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A representation of text search results within a PDF Document. More...

Import Statement: import QtQuick.Pdf
Since: Qt 5.15



Detailed Description

PdfSearchModel provides the ability to search for text strings within a document and get the geometric locations of matches on each page.

Property Documentation

currentPage : int

The page on which currentResultBoundingPolygons should provide filtered search results.

currentPageBoundingPolygons : list<list<point>>

A set of paths in a form that can be bound to the paths property of a PathMultiline instance to render a batch of rectangles around all the regions where search results are found on currentPage:

PdfDocument {
    id: doc
PdfSearchModel {
    id: searchModel
    document: doc
Shape {
    ShapePath {
        PathMultiline {
            paths: searchModel.matchGeometry(view.currentPage)

See also PathMultiline.

currentResult : int

The result index within the whole set of search results, for which currentResultBoundingPolygons should provide the regions to highlight if currentPage matches currentResultLink.page.

currentResultBoundingPolygons : list<list<point>>

A set of paths in a form that can be bound to the paths property of a PathMultiline instance to render a batch of rectangles around the regions comprising the search result currentResult on currentPage. This is normally used to highlight one search result at a time, in a UI that allows stepping through the results:

PdfDocument {
    id: doc
PdfSearchModel {
    id: searchModel
    document: doc
    currentPage: view.currentPage
    currentResult: ...
Shape {
    ShapePath {
        PathMultiline {
            paths: searchModel.currentResultBoundingPolygons

It becomes empty whenever currentPage != currentResultLink.page.

See also PathMultiline.

currentResultBoundingRect : point

The bounding box containing all currentResultBoundingPolygons, if currentPage == currentResultLink.page; otherwise, an invalid rectangle.

The result at index currentResult.

searchString : string

The string to search for.

Method Documentation

list<list<point>> boundingPolygonsOnPage(int page)

Returns a set of paths in a form that can be bound to the paths property of a PathMultiline instance, which is used to render a batch of rectangles around all the matching locations on the page:

PdfDocument {
    id: doc
PdfSearchModel {
    id: searchModel
    document: doc
Shape {
    ShapePath {
        PathMultiline {
            paths: searchModel.matchGeometry(view.currentPage)

See also PathMultiline.

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