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Platformer with Level Editor

 import QtQuick 2.0
 import Felgo 3.0

 Canvas {
   id: grid

   // grid properties
   property real gridSize: editorOverlay.scene.gridSize * container.scale
   property string gridColor: "white"

   // the container, that is holding the grid
   property var container

   // Binding x and y makes the grid follow the position of the container.
   // Since the level size is unlimited, we can't draw the grid over the
   // whole level. So we just let it cover the gameWindow/editorOverlay.
   x: {
     if(container) {
       // The x position of the grid is: container x modulo the gridSize
       return (container.x % gridSize)
     else {
       return 0
   y: {
     if(container) {
       // see above
       return (container.y % gridSize) - gridSize
     else {
       return 0

   // The grid should cover the whole level. These values are calculated by:
   // + the editorOverlay width/height
   // + gridSize; we need a gridSize px buffer to cover the whole screen, while moving the camera around
   width: editorOverlay.width + gridSize
   height: editorOverlay.height + gridSize

   // we request paint in the beginning and everytime the gridSize is changed
   onPaint: drawGrid()

   function drawGrid()
     var context = getContext("2d");

     // clear canvas
     context.clearRect(0, 0, grid.width, grid.height)

     // init drawing context and set properties
     context.lineWidth = 0.4 * container.scale;
     context.strokeStyle = gridColor

     // put level size in variables, for better readability
     var xSize = grid.width
     var ySize = grid.height

     // vertical grid lines
     for(var x = 0; x*gridSize < xSize; x++)
       context.moveTo(x*gridSize, 0)
       context.lineTo(x*gridSize, ySize)

     // horizontal grid lines
     for(var y = 0; y*gridSize < ySize; y++)
       context.moveTo(0, y*gridSize)
       context.lineTo(xSize, y*gridSize)

     // draw and close
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