The base class for game entities that should be used with the LevelEditor. More...
Import Statement: | import Felgo 3.0 |
Inherits: |
This component adds functionality for entities to be used with the LevelEditor. When you use this component as the base item of your entity, the user will be able to create new entities from a BuildEntityButton. Also, it is selectable by clicking on it, and the position can be changed by dragging it. To improve the user experience for mobile users, a dragOffset is added while the entity is dragged to a new position. When the new position is not available because another game entity occupies it, a red, transparent rectangle will appear. You can change this default behavior by setting showRectangleWhenBuildingNotAllowed to false.
In some cases, you will want to limit the entity positioning in a level to a raster. In that case, you can define a gridSize. The entity is then snapped to this grid. When the gridSize is set to 16 for example, the entity can only be positioned at the x and y values 0, 16, 32, and so on.
By default, the colliderSize has the same value as gridSize. However, you can also set the gridSize to a smaller value, which allows positioning with higher accuracy of the entity.
The EntityBaseDraggable provides a convenience property opacityChangeItemWhileSelected which you can set to the visual property that should fade
in and out while it is selected. The entity gets selected by clicking on the entity. To reset the entityState from "selected"
to the default value, reset
it when a the entity is not selected. See the Blinking of Selected Entity Example for more details.
The only required property for this component is setting the size of selectionMouseArea to your visual component of the entity. If you also want to check for collisions with other entities while the entity is dragged, set the colliderComponent property to your ColliderBase component.
The inLevelEditingMode property is set by default if a Scene with id scene
exists. Also the gridSize property relies on a Scene with id scene
by default. However, you can set these properties to any other scene if you have a different id for
The following example shows an entity definition that uses the scene
import Felgo 3.0 import QtQuick 2.0 GameWindow { Scene { id: scene // the default gridSize property of Scene is 16 gridSize: 32 PhysicsWorld { id: phsysicsworld } EntityManager{ id: entityManager entityContainer: scene } state: "levelEditing" LevelEditor { id: levelEditor toRemoveEntityTypes: ["block"] toStoreEntityTypes: ["block"] } EntityBaseDraggable { entityType: "block" // this property must be set for EntityBaseDraggable selectionMouseArea.anchors.fill: rectangle // for collision detection while dragging, also define colliderComponent colliderComponent: collider // these 2 properties would not need to be set explicitly, because there is a Scene component with id scene //gridSize: scene.gridSize //colliderSize: gridSize Rectangle { id: rectangle width: 32 height: 32 // NOTE: it is important that the entity position is the center of the visuals anchors.centerIn: parent color: "brown" } BoxCollider { id: collider anchors.fill: rectangle } } } }
import Felgo 3.0 import QtQuick 2.0 GameWindow { Scene { id: scene gridSize: 32 // this gets set to the currently selected entity property variant selectedEntity function entitySelected(entity) { // reset the internal state of the old selected entity, to stop blinking of the selected obstacle if(selectedEntity && selectedEntity !== entity) { selectedEntity.entityState = "" } selectedEntity = entity } MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { // if this is called, not an entity was clicked but to an empty place in the scene // thus reset the entityState in here to the default value scene.entitySelected(null) } } EntityBaseDraggable { id: blockEntity entityType: "block" selectionMouseArea.anchors.fill: rectangle colliderComponent: collider // the rectangle will fade in and out while the entity is selected // the entityState property will have the value "entitySelected" during that time opacityChangeItemWhileSelected: rectangle // set the currently selected entity to this one onEntityClicked: scene.entitySelected(blockEntity) Rectangle { id: rectangle width: 32 height: 32 anchors.centerIn: parent color: "brown" } BoxCollider { id: collider anchors.fill: rectangle } } } }
Also see the Squaby Demo, StackTheBoxWithEditor Demo and Platformer with Level Editor for example usage of the EntityBaseDraggable and LevelEditor.
allowedToBuild : bool |
You can query this read-only property to check if the entity is allowed to be built at the current position.
clickingAllowed : bool |
Set this property to allow clicking onto the entity to select it. By default, this is set to inLevelEditingMode.
colliderCategoriesWhileDragged : int |
This collision category is set to the colliderComponent while the entity is dragged. By default, the dragged entity will collide with every other collider, so the default group is Box.All!
See also BoxCollider::categories.
colliderCollidesWithWhileDragged : int |
This collidesWith property is set to the colliderComponent while the entity is dragged. By default, the dragged entity will collide with every other collider, so the default group is Box.All!
See also BoxCollider::categories.
colliderComponent : variant |
This property must be set, to hold the ColliderBase component for collision detection while dragging the entity. Only if no entity is colliding with the current position of the dragged entity, building is allowed. Also the colliderSize must be set, which is used for detecting a dragging out of the scene or level borders.
Note: The size of the collider is decreased while the entity is dragged, because otherwise a collision would be detected when two adjacent bodies would just touch each other. Thus do not connect to the colliderComponent size with any visual elements. Also the bodyType is set to Body.Dynamic, as otherwise no collisions between other static bodyTypes could be detected. After dragging, the collider gets reset to its initial property values before the dragging started.
colliderSize : int |
This property is used for calculation if building the entity is allowed at a position. By default, it is set to the gridSize property.
delayDragOffset : bool |
Set this to true if you want the EntityBaseDraggable::dragOffset to be delayed until an actual drag has started, instead of getting applied at the moment the entity is pressed. This makes sense if you need to click the entity and don't want the EntityBaseDraggable::dragOffset to be applied in those cases. By default, this is set to false.
dragOffset : variant |
This point property holds the offset that should be applied when dragging the entity in the level. The default offset is set to Qt.point(0,-70). That means while the entity is dragged, it is shifted up by 70 pixels of the initial press position. That is required especially on mobile devices, because otherwise the entity would not be visible under the finger. On desktop platforms where a mouse is used for positioning, this offset might be set to Qt.point(0,0).
If you don't want the dragOffset to be applied immediately on pressing the entity, set EntityBaseDraggable::delayDragOffset to true.
draggingAllowed : bool |
Set this property to allow dragging of the entity. By default, this is set to inLevelEditingMode.
entityState : string |
This property holds the current state of the EntityBaseDraggable. It can either be "entityDragged"
, "entitySelected"
or the default state
Note: The entityState must be reset to its default state if the entitySelected state was reached. Usually you have a MouseArea over the complete scene, and then reset the entityState if an empty spot was clicked or another entity got selected. See the Blinking of Selected Entity Example for a full source code example.
forbidBuild : bool |
This property allows you to manually forbid building of this entity. You can use this for example to prohibit the dragging of an entity into a certain area of the scene.
This property was introduced in Felgo 2.6.2.
gridSize : real |
This property is needed for snapping the entity position to a grid. The default value is scene.gridSize
. If no object with id scene
is found, the gridSize is set to 1.
See also Scene::gridSize and Snapped Dragging.
ignoreBounds : bool |
When setting this property to true, you can drag & drop entities outside the level boundaries.
This property was introduced in Felgo 2.6.2.
inLevelEditingMode : bool |
Only if this property is set to true, dragging and clicking on the selectionMouseArea is allowed. Thus the default value of clickingAllowed, draggingAllowed and selectEntityWhenClickedAllowed are set to this value.
The default value is set to scene.state
=== "levelEditing". So if you set the state of your game scene with the id scene
to levelEditing, clicking, dragging and selecting is true. If no id with
is found, the default value is true
levelHeight : real |
This property holds the height of the EntityManager::entityContainer. If no id with entityManager
can be found, the default value is 10000. This
size limits the dragging of the entity so it cannot be dragged out of the level. So the selectionMouseArea.drag.maximumY is set to this value by
levelWidth : real |
This property holds the width of the EntityManager::entityContainer. If no id with entityManager
can be found, the default value is 10000. This size
limits the dragging of the entity so it cannot be dragged out of the level. So the selectionMouseArea.drag.maximumX is set to this value by default.
This property alias points to the Rectangle element of red color, which is shown by default when building is not allowed.
Set this property to the visual component that should blink while it is selected. If none is selected, no visual will fade in and out while selected.
Make sure to reset the entityState after another entity was selected. See the Blinking of Selected Entity Example for a full source code example.
This alias property points to the MouseArea that is used to drag or click the entity, when it is already in the level. So for allowing to drag the entity
once it was positioned in the level, the size of this MouseArea should be set to the visual component of the entity. Either use
to set the size, or by assigning the width & height manually, probably together with the anchors.centerIn: parent
when the visual part is centered at the entity
showRectangleWhenBuildingNotAllowed : bool |
This property holds whether a red rectangle is displayed, if the entity can not be dragged to the current position. By default, a red rectangle with the size of the colliderComponent and opacity of 0.5 is shown. You can access it with the notAllowedRectangle property.
If you want a custom overlay when building is not allowed, you can listen to a change of allowedToBuild like in this example:
EntityBaseDraggable { showRectangleWhenBuildingNotAllowed: false // use a custom Image instead of the red rectangle Image { // connect the visible property with the allowedToBuild property from EntityBaseDraggable visible: !allowedToBuild source: "buildingNotAllowed.png" } }
This handler gets called when the entity starts colliding with another fixture while dragging it. You have access to the colliding fixture via "other".
EntityBaseDraggable { onBeginContactWhileDragged: { var fixture = other; var body = other.getBody(); var collidedEntity = body.target; var collidedEntityType = collidedEntity.entityType; console.log("onBeginContactWhileDragged: collided with entity " + collidedEntity) } }
Note: The corresponding handler is onBeginContactWhileDragged
This handler gets called when the entity stops colliding with another fixture while dragging it. You have access to the colliding fixture via "other".
EntityBaseDraggable { onEndContactWhileDragged: { var fixture = other; var body = other.getBody(); var collidedEntity = body.target; var collidedEntityType = collidedEntity.entityType; console.log("onEndContactWhileDragged: collided with entity " + collidedEntity) } }
Note: The corresponding handler is onEndContactWhileDragged
This handler is called when the entity got clicked.
Note: The corresponding handler is onEntityClicked
This handler is called when the entity got pressed and held, i.e. if there is a long press (currently 800ms).
You can use this handler for example to open a popup menu to modify or delete the entity.
Note: The corresponding handler is onEntityPressAndHold
This handler is called when the entity got pressed.
Note: The corresponding handler is onEntityPressed
This handler is called when the entity got released.
Note: The corresponding handler is onEntityReleased