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Felgo Games Components Reference

The Felgo Games are available with the following import statement in your QML file:

 import Felgo 4.0

This is a list of all the Felgo components grouped into functional groups.

Felgo Plugins for Games (and Apps)

Felgo Plugins add platform-specific features and 3rd party SDK integration available from QML.

AdMob Plugin

Integrate with AdMob to monetize and promote your apps & games with ads.

Amplitude Plugin

Integrate with Amplitude to get insights into your app's usage.

Apple Sign In Plugin

Let your users authorize with their Apple ID account on iOS devices.

Chartboost Plugin

Integrate with Chartboost to monetize and cross-promote your games with ads.

Facebook Plugin

Integrate with Facebook to help you build engaging social apps and get more installs.

Firebase Plugin

Add Google's Firebase for user authentication and access to the Firebase Realtime Database.

Flurry Plugin

Integrate with Flurry to get insights into your app's usage.

GameCenter Plugin

Integrate with GameCenter to send your games' highscores to Apple Game Center on iOS devices.

GoogleCloudMessaging Plugin

Integrate with Google Cloud Messaging Push to send cross-platform push notifications and increase your users' engagement.

HockeyApp Plugin

Integrate with HockeyApp for beta distribution & crash reports.

Notification Plugin

Schedule native local push notifications in your app.

OAuth 2.0 Plugin

Let your users authorize with external OAuth 2.0 providers.

OneSignal Plugin

Integrate with OneSignal Push to send cross-platform push notifications and increase your users' engagement.

Soomla Plugin

Integrate with Soomla to offer in-app purchases and a virtual economy model within your app.

Wikitude Plugin

Integrate with Wikitude to create augmented reality apps.

Note: For testing the plugins on mobile and source code examples, see the Felgo Plugin Demo. When you develop your own game and want to add plugins to it, a Felgo license is required.

Felgo Core Components

These components every game will contain. Most important are GameWindow, Scene, EntityBase and EntityManager.


Root Felgo element usable with existing Qt applications


Base class for custom game entities


Manages all entities derived from the EntityBase component


Default root Felgo Window containing all other components and Scenes


Root Felgo ApplicationWindow containing all other components and Scenes


Root element for a single game view


Storage item provides a persistent and offline storage for arbitrary key-value pair data


Provides often-needed functionality like generating a random number between 2 values

Context Components

The Context Components are global properties that are available in all QML files. They can be used to open native dialogs and browsers, network requests, dynamic QML component creation and provide system information.


Singleton provides file operations like reading, writing and listing files


Singleton allows opening native message boxes, input dialogs and browsers

Qt Context Objects

The Qt Context Objects page contains information about often-used functionality of the Qt element, for network requests and useful JavaScript elements.


Singleton allows to convert recorded spoken audio into text


Singleton allows discovering network services via Bonjour/ZeroConf

Visual Components

These components are used for efficient rendering in games and to handle multiple screen sizes. Most important is MultiResolutionImage for handling different screen sizes and aspect ratios. And GameSpriteSequence or GameAnimatedSprite for animated sprites.


Enables to follow an object, or be moved around freely


Plays a single sprite animation stored as a series of frames


Element defines a series of sprite frames within an image for a GameSpriteSequence


Contains a list of GameSprite elements and allows switching between them with only one active at a time


Can be used to display colored single and segmented lines


Changes the used image based on the display size to improve performance and memory usage


Allows to create parallax movement effects


Allows to create an endlessly scrollable background, usable by SideScroller games for example


Allows to display polygonal primitives with color


Represents a Box2D RevoluteJoint as defined in the JSON file from the RUBE level editor

In addition to the above list, also these Qt Quick Components are useful.

Image The Image element is used to display image files.
BorderImage Useful for resolution-independent buttons, similar to Android's 9-patch images.
Text The Text element allows displaying text on screen.
Rectangle The Rectangle item provides a filled rectangle.

Input Components

These components allow entity movement with a keyboard or a virtual controller for touchscreens.


Element provides an input controller for a virtual joystick for moving entities, also called a virtual D-pad


Represents a basic rectangular button with a clicked handler that can be used during development


Allows the user to select from a set of preset values


Has a gradient, radius and border and an optional flatStyle, ready to be published in games & apps


Input controller with keyboard support for moving entities

In addition to the above list, also these Qt Quick Components are useful:

MouseArea Allows mouse and touch input handling.
MultiPointTouchArea Allows multi-touch input handling.
Flickable Provides a surface that can be swiped.
Keys Allows key handling, including the Android soft keys like Back.
TextInput Displays a single editable line of text.
TextEdit Displays multiple lines of editable formatted text.

The Qt Quick Controls contain more input elements like native-looking Buttons, CheckBoxes and view components like TableView or StackView. See the Qt Quick Controls QML Types for more details.

Physics Components

These components add physics behavior to a game. They can either be used for collision detection, or for moving entities based on physics. The physics engine used by Felgo is Box2D.

Basic Physics Components


Physics body with a rectangular shape


Physics body with a round shape


Simulates a physics world and contains all physics bodies


Physics body with a polygonal shape set up with at least 3 vertices

Fixture Components

To create custom physics objects which use more than the default behavior of BoxCollider, CircleCollider or PolygonCollider, combinations of these Fixture types can be used inside a ColliderBase object:


A rectangular physics shape


An empty chain of points, or empty polygon (loop)


A circular physics shape


A flat edge between two points


Abstract base class of all fixture types


A filled convex polygonal physics shape

Joint Components

To link multiple physics objects together, the following types of joints can be used:


Keeps the distance between 2 bodies constant


Top-down friction between 2 bodies


Connects 2 Joint objects together


Abstract base class of all joints types


Keeps the relative translation and rotation between 2 bodies constant


Used to manipulate bodies with the mouse or touch input


Allows relative translation of two bodies along a specified axis and prevents rotation


Keeps the total distance between a body, 2 points and another body constant


Forces two bodies to share a common anchor point around which the bodies rotate


Restricts the maximum distance between two points


Glues two bodies together keeping a constant relative angle


Allows relative rotation and translation of two bodies along a specified axis

Advanced Physics Components

The above components will be used most of the time. These components are for advanced use:


A physics body which consists of one or more Fixture elements


Contains static properties of the Box2D physics engine


Base component for BoxCollider, CircleCollider and PolygonCollider. All physics colliders including BoxCollider, CircleCollider and PolygonCollider inherit from ColliderBase


Information about a physics contact event


Draws a debug view of the physics components


A property group for getting profiling data about the current state and performance of the physics simulation


A RayCast object that reports when a ray hits a Fixture


Represents a Box2D physics world including bodies and joints

Felgo & Qt Multimedia Components

These components allow to play audio and video files.


Element allows playing long-lasting and looping background sound in wav, mp3 or ogg file format


Element allows playing short-lasting and looping sound effects in wav file format


Embedded video player based on the YouTube Iframe-Player API

In addition to the above list, also these Qt Quick Components are useful:

SoundEffect Provides a way to play sound effects in QML
MediaPlayer Add media playback to a scene
Video A convenience type for showing a specified video
VideoOutput Render video or camera viewfinder
Camera Access viewfinder frames, and take photos and movies
QtMultimedia Provides a global object with useful functions from Qt Multimedia

Networking Components

These components handle network activities.


Provides functionality for scaling and cropping an image file before uploading it with HttpRequest


Convenience type to check pending requests when using HttpRequest


Allows to implement networking features based on the SuperAgent library from VisionMedia


Offers an API similar to the Promises API in ES2017

XMLHttpRequest Element

The XMLHttpRequest object can be used to asynchronously obtain data from over a network.

View Model Components

JsonListModel for JSON Data Sources

JsonListModel allows to transform your JSON data into a QML ListModel for usage with e.g. an AppListView.


A proxy view model for JSON data sources

SortFilterProxyModel for Sorting and Filtering

SortFilterProxyModel is an implementation of QSortFilterProxyModel conveniently exposed for QML. You can use it to apply filter and sorting settings to your QML ListModel items.


Filter container accepting rows accepted by all its child filters


Filter container accepting rows accepted by at least one of its child filters


Filters row with a custom filtering


A custom role computed from a javascript expression


Sorts row with a custom javascript expression


Base type for the SortFilterProxyModel filters


Abstract interface for types containing Filters


A role resolving to true for rows matching all its filters


Sorts rows based on if they match filters


Filters rows based on their source index


Role made from concatenating other roles


Sorts rows based on a locale aware comparison of a source model string role


Base type for the SortFilterProxyModel proxy roles


Filters rows between boundary values


Filters rows matching a regular expression


A ProxyRole extracting data from a source role via a regular expression


Base type for filters based on a source model role


Sorts rows based on a source model role


Base type for the SortFilterProxyModel proxy roles defining a single role


Allows to apply filter and sorting settings to QML ListModel items


Base type for the SortFilterProxyModel sorters


Abstract interface for types containing Sorters


Sorts rows by comparing a source model string role with a localized collation algorithm


A role using Filter to conditionnaly compute its data


Filters rows matching exactly a value

AI Components

The AI components move entities towards a target point, with a constant velocity or along a path.


Provides information for a MovementAnimation or a ColliderBase about the direction and rotation when moving towards a target


Modifies a property with a constant velocity and acceleration


Interpolates an entity along a path and rotates it towards the target points

RUBE Components

The RUBE components allow loading of levels and Box2D objects created with RUBE, which stands for Really Useful Box2D Editor. You can use RUBE to create side scrollers like Badland or Jetpack Joyride, platformers like Super Mario, and other physics-based games.


Represents a Box2D body as defined in the JSON file from the RUBE level editor


Represents a Box2D Circle fixture as defined in the JSON file from the RUBE level editor


Represents a Box2D Polygon fixture as defined in the JSON file from the RUBE level editor


Represents an image as defined in the JSON file from the RUBE level editor


Creates QML items based on the description of a JSON file exported by the RUBE level editor

Slot Machine Components

The slot machine components allow to create slot games with Felgo.


Component allows to easily implement a slot machine with multiple reels and rows. It also provides methods to spin or stop the slot machine and lets you access the visible items in each reel and row


Allows to easily generate reels with randomly shuffled items for a SlotMachine


Element describes a reel to be displayed within the SlotMachine component

Particles Components

The Particles components provide particle effect rendering.


Component allows visual effects like fire, explosions, smoke or rain

QML Native Code Components

The QML Native Code Components allow to interact with the native platform.

You can show native views as part of your QML scene. You can also call native APIs directly from QML.


Represents a platform-native class


Represents a platform-native object


Allows you to interact with objects native to the mobile platform


Allows to instantiate and display platform-specific views and widgets


Defines the platform specifics for NativeView

Native App Integration

The Native App Integration components allow to integrate Felgo in native applications.


Initializes the Felgo runtime from a native Android application


Integrates Felgo in a native Android application


Shows Felgo QML content in a native Android application


Shows Felgo QML content in a native Android application


Initializes the Felgo runtime from a native iOS application


Shows Felgo QML content inside a native iOS application

Most useful QML Components

Item The Item is the most basic of all visual items in QML.
Animation The Animation element is the base of all QML animations lasting for a fixed time.
Timer The Timer item triggers a handler at a specified interval.
Loader The Loader item allows dynamically loading an Item-based subtree from a URL or Component.

See here for a full list of all QML components.

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