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Platformer with Level Editor

 import QtQuick 2.0
 import Felgo 3.0
 import "../common"
 import "dialogs"
 import "sceneElements"

 SceneBase {
   id: levelScene

   property int timeLimit: 0

   // can be: "created_at", "average_quality", "times_downloaded"
   property string order: "created_at"

   // this alias enables access to the dialog from the outside
   property alias removeLevelDialog: removeLevelDialog

   // holds the currently active level grid
   property var activeLevelGrid

   // visibility settings
   property bool demoLevelsVisible: state == "demoLevels"
   property bool myLevelsVisible: state == "myLevels"
   property bool myCreatedLevelsVisible: myLevelsVisible && subState == "createdLevels"
   property bool myDownloadedLevelsVisible: myLevelsVisible && subState == "downloadedLevels"
   property bool communityLevelsVisible: state == "communityLevels"

   // signals
   signal newLevelPressed
   signal playLevelPressed(var levelData)
   signal editLevelPressed(var levelData)
   signal removeLevelPressed(var levelData)
   signal backPressed

   // can be: "demoLevels", "myLevels", "communityLevels"
   state: "myLevels"
   // can be: "createdLevels", "downloadedLevels"
   property string subState: "createdLevels"

   // handle state changes
   onStateChanged: reloadLevels()
   onSubStateChanged: reloadLevels()

   // reload levels, when time limit or order is changed
   onTimeLimitChanged: reloadLevels()
   onOrderChanged: reloadLevels()

   onActiveLevelGridChanged: {
     // if the communityLevelGrid is active, show the loading screen
     if(activeLevelGrid === communityLevelGrid) {
     // all other level grids don't need any loading time, so we can immediately
     // call finishLoading(), which displays all levels
     else {

   // background
   Rectangle {
     id: background

     anchors.fill: parent.gameWindowAnchorItem

     gradient: Gradient {
       GradientStop { position: 0.0; color: "#4595e6" }
       GradientStop { position: 0.9; color: "#80bfff" }
       GradientStop { position: 0.95; color: "#009900" }
       GradientStop { position: 1.0; color: "#804c00" }

   Rectangle {
     id: mainBar

     width: parent.gameWindowAnchorItem.width
     height: 40

     anchors.top: parent.gameWindowAnchorItem.top
     anchors.left: parent.gameWindowAnchorItem.left

     // background gradient
     gradient: Gradient {
       GradientStop { position: 0.0; color: "transparent" }
       GradientStop { position: 0.5; color: "#80ffffff" }
       GradientStop { position: 1.0; color: "transparent" }

     Row {
       height: 30

       anchors.centerIn: parent

       spacing: 5

       PlatformerSelectableTextButton {
         id: demoLevels

         screenText: "Demos"

         width: 80

         // this button is selected if the state is demoLevels
         isSelected: levelScene.state == "demoLevels"

         // set state to demoLevels
         onClicked: levelScene.state = "demoLevels"

       PlatformerSelectableTextButton {
         id: myLevels

         screenText: "My Levels"

         width: 80

         // this button is selected if the state is myLevels
         isSelected: levelScene.state == "myLevels"

         // set state to myLevels
         onClicked: levelScene.state = "myLevels"

       PlatformerSelectableTextButton {
         id: communityLevels

         screenText: "Community"

         width: 80

         // this button is selected if the state is communityLevels
         isSelected: levelScene.state == "communityLevels"

         // set state to communityLevels
         onClicked: levelScene.state = "communityLevels"

     // back to menu button
     PlatformerImageButton {
       id: menuButton

       image.source: "../../assets/ui/home.png"

       width: 40
       height: 30

       anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
       anchors.right: parent.right
       anchors.rightMargin: 5

       // go back to MenuScene
       onClicked: backPressed()

   Rectangle {
     id: subBar

     width: parent.gameWindowAnchorItem.width
     height: 40

     anchors.top: mainBar.bottom
     anchors.left: parent.gameWindowAnchorItem.left

     // make mainBar and subBar overlap a little bit
     anchors.topMargin: -1

     // background gradient
     gradient: Gradient {
       GradientStop { position: 0.0; color: "transparent" }
       GradientStop { position: 0.5; color: "#80ffffff" }
       GradientStop { position: 1.0; color: "transparent" }

     // show subBar when myLevels or communityLevels are visible
     visible: myLevelsVisible || communityLevelsVisible

      * MyLevels
     Row {
       height: 30

       anchors.centerIn: parent

       spacing: 5

       // only visible if myLevels are selected
       visible: myLevelsVisible

       // add new level button
       PlatformerImageButton {
         id: newLevelButton

         width: 50
         height: 30

         // image
         image.source: "../../assets/ui/add.png"

         // background color
         color: "#00d900"

         // emit newLevelPressed signal
         onClicked: newLevelPressed()

       PlatformerSelectableTextButton {
         id: createdLevelsButton

         screenText: "Created"

         width: 80

         // this button is selected, if the subState is createdLevels
         isSelected: subState == "createdLevels"

         // set subState to createdLevels
         onClicked: subState = "createdLevels"

       PlatformerSelectableTextButton {
         id: downloadedLevelsButton

         screenText: "Downloaded"

         width: 80

         // this button is selected, if the subState is downloadedLevels
         isSelected: subState == "downloadedLevels"

         // set subState to downloadedLevels
         onClicked: subState = "downloadedLevels"

      * CommunityLevels
     Row {
       height: 30

       anchors.centerIn: parent

       spacing: 5

       // only visible if communityLevels are selected
       visible: communityLevelsVisible

       PlatformerTextButton {
         id: orderButton

         // set text depending on order
         screenText: order == "created_at" ? "Newest" : order == "average_quality" ? "Highest Rated" : order == "times_downloaded" ? "Most Downloaded" : ""

         // open dialog to set another order
         onClicked: levelOrderDialog.opacity = 1

       PlatformerTextButton {
         id: timeLimitButton

         // set text depending on timeLimit
         screenText: timeLimit == 0 ? "All Time" : timeLimit == 24 * 7 ? "This Week" : timeLimit == 24 ? "Today" : ""

         // set width to orderButton width, to make sure that these two buttons
         // always have the same width
         width: orderButton.width

         // open dialog to set another time limit
         onClicked: levelTimeLimitDialog.opacity = 1

   // this displays all demo levels
   LevelGrid {
     id: demoLevelGrid

     visible: demoLevelsVisible

     levelMetaDataArray: gameWindow.levelEditor.applicationJSONLevels

   // this displays all created levels
   LevelGrid {
     id: createdLevelGrid

     visible: myCreatedLevelsVisible

     // we only show authorGeneratedLevels
     levelMetaDataArray: gameWindow.levelEditor.authorGeneratedLevels

   // this displays all downloaded levels
   LevelGrid {
     id: downloadedLevelGrid

     visible: myDownloadedLevelsVisible

     // we only show authorGeneratedLevels
     levelMetaDataArray: gameWindow.levelEditor.downloadedLevels

   // this displays all community levels
   LevelGrid {
     id: communityLevelGrid

     visible: communityLevelsVisible

     // we only show authorGeneratedLevels
     levelMetaDataArray: gameWindow.levelEditor.communityLevels

    * DIALOGS --------------------------------------------------
   LevelOrderDialog {
     id: levelOrderDialog

   LevelTimeLimitDialog {
     id: levelTimeLimitDialog

   // this dialog pops up, when the user clicks the remove button of
   // one of the levels
   RemoveLevelDialog {
     id: removeLevelDialog

   UnpublishDialog {
     id: unpublishDialog

   RatingDialog {
     id: ratingDialog

     onLevelRated: reloadLevels()


   // reload levels
   function reloadLevels() {
     var params = {}
     if(timeLimit > 0) {
       params.timeLimit = timeLimit
     params.order = order

     if(state == "demoLevels") {
       activeLevelGrid = demoLevelGrid
     else if(state == "myLevels") {
       if(subState == "createdLevels") {
         activeLevelGrid = createdLevelGrid
       else if(subState == "downloadedLevels") {
         activeLevelGrid = downloadedLevelGrid
       else {
         console.debug("invalid subState", subState)
     else if (state == "communityLevels") {
       activeLevelGrid = communityLevelGrid
     else {
       console.debug("invalid state", state)
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