List of All Members for NotificationManager
This is the complete list of members for NotificationManager, including inherited members.
The following members are inherited from PluginItem.
The following members are inherited from Item.
- activeFocus : bool
- activeFocusOnTab : bool
- anchors :
- anchors.alignWhenCentered : bool
- anchors.baseline : AnchorLine
- anchors.baselineOffset : real
- anchors.bottom : AnchorLine
- anchors.bottomMargin : real
- anchors.centerIn : Item
- anchors.fill : Item
- anchors.horizontalCenter : AnchorLine
- anchors.horizontalCenterOffset : real
- anchors.left : AnchorLine
- anchors.leftMargin : real
- anchors.margins : real
- anchors.right : AnchorLine
- anchors.rightMargin : real
- : AnchorLine
- anchors.topMargin : real
- anchors.verticalCenter : AnchorLine
- anchors.verticalCenterOffset : real
- antialiasing : bool
- baselineOffset : int
- children : list<Item>
- childrenRect :
- childrenRect.height : real
- childrenRect.width : real
- childrenRect.x : real
- childrenRect.y : real
- clip : bool
- containmentMask : QObject*
- data : list<QtObject>
- enabled : bool
- focus : bool
- height : real
- implicitHeight : real
- implicitWidth : real
- layer.effect : Component
- layer.enabled : bool
- layer.format : enumeration
- layer.mipmap : bool
- layer.samplerName : string
- layer.samples : enumeration
- layer.smooth : bool
- layer.sourceRect : rect
- layer.textureMirroring : enumeration
- layer.textureSize : size
- layer.wrapMode : enumeration
- opacity : real
- palette : Palette
- parent : Item
- resources : list<QtObject>
- rotation : real
- scale : real
- smooth : bool
- state : string
- states : list<State>
- transform : list<Transform>
- transformOrigin : enumeration
- transitions : list<Transition>
- visible : bool
- visibleChildren : list<Item>
- width : real
- x : real
- y : real
- z : real
- childAt(real x, real y)
- bool contains(point point)
- dumpItemTree()
- forceActiveFocus(Qt::FocusReason reason)
- forceActiveFocus()
- bool grabToImage(callback, targetSize)
- point mapFromGlobal(real x, real y)
- rect mapFromItem(Item item, rect r)
- rect mapFromItem(Item item, real x, real y, real width, real height)
- point mapFromItem(Item item, point p)
- point mapFromItem(Item item, real x, real y)
- point mapToGlobal(real x, real y)
- rect mapToItem(Item item, rect r)
- rect mapToItem(Item item, real x, real y, real width, real height)
- point mapToItem(Item item, point p)
- point mapToItem(Item item, real x, real y)
- nextItemInFocusChain(bool forward)