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The GameStyle styles all Items which are derived from QtQuick Controls such as GameButton and GameSlider. If you want to change the style of the GUI elements, then you can create a CustomStyle and exchange the existing one. For small changes you can access the style directly and change the desired value. More...

Import Statement: import Felgo 4.0



Detailed Description

Note: Gaming controls are deprecated and will no longer receive updates and fixes. Instead, please use the Felgo App Controls.

Example Usage - Change Styleproperties

You can access the currently active style via the settings.style property. Following example changes the Background Color of the GUI Element.

 import Felgo
 import QtQuick

 GameWindow {
   Scene {
     GameButton {
       text: "Random Color"

       onClicked: {
         settings.style.elementForegroundColor = utils.randomColor()

Example Usage - Change Style

You can create a whole new style and override the GameStyle via the settings.style property. Following example changes the complete style of the GUI elements and ItemEditor back to the default QtQuick Controls Styles.

 import Felgo
 import QtQuick

 GameWindow {

   // set custom style
   settings.style: CustomStyle {
     id: customStyle

   Scene {
     Row {
       GameButton {
         onClicked: settings.style =  customStyle
         text: "Change Style"
       GameButton {
         onClicked: settings.style =  settings.vplayStyle
         text: "Reset Style"

Content of the CustomStyle.qml which uses the original QtQuick Controls Styles.

 import Felgo
 import QtQuick
 import QtQuick.Controls.Styles

 Item {
   property alias buttonStyle:buttonStyleComponent
   property alias switchStyle:switchStyleComponent
   property alias sliderStyle:sliderStyleComponent
   property alias textFieldStyle:textFieldStyleComponent
   property alias scrollViewStyle:scrollViewStyleComponent
   property alias itemEditorStyle:itemEditorStyle

   Component {
     id: buttonStyleComponent
     ButtonStyle {}

   Component {
     id: switchStyleComponent
     SwitchStyle {}

   Component {
     id: sliderStyleComponent
     SliderStyle {}

   Component {
     id: textFieldStyleComponent
     TextFieldStyle {}

   Component {
     id: scrollViewStyleComponent
     ScrollViewStyle {}

   ItemEditorStyle {
     id: itemEditorStyle

Style file

To work properly your custom style file needs to include all elements. Here is the GameStyle which can be used as reference.

 Item {
   property alias buttonStyle:buttonStyleComponent
   property alias switchStyle:switchStyleComponent
   property alias sliderStyle:sliderStyleComponent
   property alias textFieldStyle:textFieldStyleComponent
   property alias scrollViewStyle:scrollViewStyleComponent
   property alias itemEditorStyle:itemEditorStyle
   property color windowBackgroundColor: "#212126"
   property color elementBackgroundColor: "#2c2b2a"
   property color elementForegroundColor: "#413d3c"
   property color elementHighlightColor: Qt.lighter("#468bb7", 1.2)
   property color elementNormalColor: Qt.darker("#468bb7", 1.4)
   property color buttonTextColor: "white"
   property int buttonTextPixelSize: 12
   property color switchTextColor: "white"
   property int switchTextPixelSize: 11
   property color textFieldTextColor: "white"
   property color textFieldPlaceholderTextColor: "grey"
   property int textFieldTextPixelSize: 14
   property color itemEditorLabelTextColor: "white"
   property int itemEditorLabelTextPixelSize: 11
   property alias itemEditorLabel: itemEditorLabel

   // Button Style
   Component {
     id: buttonStyleComponent
     ButtonStyle {
       id: buttonStyle
       background: Rectangle {
         id: buttonBackground
         implicitHeight: 30
         color: control.pressed ? elementBackgroundColor : elementForegroundColor
         radius: height/4
         Rectangle {
           anchors.fill: parent
           anchors.margins: 1
           color: "transparent"
           border.color: control.hovered ? elementHighlightColor : elementNormalColor
           radius: height/4
       label:  Item {
         implicitWidth: buttonText.implicitWidth
         implicitHeight: buttonText.implicitHeight
         baselineOffset: buttonText.y + buttonText.baselineOffset
         Text {
           id: buttonText
           text: control.text
           anchors.centerIn: parent
           color: buttonTextColor
           font.pixelSize: buttonTextPixelSize
           // causes bad fonts and other problems http://qt-project.org/forums/viewthread/22158
           //renderType: Text.NativeRendering
           renderType: Text.QtRendering

   // Switch Style
   Component {
     id: switchStyleComponent
     SwitchStyle {
       groove: Rectangle {
         implicitHeight: 25
         implicitWidth: 76
         radius: height/4
         Rectangle {
           anchors.top: parent.top
           anchors.left: parent.left
           anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
           width: parent.width/2 - 1
           height: 10
           anchors.margins: 1
           radius: height/4

           color: control.checked ? elementHighlightColor : elementBackgroundColor
           Behavior on color {ColorAnimation {}}
           Text {
             font.pixelSize: switchTextPixelSize
             color: switchTextColor
             anchors.centerIn: parent
             text: "ON"
         Item {
           width: parent.width/2
           height: parent.height
           anchors.right: parent.right
           Text {
             font.pixelSize: switchTextPixelSize
             color: switchTextColor
             anchors.centerIn: parent
             text: "OFF"
         Behavior on color {ColorAnimation {}}
         color: control.checked ? elementHighlightColor : elementBackgroundColor
         border.color: elementForegroundColor
         border.width: 1
       handle: Rectangle {
         width: parent.parent.width/2
         height: control.height
         radius: height/4
         color: control.pressed ? elementBackgroundColor : elementForegroundColor
         Rectangle {
           anchors.fill: parent
           anchors.margins: 1
           color: "transparent"
           antialiasing: true
           border.color: control.checked ? elementHighlightColor : elementNormalColor
           radius: height/4

   // Slider Style
   Component {
     id: sliderStyleComponent
     SliderStyle {
       handle: Rectangle {
         width: 30
         height: 30
         radius: height
         color: control.pressed ? elementBackgroundColor : elementForegroundColor
         Rectangle {
           anchors.fill: parent
           anchors.margins: 1
           color: "transparent"
           antialiasing: true
           border.color: control.hovered ? elementHighlightColor : elementNormalColor
           radius: height/2

       groove: Item {
         implicitHeight: 50
         implicitWidth: 400
         Rectangle {
           height: 8
           width: parent.width
           anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
           color: elementBackgroundColor
           opacity: 0.8
           Rectangle {
             antialiasing: true
             radius: 1
             color: elementHighlightColor
             height: parent.height
             width: styleData.handlePosition

   // TextField Style
   Component {
     id: textFieldStyleComponent
     TextFieldStyle {
       renderType: Text.QtRendering
       textColor: textFieldTextColor
       font.pixelSize: textFieldTextPixelSize
       placeholderTextColor: textFieldPlaceholderTextColor
       background: Rectangle {
         implicitWidth: Math.round(control.__contentHeight * 8)
         implicitHeight: Math.max(25, Math.round(control.__contentHeight * 1.2))
         color: control.pressed ? elementBackgroundColor : elementForegroundColor
         radius: height/4

         Rectangle {
           anchors.fill: parent
           anchors.margins: 1
           color: "transparent"
           border.color: (control.hovered || control.activeFocus) ? elementHighlightColor : elementNormalColor
           radius: height/4

   // ScrollView Style
   Component {
     id: scrollViewStyleComponent
     ScrollViewStyle {
       transientScrollBars: true
       handle: Item {
         implicitWidth: 7
         implicitHeight: 13
         Rectangle {
           color: elementBackgroundColor
           anchors.fill: parent
           anchors.topMargin: 3
           anchors.leftMargin: 2
           anchors.rightMargin: 2
           anchors.bottomMargin: 3
           radius: height/4
           Rectangle {
             anchors.fill: parent
             anchors.margins: 1
             color: "transparent"
             antialiasing: true
             border.color: elementHighlightColor
             radius: height/4
       scrollBarBackground: Item {
         implicitWidth: 7
         implicitHeight: 13

   // ItemEditor Style
   ItemEditorStyle {
     id: itemEditorStyle
     contentDelegateBackground: Rectangle {
       color: windowBackgroundColor
       anchors.fill: parent
       radius: 2
     contentDelegateTypeList: Rectangle {
       color: windowBackgroundColor
       anchors.fill: parent
       radius: 2
     label: Text {
       id: itemEditorLabel
       color: itemEditorLabelTextColor
       font.pixelSize: itemEditorLabelTextPixelSize

See also ItemEditor, GameButton, GameSlider, GameSwitch, GameTextField, and GameScrollView.

Property Documentation

buttonStyle : alias

This alias is used to access the buttonStyle. Used for instance in GameButton to assign the GameStyle to the QtQuick Controls Button element.

See also GameButton.

buttonTextColor : color

This property is used to change the color of the GameButton text.

buttonTextPixelSize : int

This property is used to change the pixel size of the GameButton text.

elementBackgroundColor : color

This property is used to change the color of the background in GUI elements.

elementForegroundColor : color

This property is used to change the color of the foreground in GUI elements.

elementHighlightColor : color

This property is used to change the color of the highlight effects in GUI elements.

elementNormalColor : color

This property is used to change the color of the highlight effects when the element is not hovered or pressed in GUI elements.

itemEditorLabel : alias

This alias is used to change the font of the itemEditor label.

itemEditorLabelTextColor : color

This property is used to change the color of the itemEditor label text.

itemEditorLabelTextPixelSize : int

This property is used to change the pixel size of the itemEditor label text.

itemEditorStyle : alias

This alias is used to access the itemEditorStyle. Used for instance in ItemEditor to assign the GameStyle to the QtQuick GUI elements.

See also ItemEditor and ItemEditorStyle.

scrollViewStyle : alias

This alias is used to access the scrollViewStyle. Used for instance in GameScrollView to assign the GameStyle to the QtQuick ScrollView element.

See also GameScrollView.

sliderStyle : alias

This alias is used to access the sliderStyle. Used for instance in GameSlider to assign the GameStyle to the QtQuick Controls Slider element.

See also GameSlider.

switchStyle : alias

This alias is used to access the switchStyle. Used for instance in GameSwitch to assign the GameStyle to the QtQuick Controls Switch element.

See also GameSwitch.

switchTextColor : color

This property is used to change the color of the GameSwitch text.

switchTextPixelSize : int

This property is used to change the pixel size of the GameSwitch text.

textFieldPlaceholderTextColor : color

This property is used to change the color of the placeholder text of the GameTextField.

textFieldStyle : alias

This alias is used to access the textFieldStyle. Used for instance in GameTextField to assign the GameStyle to the QtQuick Controls TextField element.

See also GameTextField.

textFieldTextColor : color

This property is used to change the color of the GameTextField text.

textFieldTextPixelSize : int

This property is used to change the pixel size of the GameTextField text.

windowBackgroundColor : color

This property is used to change the color of the window background in GUI elements and in the ItemEditor.

See also ItemEditor and ItemEditorStyle.

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