The QTextFormat class provides formatting information for a QTextDocument. More...
Header: | #include <QTextFormat> |
CMake: | find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Gui) target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::Gui) |
qmake: | QT += gui |
Inherited By: |
QTextBlockFormat, QTextCharFormat, QTextFrameFormat, and QTextListFormat |
Note: All functions in this class are reentrant.
enum | FormatType { InvalidFormat, BlockFormat, CharFormat, ListFormat, FrameFormat, UserFormat } |
enum | ObjectTypes { NoObject, ImageObject, TableObject, TableCellObject, UserObject } |
enum | PageBreakFlag { PageBreak_Auto, PageBreak_AlwaysBefore, PageBreak_AlwaysAfter } |
flags | PageBreakFlags |
enum | Property { ObjectIndex, CssFloat, LayoutDirection, OutlinePen, ForegroundBrush, …, UserProperty } |
QTextFormat(const QTextFormat &other) | |
QTextFormat(int type) | |
QTextFormat() | |
QTextFormat & | operator=(const QTextFormat &other) |
~QTextFormat() | |
QBrush | background() const |
bool | boolProperty(int propertyId) const |
QBrush | brushProperty(int propertyId) const |
void | clearBackground() |
void | clearForeground() |
void | clearProperty(int propertyId) |
QColor | colorProperty(int propertyId) const |
qreal | doubleProperty(int propertyId) const |
QBrush | foreground() const |
bool | hasProperty(int propertyId) const |
int | intProperty(int propertyId) const |
bool | isBlockFormat() const |
bool | isCharFormat() const |
bool | isEmpty() const |
bool | isFrameFormat() const |
bool | isImageFormat() const |
bool | isListFormat() const |
bool | isTableCellFormat() const |
bool | isTableFormat() const |
bool | isValid() const |
Qt::LayoutDirection | layoutDirection() const |
QTextLength | lengthProperty(int propertyId) const |
QList<QTextLength> | lengthVectorProperty(int propertyId) const |
void | merge(const QTextFormat &other) |
int | objectIndex() const |
int | objectType() const |
QPen | penProperty(int propertyId) const |
QMap<int, QVariant> | properties() const |
QVariant | property(int propertyId) const |
int | propertyCount() const |
void | setBackground(const QBrush &brush) |
void | setForeground(const QBrush &brush) |
void | setLayoutDirection(Qt::LayoutDirection direction) |
void | setObjectIndex(int index) |
void | setObjectType(int type) |
void | setProperty(int propertyId, const QVariant &value) |
void | setProperty(int propertyId, const QList<QTextLength> &value) |
QString | stringProperty(int propertyId) const |
void | swap(QTextFormat &other) |
QTextBlockFormat | toBlockFormat() const |
QTextCharFormat | toCharFormat() const |
QTextFrameFormat | toFrameFormat() const |
QTextImageFormat | toImageFormat() const |
QTextListFormat | toListFormat() const |
QTextTableCellFormat | toTableCellFormat() const |
QTextTableFormat | toTableFormat() const |
int | type() const |
QVariant | operator QVariant() const |
bool | operator!=(const QTextFormat &other) const |
bool | operator==(const QTextFormat &other) const |
A QTextFormat is a generic class used for describing the format of parts of a QTextDocument. The derived classes QTextCharFormat, QTextBlockFormat, QTextListFormat, and QTextTableFormat are usually more useful, and describe the formatting that is applied to specific parts of the document.
A format has a FormatType
which specifies the kinds of text item it can format; e.g. a block of text, a list, a table, etc. A format also has various properties (some specific to particular format types), as
described by the Property enum. Every property has a corresponding Property.
The format type is given by type(), and the format can be tested with isCharFormat(), isBlockFormat(), isListFormat(), isTableFormat(), isFrameFormat(), and isImageFormat(). If the type is determined, it can be retrieved with toCharFormat(), toBlockFormat(), toListFormat(), toTableFormat(), toFrameFormat(), and toImageFormat().
A format's properties can be set with the setProperty() functions, and retrieved with boolProperty(), intProperty(), doubleProperty(), and stringProperty() as appropriate. All the property IDs used in the format can be retrieved with allPropertyIds(). One format can be merged into another using merge().
A format's object index can be set with setObjectIndex(), and retrieved with objectIndex(). These methods can be used to associate the format with a QTextObject. It is used to represent lists, frames, and tables inside the document.
See also Rich Text Processing.
This enum describes the text item a QTextFormat object is formatting.
Constant | Value | Description |
QTextFormat::InvalidFormat |
-1 |
An invalid format as created by the default constructor |
QTextFormat::BlockFormat |
1 |
The object formats a text block |
QTextFormat::CharFormat |
2 |
The object formats a single character |
QTextFormat::ListFormat |
3 |
The object formats a list |
QTextFormat::FrameFormat |
5 |
The object formats a frame |
QTextFormat::UserFormat |
100 |
See also QTextCharFormat, QTextBlockFormat, QTextListFormat, QTextTableFormat, and type().
This enum describes what kind of QTextObject this format is associated with.
Constant | Value | Description |
QTextFormat::NoObject |
0 |
QTextFormat::ImageObject |
1 |
QTextFormat::TableObject |
2 |
QTextFormat::TableCellObject |
3 |
QTextFormat::UserObject |
0x1000 |
The first object that can be used for application-specific purposes. |
See also QTextObject, QTextTable, and QTextObject::format().
This enum describes how page breaking is performed when printing. It maps to the corresponding css properties.
Constant | Value | Description |
QTextFormat::PageBreak_Auto |
0 |
The page break is determined automatically depending on the available space on the current page |
QTextFormat::PageBreak_AlwaysBefore |
0x001 |
The page is always broken before the paragraph/table |
QTextFormat::PageBreak_AlwaysAfter |
0x010 |
A new page is always started after the paragraph/table |
The PageBreakFlags type is a typedef for QFlags<PageBreakFlag>. It stores an OR combination of PageBreakFlag values.
See also QTextBlockFormat::pageBreakPolicy(), QTextFrameFormat::pageBreakPolicy(), and PageBreakPolicy.
This enum describes the different properties a format can have.
Constant | Value | Description |
QTextFormat::ObjectIndex |
0x0 |
The index of the formatted object. See objectIndex(). |
Paragraph and character properties
Constant | Value | Description |
QTextFormat::CssFloat |
0x0800 |
How a frame is located relative to the surrounding text |
QTextFormat::LayoutDirection |
0x0801 |
The layout direction of the text in the document (Qt::LayoutDirection). |
QTextFormat::OutlinePen |
0x810 |
QTextFormat::ForegroundBrush |
0x821 |
QTextFormat::BackgroundBrush |
0x820 |
QTextFormat::BackgroundImageUrl |
0x823 |
Paragraph properties
Constant | Value | Description |
QTextFormat::BlockAlignment |
0x1010 |
QTextFormat::BlockTopMargin |
0x1030 |
QTextFormat::BlockBottomMargin |
0x1031 |
QTextFormat::BlockLeftMargin |
0x1032 |
QTextFormat::BlockRightMargin |
0x1033 |
QTextFormat::TextIndent |
0x1034 |
QTextFormat::TabPositions |
0x1035 |
Specifies the tab positions. The tab positions are structs of QTextOption::Tab which are stored in a QList (internally, in a QList<QVariant>). |
QTextFormat::BlockIndent |
0x1040 |
QTextFormat::LineHeight |
0x1048 |
QTextFormat::LineHeightType |
0x1049 |
QTextFormat::BlockNonBreakableLines |
0x1050 |
QTextFormat::BlockTrailingHorizontalRulerWidth |
0x1060 |
The width of a horizontal ruler element. |
QTextFormat::HeadingLevel |
0x1070 |
The level of a heading, for example 1 corresponds to an HTML H1 tag; otherwise 0. This enum value has been added in Qt 5.12. |
QTextFormat::BlockCodeFence |
0x1091 |
The character that was used in the "fences" around a Markdown code block. If the code block was indented rather than fenced, the block should not have this property. This enum value has been added in Qt 5.14. |
QTextFormat::BlockQuoteLevel |
0x1080 |
The depth of nested quoting on this block: 1 means the block is a top-level block quote. Blocks that are not block quotes should not have this property. This enum value has been added in Qt 5.14. |
QTextFormat::BlockCodeLanguage |
0x1090 |
The programming language in a preformatted or code block. Blocks that do not contain code should not have this property. This enum value has been added in Qt 5.14. |
QTextFormat::BlockMarker |
0x10A0 |
The type of adornment to be shown alongside the block. This enum value has been added in Qt 5.14. |
Character properties
Constant | Value | Description |
QTextFormat::FontFamily |
0x2000 |
e{This property has been deprecated.} Use QTextFormat::FontFamilies instead. |
QTextFormat::FontFamilies |
0x1FE7 |
QTextFormat::FontStyleName |
0x1FE8 |
QTextFormat::FontPointSize |
0x2001 |
QTextFormat::FontPixelSize |
0x2009 |
QTextFormat::FontSizeAdjustment |
0x2002 |
Specifies the change in size given to the fontsize already set using FontPointSize or FontPixelSize. |
QTextFormat::FontFixedPitch |
0x2008 |
QTextFormat::FontWeight |
0x2003 |
QTextFormat::FontItalic |
0x2004 |
QTextFormat::FontUnderline |
0x2005 |
This property has been deprecated. Use QTextFormat::TextUnderlineStyle instead. |
QTextFormat::FontOverline |
0x2006 |
QTextFormat::FontStrikeOut |
0x2007 |
QTextFormat::FontCapitalization |
FirstFontProperty |
Specifies the capitalization type that is to be applied to the text. |
QTextFormat::FontLetterSpacingType |
0x1FE9 |
Specifies the meaning of the FontLetterSpacing property. The default is QFont::PercentageSpacing. |
QTextFormat::FontLetterSpacing |
0x1FE1 |
Changes the default spacing between individual letters in the font. The value is specified as a percentage or absolute value, depending on FontLetterSpacingType. The default value is 100%. |
QTextFormat::FontWordSpacing |
0x1FE2 |
Changes the default spacing between individual words. A positive value increases the word spacing by the corresponding pixels; a negative value decreases the spacing. |
QTextFormat::FontStretch |
0x1FEA |
Corresponds to the QFont::Stretch property |
QTextFormat::FontStyleHint |
0x1FE3 |
Corresponds to the QFont::StyleHint property |
QTextFormat::FontStyleStrategy |
0x1FE4 |
Corresponds to the QFont::StyleStrategy property |
QTextFormat::FontKerning |
0x1FE5 |
Specifies whether the font has kerning turned on. |
QTextFormat::FontHintingPreference |
0x1FE6 |
Controls the use of hinting according to values of the QFont::HintingPreference enum. |
QTextFormat::TextUnderlineColor |
0x2020 |
Specifies the color to draw underlines, overlines and strikeouts. |
QTextFormat::TextVerticalAlignment |
0x2021 |
QTextFormat::TextOutline |
0x2022 |
QTextFormat::TextUnderlineStyle |
0x2023 |
QTextFormat::TextToolTip |
0x2024 |
Specifies the (optional) tool tip to be displayed for a fragment of text. |
QTextFormat::TextSuperScriptBaseline |
0x2025 |
Specifies the baseline (in % of height) of superscript texts. |
QTextFormat::TextSubScriptBaseline |
0x2026 |
Specifies the baseline (in % of height) of subscript texts. |
QTextFormat::TextBaselineOffset |
0x2027 |
Specifies the baseline (in % of height) of text. A positive value moves up the text, by the corresponding %; a negative value moves it down. |
QTextFormat::IsAnchor |
0x2030 |
QTextFormat::AnchorHref |
0x2031 |
QTextFormat::AnchorName |
0x2032 |
QTextFormat::ObjectType |
0x2f00 |
List properties
Constant | Value | Description |
QTextFormat::ListStyle |
0x3000 |
Specifies the style used for the items in a list, described by values of the QTextListFormat::Style enum. |
QTextFormat::ListIndent |
0x3001 |
Specifies the amount of indentation used for a list. |
QTextFormat::ListNumberPrefix |
0x3002 |
Defines the text which is prepended to item numbers in numeric lists. |
QTextFormat::ListNumberSuffix |
0x3003 |
Defines the text which is appended to item numbers in numeric lists. |
Table and frame properties
Constant | Value | Description |
QTextFormat::FrameBorder |
0x4000 |
QTextFormat::FrameBorderBrush |
0x4009 |
QTextFormat::FrameBorderStyle |
0x4010 |
See the BorderStyle enum. |
QTextFormat::FrameBottomMargin |
0x4006 |
QTextFormat::FrameHeight |
0x4004 |
QTextFormat::FrameLeftMargin |
0x4007 |
QTextFormat::FrameMargin |
0x4001 |
QTextFormat::FramePadding |
0x4002 |
QTextFormat::FrameRightMargin |
0x4008 |
QTextFormat::FrameTopMargin |
0x4005 |
QTextFormat::FrameWidth |
0x4003 |
QTextFormat::TableCellSpacing |
0x4102 |
QTextFormat::TableCellPadding |
0x4103 |
QTextFormat::TableColumns |
0x4100 |
QTextFormat::TableColumnWidthConstraints |
0x4101 |
QTextFormat::TableHeaderRowCount |
0x4104 |
QTextFormat::TableBorderCollapse |
0x4105 |
Specifies the QTextTableFormat::borderCollapse property. |
Table cell properties
Constant | Value |
QTextFormat::TableCellRowSpan |
0x4810 |
QTextFormat::TableCellColumnSpan |
0x4811 |
QTextFormat::TableCellLeftPadding |
0x4814 |
QTextFormat::TableCellRightPadding |
0x4815 |
QTextFormat::TableCellTopPadding |
0x4812 |
QTextFormat::TableCellBottomPadding |
0x4813 |
Table cell properties intended for use with QTextTableFormat::borderCollapse enabled
Constant | Value |
QTextFormat::TableCellTopBorder |
0x4816 |
QTextFormat::TableCellBottomBorder |
0x4817 |
QTextFormat::TableCellLeftBorder |
0x4818 |
QTextFormat::TableCellRightBorder |
0x4819 |
QTextFormat::TableCellTopBorderStyle |
0x481a |
QTextFormat::TableCellBottomBorderStyle |
0x481b |
QTextFormat::TableCellLeftBorderStyle |
0x481c |
QTextFormat::TableCellRightBorderStyle |
0x481d |
QTextFormat::TableCellTopBorderBrush |
0x481e |
QTextFormat::TableCellBottomBorderBrush |
0x481f |
QTextFormat::TableCellLeftBorderBrush |
0x4820 |
QTextFormat::TableCellRightBorderBrush |
0x4821 |
Image properties
Constant | Value | Description |
QTextFormat::ImageName |
0x5000 |
The filename or source of the image. |
QTextFormat::ImageTitle |
0x5001 |
The title attribute of an HTML image tag, or the quoted string that comes after the URL in a Markdown image link. This enum value has been added in Qt 5.14. |
QTextFormat::ImageAltText |
0x5002 |
The alt attribute of an HTML image tag, or the image description in a Markdown image link. This enum value has been added in Qt 5.14. |
QTextFormat::ImageWidth |
0x5010 |
QTextFormat::ImageHeight |
0x5011 |
QTextFormat::ImageQuality |
0x5014 |
Selection properties
Constant | Value | Description |
QTextFormat::FullWidthSelection |
0x06000 |
When set on the characterFormat of a selection, the whole width of the text will be shown selected. |
Page break properties
Constant | Value | Description |
QTextFormat::PageBreakPolicy |
0x7000 |
Specifies how pages are broken. See the PageBreakFlag enum. |
QTextFormat::UserProperty |
0x100000 |
See also property() and setProperty().
Creates a new text format with the same attributes as the other text format.
Creates a new text format of the given type.
See also FormatType.
Creates a new text format with an InvalidFormat
See also FormatType.
Assigns the other text format to this text format, and returns a reference to this text format.
Destroys this text format.
Returns the brush used to paint the document's background.
See also setBackground(), clearBackground(), and foreground().
Returns the value of the property specified by propertyId. If the property isn't of QTextFormat::Bool type, false is returned instead.
See also setProperty(), intProperty(), doubleProperty(), stringProperty(), colorProperty(), lengthProperty(), lengthVectorProperty(), and Property.
Returns the value of the property given by propertyId; if the property isn't of QMetaType::QBrush type, Qt::NoBrush is returned instead.
See also setProperty(), boolProperty(), intProperty(), doubleProperty(), stringProperty(), lengthProperty(), lengthVectorProperty(), and Property.
Clears the brush used to paint the document's background. The default brush will be used.
See also background(), setBackground(), and clearForeground().
Clears the brush used to paint the document's foreground. The default brush will be used.
See also foreground(), setForeground(), and clearBackground().
Clears the value of the property given by propertyId
See also Property.
Returns the value of the property given by propertyId; if the property isn't of QMetaType::QColor type, an invalid color is returned instead.
See also setProperty(), boolProperty(), intProperty(), doubleProperty(), stringProperty(), lengthProperty(), lengthVectorProperty(), and Property.
Returns the value of the property specified by propertyId. If the property isn't of QMetaType::Double or QMetaType::Float type, 0 is returned instead.
See also setProperty(), boolProperty(), intProperty(), stringProperty(), colorProperty(), lengthProperty(), lengthVectorProperty(), and Property.
Returns the brush used to render foreground details, such as text, frame outlines, and table borders.
See also setForeground(), clearForeground(), and background().
Returns true
if the text format has a property with the given propertyId; otherwise returns false
See also properties() and Property.
Returns the value of the property specified by propertyId. If the property is not of QTextFormat::Integer type, 0 is returned instead.
See also setProperty(), boolProperty(), doubleProperty(), stringProperty(), colorProperty(), lengthProperty(), lengthVectorProperty(), and Property.
Returns true
if this text format is a BlockFormat
; otherwise returns false
Returns true
if this text format is a CharFormat
; otherwise returns false
[since 5.3]
bool QTextFormat::isEmpty() constReturns true if the format does not store any properties; false otherwise.
This function was introduced in Qt 5.3.
See also propertyCount() and properties().
Returns true
if this text format is a FrameFormat
; otherwise returns false
Returns true
if this text format is an image format; otherwise returns false
Returns true
if this text format is a ListFormat
; otherwise returns false
Returns true
if this text format is a TableCellFormat
; otherwise returns false
Returns true
if this text format is a TableFormat
; otherwise returns false
Returns true
if the format is valid (i.e. is not InvalidFormat); otherwise returns false
Returns the document's layout direction.
See also setLayoutDirection().
Returns the value of the property given by propertyId.
See also setProperty(), boolProperty(), intProperty(), doubleProperty(), stringProperty(), colorProperty(), lengthVectorProperty(), and Property.
Returns the value of the property given by propertyId. If the property isn't of QTextFormat::LengthVector type, an empty list is returned instead.
See also setProperty(), boolProperty(), intProperty(), doubleProperty(), stringProperty(), colorProperty(), lengthProperty(), and Property.
Merges the other format with this format; where there are conflicts the other format takes precedence.
Returns the index of the format object, or -1 if the format object is invalid.
See also setObjectIndex().
Returns the text format's object type.
See also ObjectTypes and setObjectType().
Returns the value of the property given by propertyId; if the property isn't of QMetaType::QPen type, Qt::NoPen is returned instead.
See also setProperty(), boolProperty(), intProperty(), doubleProperty(), stringProperty(), lengthProperty(), lengthVectorProperty(), and Property.
Returns a map with all properties of this text format.
Returns the property specified by the given propertyId.
See also setProperty() and Property.
Returns the number of properties stored in the format.
Sets the brush use to paint the document's background to the brush specified.
See also background(), clearBackground(), and setForeground().
Sets the foreground brush to the specified brush. The foreground brush is mostly used to render text.
See also foreground(), clearForeground(), and setBackground().
Sets the document's layout direction to the specified direction.
See also layoutDirection().
Sets the format object's object index.
See also objectIndex().
Sets the text format's object type to type.
See also ObjectTypes and objectType().
Sets the property specified by the propertyId to the given value.
See also property() and Property.
Sets the value of the property given by propertyId to value.
See also lengthVectorProperty() and Property.
Returns the value of the property given by propertyId; if the property isn't of QMetaType::QString type, an empty string is returned instead.
See also setProperty(), boolProperty(), intProperty(), doubleProperty(), colorProperty(), lengthProperty(), lengthVectorProperty(), and Property.
[since 5.0]
void QTextFormat::swap(QTextFormat
&other)Swaps this text format with other. This function is very fast and never fails.
This function was introduced in Qt 5.0.
Returns this format as a block format.
Returns this format as a character format.
Returns this format as a frame format.
Returns this format as an image format.
Returns this format as a list format.
Returns this format as a table cell format.
Returns this format as a table format.
Returns the type of this format.
See also FormatType.
Returns the text format as a QVariant
Returns true
if this text format is different from the other text format.
Returns true
if this text format is the same as the other text format.