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Platformer with Level Editor

 import Felgo 3.0
 import QtQuick 2.0
 import "../common"
 import "../undo"
 import "../scenes/dialogs"
 import "EditorLogic.js" as EditorLogic

 Item {
   id: editorOverlay

   // make components accessible from the outside
   property alias grid: grid
   property alias sidebar: sidebar
   property alias itemEditor: itemEditor
   property alias undoHandler: undoHandler

   // holds the currently selected BuildEntityButton
   property var selectedButton

   // this is the gameScene, over which this overlay is put
   // by default this is this item's parent
   property var scene: parent

   // makes accessing the gameScene's container easier
   property var containerComponent: scene.container

   // this switches between true and false, if the user clicks the itemEditorButton
   property bool itemEditorVisible: false

   property bool inEditMode: false
   visible: false

   anchors.fill: scene.gameWindowAnchorItem

   EditorGrid {
     id: grid

     visible: inEditMode

     container: containerComponent

    * SIDEBAR --------------------------------------
   Sidebar {
     id: sidebar

     visible: inEditMode

     // set all components, that can be accessed in the sidebar
     bgImage: scene.bgImage
     grid: grid
     undoHandler: undoHandler

    * Item editor ----------------------------------
   // item editor for balancing the game
   ItemEditor {
     id: itemEditor

     // invisible by default
     visible: false

     anchors.right: parent.right
     anchors.top: topbar.bottom
     anchors.bottom: parent.bottom

     opacity: 0.9

   // button to show/hide itemEditor
   PlatformerTextButton {
     id: itemEditorButton

     screenText: itemEditorVisible ? ">" : "<"

     width: 12

     // if the item editor is visible, anchor this button to the left of the editor;
     // otherwise anchor it to the game window
     anchors.right: itemEditor.visible ? itemEditor.left : parent.right
     anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter

     onClicked: {
       itemEditor.visible = !itemEditor.visible

    * TOP BAR --------------------------------------

   // this button enables switching between edit and test mode
   PlatformerImageButton {
     id: testButton

     width: 50
     height: 30

     // place on top, centered
     anchors.horizontalCenter: editorOverlay.horizontalCenter
     anchors.top: editorOverlay.top

     // set image source, depending on if we're in edit mode
     image.source: inEditMode ? "../../assets/ui/play.png" : "../../assets/ui/edit.png"

     // set opacity to 0.5 when in test mode, to be less distracting
     opacity: inEditMode ? 1 : 0.5

     // set game state depending on current game state
     onClicked: {
       if(inEditMode) {
         scene.state = "test"
         scene.state = "edit"

   // this row holds the buttons in the top right corner
   Row {
     id: topbar

     visible: inEditMode

     height: 30

     anchors.right: editorOverlay.right
     anchors.top: editorOverlay.top

     spacing: 4

     // save level button
     PlatformerImageButton {
       id: saveButton

       width: 40

       image.source: "../../assets/ui/save.png"

       onClicked: {
         // save level

         // show saved text

       // this text signals, that the level has been saved
       Text {
         // text and text color
         text: "saved"
         color: "#ffffff"

         // by default this text is opaque/invisible
         opacity: 0

         // anchor to the bottom of the save button
         anchors.top: saveButton.bottom

         // outline the text, to increase it's visibility
         style: Text.Outline
         styleColor: "#009900"

         // this animation shows and slowly fades out the save text
         NumberAnimation on opacity {
           id: savedTextAnimation

           // slowly reduce opacity from 1 to 0
           from: 1
           to: 0

           // duration of the animation, in ms
           duration: 2000

     // back to menu button
     PlatformerImageButton {
       id: menuButton

       width: 40

       image.source: "../../assets/ui/home.png"

       // open save dialog when in edit mode
       onClicked: saveLevelDialog.opacity = 1

    * MISC

   // for handling undo and redo
   UndoHandler {
     id: undoHandler


   // this is the save dialog that pops up, when the user clicks
   // the backButton in edit mode
   SaveLevelDialog {
     id: saveLevelDialog

   PublishDialog {
     id: publishDialog

    * JAVASCRIPT FUNCTIONS --------------------------------------
   // handles the clicking of an entity
   function clickEntity(entity) {

   // if entity is removable: remove entity and return the undoObject of this action
   function removeEntity(entity) {
     return EditorLogic.removeEntity(entity);

   // returns the top-left coordinate of the grid the mouse is in
   function getMouseGridPos(mouseX, mouseY) {
     return EditorLogic.getMouseGridPos(mouseX, mouseY);

   // This function checks, if there is a body in the 32x32 area
   // below/right the position parameter. We use this to make sure
   // there isn't already an entity at the position where we want
   // to create a new one.
   // The position parameter is the top-left point of the checked
   // area.
   // Returns true, if there is a body in this area;
   // false else.
   function isBodyIn32Grid(position) {
     return EditorLogic.isBodyIn32Grid(position);

   // place a new object and return it
   function placeEntityAtPosition(mouseX, mouseY) {
     return EditorLogic.placeEntityAtPosition(mouseX, mouseY);

   // converts mouse coordinates to level coordinates
   // return point with level coordinates
   function mouseToLevelCoordinates(mouseX, mouseY) {
     return EditorLogic.mouseToLevelCoordinates(mouseX, mouseY);

   // calculates the grid coordinates of the grid the position (levelX, levelY) is in
   function snapToGrid(levelX, levelY) {
     return EditorLogic.snapToGrid(levelX, levelY);

   // saves the current level
   function saveLevel() {

   function initEditor() {

   function resetEditor() {
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