Customizes UI elements of Qt WebEngine's dialogs.
A web page might request dialogs for various purposes, such as authentication, picking colors, choosing files, and responding to JavaScript alerts, confirmation requests, and prompts.
Custom Dialogs demonstrates how to use WebEngine dialog request objects to implement custom dialogs for use instead of the default dialogs.
To run the example from Qt Creator, open the Welcome mode and select the example from Examples. For more information, visit Building and Running an Example.
In this example, we create a simple index.html
page that contains buttons and text fields for triggering a context menu and the following dialogs:
As mentioned, the index.html
file is responsible for triggering the dialogs from the side of HTML and JavaScript. Additionally, the example program starts a localhost TCP server returning the mocked HTTP
responses needed to trigger proxy and HTTP authentication dialogs.
The custom dialogs are just Qt Quick Designer UI Forms without any business logic. The point here is to present the glue code that is required to display the custom dialog for a particular web engine dialog or a menu request.
In main.cpp
, we initialize the WebEngine the same way as in the WebEngine Qt Quick Minimal
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QCoreApplication::setOrganizationName("QtExamples"); QtWebEngineQuick::initialize(); QGuiApplication app(argc, argv); QQmlApplicationEngine engine; Server *server = new Server(&engine); engine.load(QUrl(QStringLiteral("qrc:/main.qml"))); QTimer::singleShot(0, server, &Server::run); QNetworkProxy proxy; proxy.setType(QNetworkProxy::HttpProxy); proxy.setHostName("localhost"); proxy.setPort(5555); QNetworkProxy::setApplicationProxy(proxy); return app.exec(); }
In addition, we set up a proxy and a TCP server to be able to simulate proxy and HTTP authetication requests.
In main.qml
, we create a top level window, which contains a StackView with a SwitchButton and a WebView:
import QtQuick.Window Window { id: mainWindow width: 800 height: 610 visible: true StackView { id: stackView anchors.fill: parent focus: true initialItem: Item { id: main width: mainWindow.width height: mainWindow.height ColumnLayout { anchors.fill: parent SwitchButton { id: switcher Layout.fillWidth: true } WebView { id: webView useDefaultDialogs: switcher.checked Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.fillHeight: true } } } function closeForm() { pop(main); // reset url in case of proxy error webView.url = "qrc:/index.html" } function openForm(form) { push(form.item,; currentItem.closeForm.connect(closeForm); } } Component.onCompleted: { webView.openForm.connect(stackView.openForm); } }
In this example, we implement the handling of the following web engine requests:
ContextMenuRequest is a request object that is passed as a parameter of the WebEngineView::contextMenuRequested signal. We use the onContextMenuRequested
signal handler to handle requests for #openMenu
URL links:
WebEngineView { ... onContextMenuRequested: function(request) { // we only show menu for links with #openMenu if (!request.linkUrl.toString().endsWith("#openMenu")) { request.accepted = true; return; } // return early to show default menu if (useDefaultDialogs) return; request.accepted = true; openForm({item: Qt.resolvedUrl("forms/Menu.qml"), properties: {"request": request}}); } ... properties: {"request": request}});
The first text field from the top on our page triggers the request. Next, we check whether we should use the default menu. If not, we accept the request and switch the view to show the MenuForm
MenuForm { property QtObject request signal closeForm() followLink.onClicked: closeForm() back.onClicked: closeForm() forward.onClicked: closeForm() reload.onClicked: closeForm() copyLinkUrl.onClicked: closeForm() saveLink.onClicked: closeForm() close.onClicked: closeForm() Component.onCompleted: { back.btnEnable = false; forward.btnEnable = false; } }
To keep things simple, we do not provide any logic on component completion, and we simply close the form on any action.
TooltipRequest is a request object that is passed as a parameter of the WebEngineView::tooltipRequested signal. We use the onTooltipRequested
signal handler to handle requests for custom tooltip menus at specific
WebEngineView { ... onTooltipRequested: function(request) { if (useDefaultDialogs) return; if (request.type == TooltipRequest.Show) { tooltip.visible = true; tooltip.x = request.x; tooltip.y = request.y; tooltip.text = request.text; } else { tooltip.visible = false; } request.accepted = true; } ... properties: {"request": request}});
The second text field from the top on our page triggers the request. Next, we check whether we should use the default menu. If not, we accept the request and show a custom QML element as tooltip:
Rectangle { id: tooltip width: 200 height: 30 z: 50 visible: false color: "gray" border.color: "black" border.width: 2 radius: 3 property string text: "" Text { x: 0 y: 0 color: "#ffffff" text: parent.text font.pointSize: 12 anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter font.bold: false }
AuthenticationDialogRequest is a request object that is passed as a parameter of the WebEngineView::authenticationDialogRequested signal:
WebEngineView { ... onAuthenticationDialogRequested: function(request) { if (useDefaultDialogs) { // do not show proxy error page view.url = "qrc:/index.html" return; } request.accepted = true; openForm({item: Qt.resolvedUrl("forms/Authentication.qml"), properties: {"request": request}}); ... properties: {"request": request}});
We use the onAuthenticationDialogRequested
signal handler to check whether we should use the default authentication dialog. If not, we accept the request and switch the view to show the
AuthenticationForm { property QtObject request signal closeForm() cancelButton.onClicked: { request.dialogReject(); closeForm(); } loginButton.onClicked: { request.dialogReject(); closeForm(); } Component.onCompleted: { switch (request.type) { case AuthenticationDialogRequest.AuthenticationTypeHTTP: console.log("HTTP Authentication Required. Host says: " + request.realm); break; case AuthenticationDialogRequest.AuthenticationTypeProxy: console.log("Proxy Authentication Required for: " + request.proxyHost); break; } } }
On component completion, we log the request type. The user can fill in the credentials and click Login. We provide onClicked
handlers to accept or reject the authentication dialog. The TCP server on
localhost does not handle real authentication, and therefore we call rejectDialog()
instead of acceptDialog()
also for the login button clicked
JavaScriptDialogRequest is a request object that is passed as a parameter of the WebEngineView::javaScriptDialogRequested signal:
WebEngineView { ... onJavaScriptDialogRequested: function(request) { if (useDefaultDialogs) return; request.accepted = true; openForm({item: Qt.resolvedUrl("forms/JavaScript.qml"), properties: {"request": request}}); } ... properties: {"request": request}});
We use the onJavaScriptDialogRequested
signal handler to check whether we should use the default JavaScript dialog. If not, we accept the request and switch the view to show the JavaScriptForm
JavaScriptForm { property QtObject request signal closeForm() cancelButton.onClicked: { request.dialogReject(); closeForm(); } okButton.onClicked: { request.dialogAccept(prompt.text); closeForm(); } Component.onCompleted: { switch (request.type) { case JavaScriptDialogRequest.DialogTypeAlert: cancelButton.visible = false; title = qsTr("Alert"); message = request.message; prompt.text = ""; prompt.visible = false; break; case JavaScriptDialogRequest.DialogTypeConfirm: title = qsTr("Confirm"); message = request.message; prompt.text = ""; prompt.visible = false; break; case JavaScriptDialogRequest.DialogTypePrompt: title = qsTr("Prompt"); message = request.message; prompt.text = request.defaultText; prompt.visible = true; break; } } }
On component completion, we customize the form based on the request type. For a JavaScript prompt dialog we use dialogAccept()
with the prompt.text
ColorDialogRequest is a request object that is passed as a parameter of the WebEngineView::colorDialogRequested signal:
WebEngineView { ... onColorDialogRequested: function(request) { if (useDefaultDialogs) return; request.accepted = true; openForm({item: Qt.resolvedUrl("forms/ColorPicker.qml"), properties: {"request": request}}); } ... properties: {"request": request}});
We use the onColorDialogRequested
signal handler to check whether we should use the default color picker dialog. If not, we accept the request and switch the view to show the ColorPickerForm
ColorPickerForm { property QtObject request signal closeForm() okButton.onClicked: { request.dialogAccept(colorPicker.color); closeForm(); } cancelButton.onClicked: { request.dialogReject(); closeForm(); } function createCallback(color) { return function() { colorPicker.color = color }; } Component.onCompleted:{ for (var i = 0; i < grid.children.length; i++) { var cell = grid.children[i]; cell.clicked.connect(createCallback(cell.color)); } colorPicker.color = request.color; } }
On component completion, we create callbacks for all the color cells. When the user selects the color and clicks OK
, we pass the selected color to the dialogAccept()
FileDialogRequest is a request object that is passed as a parameter of the WebEngineView::fileDialogRequested signal:
WebEngineView { ... onFileDialogRequested: function(request) { if (useDefaultDialogs) return; request.accepted = true; openForm({item: Qt.resolvedUrl("forms/FilePicker.qml"), properties: {"request": request}}); } onTouchSelectionMenuRequested: function(request) { if (useDefaultDialogs) return; request.accepted = true; openForm({item: Qt.resolvedUrl("forms/TouchSelectionMenu.qml"), properties: {"request": request}});
We use the onFileDialogRequested
signal handler to check whether we should use the default file picker dialog. If not, we accept the request and switch the view to show the FilePickerForm
FilePickerForm { property QtObject request property string selectedFile signal closeForm() cancelButton.onClicked: { request.dialogReject(); closeForm(); } okButton.onClicked: { request.dialogAccept('/' + selectedFile); closeForm(); } function createCallback(fileIndex) { return function() { for (var i = 0; i < files.children.length; i++) { var file = files.children[i]; if (i === fileIndex) { selectedFile = file.text; file.selected = true; } else { file.selected = false; } } } } Component.onCompleted: { selectedFile = request.defaultFileName; for (var i = 0; i < files.children.length; i++) { var file = files.children[i]; file.clicked.connect(createCallback(i)); if (file.text === selectedFile) file.selected = true; } }
On component completion, we create callbacks for selecting files. When the user selects a file and clicks OK
, we pass the selected file to the dialogAccept