A QML RSS news reader that uses XmlListModel and XmlListModelRole custom QML types to download XML data, ListModel and ListElement to create a category list, and ListView to display the data.
RSS News demonstrates the following Qt Quick features:
To run the example from Qt Creator, open the Welcome mode and select the example from Examples. For more information, visit Building and Running an Example.
In the RSS News app, we use the following custom types that are each defined in a separate .qml file:
To use the custom types, we add an import statement to the main QML file, rssnews.qml that imports the folder called content
where the types are located:
import "./content"
In rssnews.qml
, we use a Rectangle type with custom properties to create the app main window:
Rectangle { id: window width: 800 height: 480 property string currentFeed: rssFeeds.get(0).feed property bool loading: feedModel.status === XmlListModel.Loading property bool isPortrait: Screen.primaryOrientation === Qt.PortraitOrientation
We will use the custom properties later for loading XML data and for adjusting the screen layout depending on its orientation.
In rssnews.qml
, we use the RssFeeds
custom type that we specify in RssFeeds.qml
to create a list of feed categories:
RssFeeds { id: rssFeeds }
In RssFeeds.qml
, we use a ListModel type with a ListElement type to create a category list where list
elements represent feed categories:
ListModel { ListElement { name: "Top Stories"; feed: "news.yahoo.com/rss/topstories"; image: "images/TopStories.jpg" } ListElement { name: "World"; feed: "news.yahoo.com/rss/world"; image: "images/World.jpg" } ListElement { name: "Europe"; feed: "news.yahoo.com/rss/europe"; image: "images/Europe.jpg" } ListElement { name: "Asia"; feed: "news.yahoo.com/rss/asia"; image: "images/Asia.jpg" } ListElement { name: "U.S. National"; feed: "news.yahoo.com/rss/us"; image: "images/USNational.jpg" } ListElement { name: "Politics"; feed: "news.yahoo.com/rss/politics"; image: "images/Politics.jpg" } ListElement { name: "Business"; feed: "news.yahoo.com/rss/business"; image: "images/Business.jpg" } ListElement { name: "Technology"; feed: "news.yahoo.com/rss/tech"; image: "images/Technology.jpg" } ListElement { name: "Entertainment"; feed: "news.yahoo.com/rss/entertainment"; image: "images/Entertainment.jpg" } ListElement { name: "Health"; feed: "news.yahoo.com/rss/health"; image: "images/Health.jpg" } ListElement { name: "Science"; feed: "news.yahoo.com/rss/science"; image: "images/Science.jpg" } ListElement { name: "Sports"; feed: "news.yahoo.com/rss/sports"; image: "images/Sports.jpg" } }
List elements are defined like other QML types except that they contain a collection of role definitions instead of properties. Roles both define how the data is accessed and include the data itself.
For each list element, we use the name
role to specify the category name, the feed
role to specify the URL to load the data from, and the image
role to display an image for the
In rssnews.qml
, we use a ListView type to display the category list:
ListView { id: categories property int itemWidth: 190 width: isPortrait ? parent.width : itemWidth height: isPortrait ? itemWidth : parent.height orientation: isPortrait ? ListView.Horizontal : ListView.Vertical anchors.top: parent.top model: rssFeeds delegate: CategoryDelegate { itemSize: categories.itemWidth } spacing: 3 }
To lay out the category list horizontally at the top of the window in portrait orientation and vertically on the left side in landscape orientation, we use the orientation
property. Based on the orientation, we
bind either the width or the height of the list to a fixed value (itemWidth
We use the anchors.top
property to position the list view at the top of the screen in both orientations.
We use the model
property to load XML data from the rssFeeds
model, and CategoryDelegate
as the delegate to instantiate each item in the list.
In CategoryDelegate.qml
, we use the Rectangle type with custom properties to create list elements:
Rectangle { id: delegate property bool selected: ListView.isCurrentItem
We set the selected
property to the ListView.isCurrentItem
attached property to specify that selected
is true
if delegate
is the current item.
We use the Image type source
property to display the image, centered in the delegate, specified for the list element by the image
role in the
list model:
Image { anchors.centerIn: parent source: image }
We use a Text type to add titles to list elements:
Text { id: titleText anchors { left: parent.left; leftMargin: 20 right: parent.right; rightMargin: 20 top: parent.top; topMargin: 20 } font { pixelSize: 18; bold: true } text: name color: selected ? "#ffffff" : "#ebebdd" scale: selected ? 1.15 : 1.0 Behavior on color { ColorAnimation { duration: 150 } } Behavior on scale { PropertyAnimation { duration: 300 } }
We use the anchors
property to position the title at the top of the list element, with a 20-pixel margin. We use font
properties to adjust font size and text formatting.
We use the color
and scale
properties to brighten the text and to scale it slightly larger when the list item is the current item. By applying a Behavior
to the property, we animate the actions of selecting and deselecting list items.
We use a MouseArea type to download XML data when users tap a category list element:
MouseArea { anchors.fill: delegate onClicked: { delegate.ListView.view.currentIndex = index if (window.currentFeed == feed) feedModel.reload() else window.currentFeed = feed } }
The anchors.fill
property is set to delegate
to enable users to tap anywhere within the list element.
We use the onClicked
signal handler to load the XML data for the category list. If the tapped category is already current, the reload()
function is called to reload the data.
In rssnews.qml
, we use an XmlListModel type as a data source for ListView elements to display news items in
the selected category:
XmlListModel { id: feedModel source: "https://" + window.currentFeed query: "/rss/channel/item"
We use the source
property and the window.currentFeed
custom property to fetch news items for the selected category.
The query
property specifies that the XmlListModel generates a model item for each <item>
in the XML document.
We use the XmlListModelRole type to specify the model item attributes. Each model item has the title
, content
, link
, and
attributes that match the values of the corresponding <item>
in the XML document:
XmlListModelRole { name: "title"; elementName: "title"; attributeName: ""} XmlListModelRole { name: "content"; elementName: "content"; attributeName: "url" } XmlListModelRole { name: "link"; elementName: "link"; attributeName: "" } XmlListModelRole { name: "pubDate"; elementName: "pubDate"; attributeName: "" } }
We use the feedModel
model in a ListView type to display the data:
ListView { id: list anchors.left: isPortrait ? window.left : categories.right anchors.right: closeButton.left anchors.top: isPortrait ? categories.bottom : window.top anchors.bottom: window.bottom anchors.leftMargin: 30 anchors.rightMargin: 4 clip: isPortrait model: feedModel footer: footerText delegate: NewsDelegate {} }
To list the news items below the category list in portrait orientation and to its right in landscape orientation, we use the isPortrait
custom property to anchor the top of the news items list to the left of
and bottom of categories
in portrait orientation and to the right of categories
and bottom of window
in landscape orientation.
We use the anchors.bottom
property to anchor the bottom of the list view to the bottom of the window in both orientations.
In portrait orientation, we clip the painting of the news items to the bounding rectangle of the list view to avoid graphical artifacts when news items are scrolled over other items. In landscape, this is not required, because the list spans the entire screen vertically.
We use the model
property to load XML data from the feedModel
model, and use NewsDelegate
as the delegate to instantiate each item in the list.
In NewsDelegate.qml
, we use a Column type to lay out the XML data:
Column { id: delegate width: delegate.ListView.view.width spacing: 8
Within the column, we use a Row and another column to position images and title text:
Row { width: parent.width spacing: 8 Column { Item { width: 4 height: titleText.font.pixelSize / 4 } Image { id: titleImage source: content width: Math.min(delegate.width / 2, sourceSize.width) fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit } } Text { id: titleText text: title.replace(/'/g, "'") width: delegate.width - titleImage.width wrapMode: Text.WordWrap font.pixelSize: 26 font.bold: true } }
We generate a textual representation of how long ago the item was posted using the timeSinceEvent()
JavaScript function:
Text { width: delegate.width font.pixelSize: 12 textFormat: Text.RichText font.italic: true text: timeSinceEvent(pubDate) + " (<a href=\"" + link + "\">Link</a>)" onLinkActivated: function(link) { Qt.openUrlExternally(link) } }
We use the onLinkActivated
signal handler to open the URL in an external browser when users select the link.
In CategoryDelegate.qml
, we use the BusyIndicator
custom type to indicate activity while the XML data is being loaded:
BusyIndicator { scale: 0.8 visible: delegate.ListView.isCurrentItem && window.loading anchors.centerIn: parent }
We use the scale
property to reduce the indicator size to 0.8
. We bind the visible
property to the isCurrentItem
attached property of the delegate
list view
and loading
property of the main window to display the indicator image when a category list item is the current item and XML data is being loaded.
We define the BusyIndicator
type in BusyIndicator.qml
. We use an Image type to display an image and apply a NumberAnimation to its rotation
property to rotate the image in an infinite loop:
Image { id: container source: "images/busy.png"; NumberAnimation on rotation { running: container.visible from: 0; to: 360; loops: Animation.Infinite; duration: 1200 } }
In your apps, you can also use the BusyIndicator type from the Qt Quick Controls module.
In rssnews.qml
, we use our own custom ScrollBar
type to create scroll bars in the category and news item list views. In your apps, you can also use the ScrollView type from the Qt Quick Controls module.
First, we create a scroll bar in the category list view. We bind the orientation
property to the isPortrait
property and to the Horizontal
value of the Qt::Orientation
type to display a horizontal scroll bar in portrait orientation and to the Vertical
value to display a vertical scroll bar in landscape orientation:
ScrollBar { id: listScrollBar orientation: isPortrait ? Qt.Horizontal : Qt.Vertical height: isPortrait ? 8 : categories.height; width: isPortrait ? categories.width : 8 scrollArea: categories; anchors.right: categories.right }
Same as with the categories
list view, we adjust the width and height of the scroll bar based on the isPortrait
We use the scrollArea
property to display the scroll bar in the categories
list view.
We use the anchors.right
property to anchor the scroll bar to the right side of the category list.
ScrollBar { scrollArea: list width: 8 anchors.right: window.right anchors.top: isPortrait ? categories.bottom : window.top anchors.bottom: window.bottom }
Second, we create another scroll bar in the news item list view. We want a vertical scroll bar to appear on the right side of the view regardless of screen orientation, so we can set the width
property to
and bind the anchors.right
property to the window.right
property. We use the anchors.top
property to anchor the scroll bar top to the bottom of the category list in portrait
orientation and to the top of the news item list in landscape orientation. We use the anchors.bottom
property to anchor the scroll bar bottom to the list view bottom in both orientations.
We define the ScrollBar
type in ScrollBar.qml
. We use an Item type with custom properties to create a container for the scroll bar:
Item { id: container property variant scrollArea property int orientation: Qt.Vertical opacity: 0
We use a BorderImage type to display the scroll bar thumb at the x and y position that we calculate by using the position()
BorderImage { source: "images/scrollbar.png" border { left: 1; right: 1; top: 1; bottom: 1 } x: container.orientation == Qt.Vertical ? 2 : position() y: container.orientation == Qt.Vertical ? position() : 2 width: container.orientation == Qt.Vertical ? container.width - 4 : size() height: container.orientation == Qt.Vertical ? size() : container.height - 4 }
We use the size
function to calculate the thumb width and height depending on the screen orientation.
We use states
to make the scroll bar visible when the users move the scroll area:
states: State { name: "visible" when: container.orientation == Qt.Vertical ? scrollArea.movingVertically : scrollArea.movingHorizontally PropertyChanges { target: container; opacity: 1.0 } }
We use transitions
to apply a NumberAnimation to the opacity
property when the state changes from "visible"
to the default state:
transitions: Transition { from: "visible"; to: "" NumberAnimation { properties: "opacity"; duration: 600 } } }
In rssnews.qml
, we use a Component type with a Rectangle type to create a footer for the news list view:
Component { id: footerText Rectangle { width: parent.width height: closeButton.height color: "lightgray" Text { text: "RSS Feed from Yahoo News" anchors.centerIn: parent font.pixelSize: 14 } } }
We bind the width
of the footer to the width of the component and the height
to the height of close button to align them when no news items are displayed.
In rssnews.qml
, we use an Image type to create a simple push button that users can tap to close the app:
Image { id: closeButton source: "content/images/btn_close.png" scale: 0.8 anchors.top: parent.top anchors.right: parent.right anchors.margins: 4 opacity: (isPortrait && categories.moving) ? 0.2 : 1.0 Behavior on opacity { NumberAnimation { duration: 300; easing.type: Easing.OutSine } } MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { Qt.quit() } } }
We use anchors
to position the close button in the top right corner of the news list view, with 4-pixel margins. Because the close button overlaps the category list in portrait orientation, we animate the
property to make the button almost fully transparent when users are scrolling the category list.
We use the onClicked
signal handler within a MouseArea to call the quit()
function when users select the close button.
See also QML Applications.