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Platformer with Level Editor

 import QtQuick 2.0
 import Felgo 3.0
 import "../../common"

 DialogBase {
   id: finishDialog

   // this dialog should not be closeable
   closeableByClickOnBackground: false

   // this holds the score, the player achieved
   property real score

   Text {
     anchors.centerIn: parent
     anchors.verticalCenterOffset: -20

     text: "Finished!"

     color: "white"

   Text {
     anchors.centerIn: parent

     text: "Score: " + score

     color: "white"

   Text {
     anchors.centerIn: parent
     anchors.verticalCenterOffset: 20

     // this property holds the current leaderboard
     property var currentLeaderboard: {
       if(levelEditor.currentLevelData.levelMetaData) {
         // if id exists, return it
           return levelEditor.currentLevelData.levelMetaData.id
         // else if publishedLevelId exists, return it
         else if(levelEditor.currentLevelData.levelMetaData.publishedLevelId)
           return levelEditor.currentLevelData.levelMetaData.publishedLevelId
       // else return defaultLeaderboard
       return undefined

     // show the user's current highscore and rank
     text: "Your Highscore: " + gameNetwork.userHighscoreForLeaderboard(currentLeaderboard)
           + " (#" + gameNetwork.userPositionForLeaderboard(currentLeaderboard) + ")"

     color: "#80bfff"

     // only visible if level has been published
     visible: currentLeaderboard !== undefined

   // Buttons ------------------------------------------

   PlatformerTextButton {
     id: okButton

     screenText: "Restart"

     width: 100

     anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
     anchors.bottomMargin: 50
     anchors.left: parent.left
     anchors.leftMargin: 100

     onClicked: {
       // close dialog
       finishDialog.opacity = 0

       // reset state to play
       gameScene.state = "play"

       // reset and restart level

   PlatformerTextButton {
     id: cancelButton

     screenText: "Menu"

     width: 100

     anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
     anchors.bottomMargin: 50
     anchors.right: parent.right
     anchors.rightMargin: 100

     onClicked: {
       // close dialog
       finishDialog.opacity = 0

       // reset state to play
       gameScene.state = "play"

       // go back to menu
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