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One Card! - Multiplayer Card Game

 import QtQuick 2.0
 import Felgo 3.0
 import "common"
 import "scenes"
 import "interface"

 Item {
   id: mainItem
   width: window.width
   height: window.height

   // set up properties to access scenes
   property alias menuScene: menuScene
   property alias gameScene: gameScene
   property alias instructionScene: instructionScene
   property alias cardScene: cardScene
   property alias matchmakingScene: matchmakingScene
   property alias gameNetworkScene: gameNetworkScene
   property alias storeScene: storeScene

   // menu scene
   MenuScene {
     id: menuScene

     // switch scenes after pressing a MenuButton
     onMenuButtonPressed: {
       // calculate time until bonus
       var timeUntilBonus = getTimeUntilBonus()
       var timeUntilBonusStr = (timeUntilBonus.hours !== 0 ? timeUntilBonus.hours+" Hours" : timeUntilBonus.minutes !== 0 ? timeUntilBonus.minutes+ " Minutes" : timeUntilBonus.seconds+ " Seconds")

       switch (button){
       case "single":
         checkTokens(function() {
           window.state = "game"
         }, "Wait "+timeUntilBonusStr, checkDailyBonus)  // adds additional option "Wait"
       case "matchmaking":
         checkTokens(function() {
           // only allowed to play if enough tokens
           window.state = "multiplayer"
         }, "Wait "+timeUntilBonusStr, checkDailyBonus) // adds additional option "Wait"
       case "quick":
         checkTokens(function() {
           // only allowed to play if enough tokens
           window.state = "multiplayer"
         }, "Wait "+timeUntilBonusStr, checkDailyBonus) // adds additional option "Wait"
       case "invites":
         window.state = "multiplayer"
       case "inbox":
         window.state = "multiplayer"
       case "friends":
         window.state = "multiplayer"
       case "leaderboard":
         window.state = "gn"
       case "profile":
         window.state = "gn"
       case "store":
         storeScene.previousState = window.state
         window.state = "store"
         window.state = button

     // needed to only quit the app if the messagebox opened was the quit confirmation dialog
     property bool shownQuitDialog: false

     // the menu scene is our start scene, so if back is pressed there we ask the user if he wants to quit the application
     Keys.onBackPressed: {
       menuScene.shownQuitDialog = true
       nativeUtils.displayMessageBox(qsTr("Really quit the game?"), "", 2)

     // listen to the return value of the MessageBox
     Connections {
       target: nativeUtils
       onMessageBoxFinished: {
         // only quit if coming from the quit dialog, e.g. the GameNetwork might also show a messageBox
         if (accepted && menuScene.shownQuitDialog) {
         menuScene.shownQuitDialog = false

   // game scene
   GameScene {
     id: gameScene
     onBackButtonPressed: {
       if(!gameScene.leaveGame.visible && !noTokenDialog.visible)
         gameScene.leaveGame.visible = true
       else {
         adMobInterstitial.displayInterstitial(true, false, "leaveGame") // true = open menu after interstitial


   // instruction scene
   InstructionScene {
     id: instructionScene
     onBackButtonPressed: window.state = "menu"

     onMenuButtonPressed: {
       switch (button){
       case "cards":
         window.state = "cards"

   // card scene
   CardScene {
     id: cardScene
     onBackButtonPressed: window.state = "instructions"

     onMenuButtonPressed: {
       switch (button){
       case "menu":
         window.state = "menu"

   // matchmaking scene
   MultiplayerScene {
     id: matchmakingScene
     onBackButtonPressed: window.state = "menu"

     id: gameNetworkScene
     onBackButtonPressed: window.state = "menu"

   // scene for in-game store
   StoreScene {
     id: storeScene
     property string previousState: "" // memorize previously visible screen
     onBackButtonPressed: window.state = previousState

   // in-game AdMobBanner on top of screen above opponent hand
   AdMobBanner {
     id: adMobBanner
     adUnitId: Constants.adMobBannerUnitId
     banner: window.tablet ? AdMobBanner.Large : AdMobBanner.Standard
     anchors.top: parent.top
     x: gameScene.rightPlayerTag.mapToItem(mainItem, 0, 0).x - adMobBanner.width
     visible: window.showAdvertisements && gameScene.opacity === 1

     // track when ad is displayed
     onAdReceived: {
       if(adMobBanner.visible) {
         ga.logEvent("System", "Display AdMob Banner")

     // track when ad is clicked
     onAdOpened: {
       if(adMobBanner.visible) {
         ga.logEvent("User", "AdMob Banner Clicked")

     testDeviceIds: Constants.adMobTestDeviceIds

   // dummy mousearea to lock whole game while interstitial is showing
   // otherwise user may click something in short time until it opens up
   MouseArea {
     id: lockScreenArea
     visible: false
     enabled: Constants.lockScreenForInterstitial // disabled for testing purposes (would lock screen forever if no ad is received)
     anchors.fill: parent

   // interstitial to show when quitting a game
   AdMobInterstitial {
     id: adMobInterstitial
     adUnitId: Constants.adMobInterstitialUnitId

     property real startTime: 0 // holds time when interstitial is shown
     property real elapsedTime: 0 // to measure duration the player watches the interstitial

     // keep state of cached interstitial
     property bool hasInterstitial: false
     property bool displayWhenLoaded: false

     // handle interstitial received
     onInterstitialReceived: {
       hasInterstitial = true

     // handle interstitial failed
     onInterstitialFailedToReceive: {
       hasInterstitial = false
       if(displayWhenLoaded) {
         // user is still waiting for video to show and screen is locked -> notify user and unlock screen
         displayWhenLoaded = false
         lockScreenArea.visible = false
         noVideoDialog.visible = true

     // load interstitial at app start to cache it
     Component.onCompleted: {

     // show interstitial and open menu
     // fromWhereShown is a string with the location where the displayInterstitial was shown from used for analytics
     function displayInterstitial(openMenu, forceAd, fromWhereShown) {
       // only show ads on mobile and if ads are enabled or:
       // a.) showAdvertisements is true which is only the case if <10 tokens
       // b.) forceAd is true, which is only set from StoreScene because we also allow to watch a video and earn a token if >10 tokens
       if(!system.desktopPlatform && (window.showAdvertisements || forceAd)) {
         if(openMenu) {
           window.state = "menu"
         lockScreenArea.visible = true // lock screen until interstitial is actually opened
         watchVideoDialog.visible = true // show dialog before starting video

         flurry.logEvent("AdMobInterstitial.Show", {"fromWhereShown": fromWhereShown})
       else if(openMenu) {
         // jump to menu if no ads
         window.state = "menu"

     // track interstitial behavior
     onInterstitialOpened: {
       ga.logEvent("System", "Display AdMob Interstitial")
       startTime = new Date().getTime()
       elapsedTime = 0
       displayWhenLoaded = false      // deactivate auto display (to allow caching)
       lockScreenArea.visible = false // unlock screen as soon as interstitial is opened

     onInterstitialClosed: {
       if(elapsedTime == 0) {
         elapsedTime = new Date().getTime() - startTime
         startTime = 0
         if(elapsedTime > 10000) {
           storeScene.giveTokens(gameTokenEarnedPerVideoWatch) // reward player with 1 token for watching
           earnedTokenDialog.visible = true

       ga.logEvent("User", "AdMob Interstitial Closed", "watched (ms)", elapsedTime)
       flurry.logEvent("AdMobInterstitial.Closed", "watched (ms)", elapsedTime)

       // request new interstitial
       adMobInterstitial.hasInterstitial = false

     onInterstitialLeftApplication: {
       if(elapsedTime == 0) {
         elapsedTime = new Date().getTime() - startTime
         startTime = 0
         if(elapsedTime > 10000) {
           storeScene.giveTokens(gameTokenEarnedPerVideoWatch) // reward player with 1 token for watching
           earnedTokenDialog.visible = true

       ga.logEvent("User", "AdMob Interstitial Clicked", "watched (ms)", elapsedTime)
       flurry.logEvent("AdMobInterstitial.Clicked", "watched (ms)", elapsedTime)

     testDeviceIds: Constants.adMobTestDeviceIds

   // dialog before starting video interstitial
   OnuDialog {
     id: watchVideoDialog
     title: "Earn Game Tokens"
     description: "Watch the following video to earn " + gameTokenEarnedPerVideoWatch + " game token!"
     options: ["Ok"]
     visible: false
     onOptionSelected: {
         adMobInterstitial.showInterstitialIfLoaded() // show interstitial
       else {
         adMobInterstitial.displayWhenLoaded = true
       watchVideoDialog.visible = false // close dialog

   // dialog for rewarding user with tokens
   OnuDialog {
     id: earnedTokenDialog
     title: "Awesome!"
     description: "You earned " + gameTokenEarnedPerVideoWatch + " game token."
     options: ["Ok"]
     visible: false
     onOptionSelected: {
       visible = false

   // dialog for rewarding user with tokens
   OnuDialog {
     id: dailyTokenDialog
     title: "Daily Bonus"
     description: "Welcome Back! You earned " + gameTokensEarnedPerDay + " game token for playing today."
     options: ["Ok"]
     visible: false
     onOptionSelected: {
       visible = false

   // dialog to show if user has no tokens
   OnuDialog {
     id: noTokenDialog
     title: "No Game Tokens"
     description: "Playing a game requires one game token."
     options: ["Watch Video (+" + gameTokenEarnedPerVideoWatch + " Token)", "Buy Tokens"]
     visible: false

     property var customHandler // handler for custom 3rd option

     onOptionSelected: {
       if(index === 0)
         adMobInterstitial.displayInterstitial(false, false, "beforeStartFromMainMenu") // show interstitial without opening menu
       else if(index === 1) {
         storeScene.previousState = window.state      // memorize previous screen
         window.state = "store"                       // open store
       else if(index === 2 && customHandler !== undefined)
       visible = false // close dialog

   // dialog to show if no video is available
   OnuDialog {
     id: noVideoDialog
     title: "No Video"
     description: "The video could not be loaded. Please try again later."
     options: ["Ok"]
     visible: false
     onOptionSelected: visible = false

   // use loader to check for available app updates
   Loader {
     property string updateCheckUrl: system.publishBuild ? "https://felgo.com/qml-sources/OnuVersionCheck.qml" : "https://felgo.com/qml-sources/OnuVersionCheck-test.qml"

     visible: false
     source: !system.desktopPlatform ? updateCheckUrl : ""
     property var menuScene: mainItem.menuScene // required to access menuScene scaleFactor in loaded QML
     property Component dialogComponent: Qt.createComponent(Qt.resolvedUrl("interface/OnuDialog.qml")) // make dialog component available for loaded QML
     onLoaded: item.parent = mainItem

   // checks if user has enough tokens before starting game
   function checkTokens(allowedHandler, customOption, optionHandler) {
     if(storeScene.tokens > 0 || !enableStoreAndAds)
     else {
       if(customOption === undefined) {
         noTokenDialog.options = noTokenDialog.options.slice(0, 2) // remove 3rd option
         noTokenDialog.customHandler = undefined
       else {
         noTokenDialog.options[2] = customOption // set custom 3rd option
         noTokenDialog.customHandler = optionHandler
       noTokenDialog.optionsChanged() // signal change in options
       noTokenDialog.visible = true

   // calculates remaining time for daily bonus
   function getTimeUntilBonus() {
     var now = new Date().getTime()
     var next = menuScene.localStorage.lastLogin + (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)
     var remaining = next - now

     var seconds = Math.ceil((remaining / 1000) % 60)
     var minutes = Math.floor((remaining / 1000 / 60) % 60)
     var hours = Math.floor((remaining / 1000 / 60) / 60)

     if(seconds === 60) {
       seconds = 0
     if(minutes === 60) {
       minutes = 0
     if(hours < 0)
       hours = 0
     if(minutes < 0)
       minutes = 0
     if(seconds < 0)
       seconds = 0
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