In this short lesson, I'll show you how to improve your game with Flurry analytics and how to integrate it in your game in less than 5 minutes. Flurry is one of the Qt Plugins we provide for iOS & Android and is the leading 3rd party product for mobile app and game analytics.
In the next sections you will learn what you can do with Flurry and how this helps you:
Track: How long your users stay in your app.
Benefit: Measure if your app updates increase the time spent by the users of your app, so if your update was successful.
Implementation: This is done automatically by the Felgo Flurry plugin for you.
Track: How your player retention increases with new app updates.
Benefit: Helps to measure if your app updates make your users return more often.
Implementation: Again, this is done automatically by our Flurry plugin for you.
Track: What users do in your app.
Benefit: Helps to optimize the flow of your app and identify if some of your screens are not used by your users. It also helps to focus on the screens where your users spend the most time with. It also helps you to understand how many users take a certain action in your game, like buying a level from the previous lesson about level store. ;)
This is also super-helpful for balancing, as it unveils when users stop playing your game because it may be too hard. If you see a big percentage of players stop at a particular level, you could then make that one easier so players stay in your game longer.
Implementation: Use logEvent() or logTimedEvent() to measure how long screens are shown or how often an action is performed.
Track: Demographics who is using your product: i.e. what gender or age your users have, from which country they are from and what other applications the users have installed.
Benefit: Helps you to target marketing for a specific user group to efficiently acquire new users.
Implementation: Flurry automatically detects the country and interests of your users and estimates the gender and age. If you have the age and gender available in your app (for example if your user connected with the Felgo Facebook plugin), you can manually provide this data for higher accuracy.
Track: Most efficient marketing channels.
Benefit: Helps you to focus on the marketing campaigns and ads that bring the most valuable users who stay in your app longest or spend the most.
Implementation: The Flurry plugin automatically tracks this for you after you set up your marketing campaigns in Flurry's web dashboard.
You can add the Flurry plugin to your project in less than 5 minutes! Here is how: Go to the Flurry website, create an account and a new app. Use the created apiKey for the next step.
In your QML app now add the Flurry item and add the import Felgo 4.0 on top of your main qml file. This example shows tracking how often a button is clicked:
import Felgo 4.0 GameWindow { Scene { Flurry { id: flurry // you get licenseKeys for your games for free with a Felgo license (www.felgo.com/license/plugins) licenseKey: "<generate-a-licensekey>" apiKey: "My_Felgo_App" } SimpleButton { onClicked: flurry.logEvent("Button1.Clicked") } } }
That's it from QML, pretty easy right?
Now it's time to test the analytics tracking. The Flurry plugin is supported on iOS and Android. If you did not install these platforms for you Qt installation yet, start with the Deployment Guide first.
Now follow the Flurry integration guide to add the plugin to the project.
If you purchased a Felgo license already, you can generate a licenseKey with the Flurry plugin here. Otherwise, change the app identifier to
. See here where to change the app identifier for iOS or Android.
Congrats! You can now see your tracked events in the Flurry web dashboard and start to improve your game. :)
In this lesson you have learned how to use the Flurry plugin to improve your app after you have published it in the stores. You know now which parts of your app you should focus on to improve and how to make your users stay longer in the app.
This is the last lesson in this crash course series. I hope you found this crash course valuable and now have a better understanding how Felgo can help you to make your next blockbuster game.
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Cheers, Chris from Felgo