: canvas.bottom
     anchors.topMargin: 3
     anchors.horizontalCenter: canvas.horizontalCenter
     // make as big that a typical player text like "Player 1234567" fits into the width
     font.pixelSize: 12
     font.bold: true
     font.family: standardFont.name
     color: player && player.isFriend ? activeColor : "white"
     width: playerTag.width - (leaderMarker.visible ? (leaderMarker.width + 6) : 0) // max width is reduced by leader marker
     wrapMode: Text.WrapAnywhere
     horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter

   // canvas displays the remaining time as a circle
   Canvas {
     id: canvas
     width: 92
     height: 92
     anchors.top: parent.top
     anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
     onPaint: {
       var ctx = getContext("2d")

       if (multiplayer.activePlayer === player){
         var centreX = canvas.width / 2
         var centreY = canvas.height / 2
         var step = 360 / gameLogic.userInterval - 1

         ctx.fillStyle = player.connected ? activeColor : inactiveColor
         ctx.moveTo(centreX, centreY)

         // x, y, r, startAngle, endAngle, counterclockwise
         ctx.arc(centreX, centreY, 46, 315 * Math.PI / 180, (gameLogic.userInterval - 1 - gameLogic.remainingTime) * step * Math.PI / 180, true)
         ctx.lineTo(centreX, centreY)

   // circular profile image
   UserImage {
     id: avatar
     width: 80
     height: 80
     anchors.centerIn: canvas
     source: getAvatar()
     locale: player && player.locale ? player.locale : ""

   Image {
     height: 38
     fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit
     visible: ((player && player.connected) || menu) && level > 10
     anchors.top: canvas.top
     anchors.left: canvas.left
     source: {
       if (level >= 500){
         return "../../assets/img/PlatinumBadge.png"
       } else if (level >= 100){
         return "../../assets/img/GoldBadge.png"
       } else if (level >= 50){
         return "../../assets/img/SilverBadge.png"
       } else {
         return "../../assets/img/BronzeBadge.png"

   // level circle
   Rectangle {
     width: 38
     height: 38
     color: player && player.connected || menu ? activeColor : inactiveColor
     radius: width / 2
     anchors.top: canvas.top
     anchors.right: canvas.right
     visible: player && player.connected || menu ? true : false

     // circle for auto players - unused
     Rectangle {
       visible: false
       width: 15
       height: 15
       border.width: 2
       border.color: "white"
       color: inactiveColor
       radius: width / 2
       anchors.centerIn: parent

     // user level
     Text {
       id: levelText
       text: player && player.connected || menu ? level : ""
       font.bold: true
       anchors.fill: parent
       anchors.topMargin: 4 // the font has an offset - topMargin centers the text again
       horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
       verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
       font.pixelSize: 14
       font.family: standardFont.name
       color: "white"

   // displays the detailed playerInfoPopup
   MouseArea {
     id: infoButton
     anchors.fill: parent
     enabled: player && player.connected ? true: false
     onClicked: {
       ga.logEvent("User", "Show PlayerInfo")
       gameScene.playerInfoPopup.visible = true
       gameScene.playerInfoPopup.refTag = playerTag

   // get the avatar for auto and connected users and search for facebook images
   function getAvatar(){
     var tmpAvatar = player && player.connected ? "../../assets/img/User.png" : "../../assets/img/Auto.png"
     if (player && player.connected && player.profileImageUrl.length > 0){
       tmpAvatar = player.profileImageUrl
     return tmpAvatar

   // reset the tag at the beginning of the game
   function initTag(){

   // set the facebook avatar and level for the local player and signal the change to the other players
      Explanation for sendToOthers:
      This function is used in two cases:

      1. In the beginning of the game in initGame(). The local user accesses their leaderboard and saves and calculates highscore, rank and level.
         He initializes his own tag and sends the information to the other players (sendToOthers true). He also receives the information of the other players.

      2. At the end of the game in endGame() after updating the highscore of the local user with the calculated points.
         The local user saves his current level in a variable and recalculates it with his new highscore. There's no need to send the update to the other players (sendToOthers false).
         If the values differ, it means he levelled up.
   function getPlayerData(sendToOthers){

     // Warning: may return only one value for multiple desktop test users
     var highScore = gameNetwork.userHighscoreForLeaderboard()
     var level = 1
     if (highScore > 0){
       // the player has to win 300 games with about 100 points to reach the maximum level
       level = Math.floor(highScore / 300)
       // the level is between 1 and 999
       level = Math.max(1, Math.min(level, 999))
       playerTag.level = level

     highscore = gameNetwork.userHighscoreForCurrentActiveLeaderboard
     rank = gameNetwork.userPositionForCurrentActiveLeaderboard

     if (sendToOthers){
       multiplayer.sendMessage(gameLogic.messageSetPlayerInfo, {userId: multiplayer.localPlayer.userId, level: level, highscore: highscore, rank: rank})
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