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Qt World Summit Conference App

 import QtQuick 2.7
 import Felgo 4.0
 import "pages"
 import "common"
 import "model"
 import "logic"

 Rectangle {
   id: loaderItem
   anchors.fill: parent
   color: Theme.backgroundColor

   // make navigation public (required for Felgo app demo launcher)
   property Navigation navigation: mainLoader.item && mainLoader.item.navigation

    // if notification was opened, go to inbox after loading
   property bool openInboxAfterLoading: false
   onNavigationChanged: {
     if(navigation && openInboxAfterLoading)

   //property SocialView socialViewItem: mainLoader.item && mainLoader.item.socialViewItem || null

   DataModel {
     id: dataModel
     dispatcher: logic
     onInitializedChanged: logic.loadData() // load/update data after initialization

   Logic {
     id: logic

   ViewHelper {
     id: viewHelper

   // storage for caching data
   Settings {
     id: webStorage
     //property var gameWindow: app
     //gameNetworkItem: gameNetwork
     //clearAllAtStartup: gameNetwork.clearAllUserDataAtStartup // allows to simulate with a clean app, without favored talks and scanned contacts

     // initialize data model with stored data at startup
     Component.onCompleted: {
       logic.increaseLocalAppStarts() // increase local app starts after first initialization

     // update data model with fresh synchronized data
 //    onInitiallyInServerSyncChanged: {
 //      if(initiallyInServerSync)
 //        logic.initializeDataModel(webStorage)
 //    }

   // facebook
   Facebook {
     id: facebook
     appId: AppSettings.facebookAppId
     readPermissions: [ "public_profile", "email"]

   // amplitude
   Amplitude {
     id: amplitude
     // From Amplitude Settings
     apiKey: AppSettings.amplitudeApiKey

     onPluginLoaded: {
       Qt.callLater(() => { amplitude.logEvent("Start App", {"platform" : (system.isPlatform(System.IOS) ? "iOS" : "Android")}) })

 //  // game network
 //  FelgoGameNetwork {
 //    id: gameNetwork
 //    gameId: AppSettings.gameId
 //    secret: AppSettings.gameSecret
 //    facebookItem: facebook
 //    defaultUserName: "User %1"
 //    defaultPerPageCount: 100 // increase to show more users in leaderboard, default would be 30

 //    // this saves the get_user_scores request at app startup if the user already logged in before. it can be synced manually in the profile view
 //    // autoLoadUserScoresAndAchievemenstWhenAuthenticated: false // property no longer exists
 //    userInitiallyInSync: false

 //    //clearAllUserDataAtStartup: system.desktopPlatform // this can be enabled during development to simulate a first-time app start
 //    clearOfflineSendingQueueAtStartup: true // clear any stored requests in the offline queue at app start, to avoid starting errors
 //    //user.deviceId: system.UDID // property no longer exists

 //    // update highscore with changes after scores are in sync initially
 //    property int addScoreWhenSynced: 0
 //    onUserScoresInitiallySyncedChanged: {
 //      if(userScoresInitiallySynced && !system.publishBuild) {
 //        console.log("Debug Build - reset current score of "+gameNetwork.userHighscoreForCurrentActiveLeaderboard+" to 0")
 //        var targetScore = 0
 //        if(dataModel.favorites) {
 //          for(var id in dataModel.favorites)
 //            targetScore++
 //        }
 //        gameNetwork.reportRelativeScore(targetScore - gameNetwork.userHighscoreForCurrentActiveLeaderboard)
 //      }
 //      else if(userScoresInitiallySynced && addScoreWhenSynced != 0)
 //        gameNetwork.reportRelativeScore(addScoreWhenSynced)
 //    }

 //    // reset / initialize data model when when GameNetwork user switches
 //    onUserInitiallyInSyncChanged: {
 //      logic.resetOrInitializeDataModel(gameNetwork.userInitiallyInSync)
 //    }
 //  }

   // multiplayer
 //  FelgoMultiplayer {
 //    id: multiplayer
 //    gameNetworkItem: gameNetwork
 //    appKey: AppSettings.appKey
 //    pushKey: AppSettings.pushKey
 //    notificationBar: appNotificationBar // notification bar that also takes statusBarHeight into account
 //  }

 //  AppNotificationBar {
 //    id: appNotificationBar
 //    tintColor: Theme.tintColor
 //    onDismiss: {
 //      if(navigation)
 //        mainLoader.item.openInbox()
 //      else
 //        loaderItem.openInboxAfterLoading = true
 //    }
 //  }

   Component.onCompleted: {

   // load main item dynamically
   Loader {
     id: mainLoader
     // setting asynchronous to true causes issues at loading on Desktop. the item sometimes doesnt get fully loaded
     asynchronous: !system.desktopPlatform
     // the visible setting is irrelevant, as we move the item to the parent anyways
     visible: false
     //visible: status === Loader.Ready // this would be the ideal setting if we would display the item within loader, and not move it to the parent
     //onVisibleChanged: console.debug("mainLoader.visible changed to", visible)
     //onStatusChanged: console.debug("mainLoader.status changed to", status, " 0=null, 1=ready, 2=loading, 3=error")
     // source: Qt.resolvedUrl("QtWSMainItem.qml") // this would initially start loading, avoid this as we first wan to show the loading page
       console.debug("xxx-QtWSLoaderItem: finished loading main qml file, showing it now")
       // this is required. nothing is displayed without moving it to the parent
       item.parent = loaderItem
       loadingFadeOut.start() // fade out loading screen (will reveal loaded item)

   Timer {
     id: loaderTimer
     interval: 100 // start loading asap after the items were completed. was set to 500ms before, but rather start faster, the loading screen animation is shown anyhow
     onTriggered: mainLoader.source = Qt.resolvedUrl("QtWSMainItem.qml")

   // loading screen
   Rectangle {
     id: loading
     anchors.fill: parent
     color: "#f0f1f2"
     z: 2

     // Qt image
 //    AppImage {
 //      id: loadImage
 //      fillMode: AppImage.PreserveAspectCrop
 //      anchors.fill: parent
 //      source: "../assets/loader.png"
 //    }

     AppImage {
       id: img
       source: "../assets/QtWS2019_globe_black.png"
       width: dp(150)
       fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit
       anchors.centerIn: parent

     Column {
       anchors.centerIn: parent
       anchors.verticalCenterOffset: img.height
       spacing: dp(15)

       // Spinner
       Item {
         id: loadSpinner
         width: dp(30)
         height: dp(30)
         anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter

         Rectangle {
           width: dp(10)
           height: dp(10)
           radius: width/2
           color: Theme.tintColor
           anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
         Rectangle {
           width: dp(10)
           height: dp(10)
           radius: width/2
           color: Theme.tintColor
           anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
           anchors.bottom: parent.bottom

         RotationAnimator {
           target: loadSpinner
           running: true
           loops: Animation.Infinite
           from: 0
           to: 360
           duration: 2000

       // fade out
       NumberAnimation {
         id: loadingFadeOut
         target: loading
         property: "opacity"
         to: 0
         duration: 300

     Column {
       width: parent.width
       spacing: dp(10)
       anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
       anchors.bottomMargin: dp(15)

       AppText {
         text: "This conference app is powered by"
         anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
         font.pixelSize: sp(11)

       Row {
         anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
         spacing: dp(5)

         AppImage {
           source: "../assets/Qt_logo.png"
           height: dp(30)
           fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit
           anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter

         AppText {
           text: "+"
           anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter

         AppImage {
           source: "../assets/felgo_black.png"
           height: dp(30)
           fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit
           anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter

   Connections {
     target: getApplication()

     // load data if not available and device goes online
     onIsOnlineChanged: {
       if(!dataModel.loaded && isOnline)
         loadDataTimer.start() // use timer to delay load as immediate calls might not get through (network not ready yet)

   // timer to load data after 1 second delay when going online
   Timer {
     id: loadDataTimer
     interval: 1000
     onTriggered: logic.loadData()

   // we set the lightness of the used track colors based on the Theme.backgroundColor
   // this could be done with a simple property binding, but that strangely causes issues on Linux Qt 5.8
   // which is why this workaround with manual signal handling is used:
   Item {
     id: trackColorBindingFix
     property color baseTrackColor
     property var baseTrackLightness

     Component.onCompleted: updateBaseTrackLightness()
     Connections {
       target: Theme
       onBackgroundColorChanged: trackColorBindingFix.updateBaseTrackLightness()

     function updateBaseTrackLightness() {
       trackColorBindingFix.baseTrackColor = Theme.backgroundColor
       trackColorBindingFix.baseTrackLightness = colorToHsl(trackColorBindingFix.baseTrackColor)[2]

   // getTrackColor - determines track color
   function getTrackColor(fetchedColor) {
     var targetColor = fetchedColor
     if(targetColor === undefined)
       return Theme.secondaryTextColor

     // to get variable with color type
     targetColor = Qt.tint(targetColor, "transparent")
     if(!targetColor) {
         return Theme.secondaryTextColor

     var light = 0.45 + 0.25 * (0.5 - trackColorBindingFix.baseTrackLightness)
     return Qt.hsla(targetColor.hslHue, 1, light, 1)

   // color to HSL conversion
   function colorToHsl(color) {
     var r = color.r /= 255
     var g = color.g /= 255
     var b = color.b /= 255
     var max = Math.max(r, g, b), min = Math.min(r, g, b);
     var h, s, l = (max + min) / 2;

     if(max == min) {
       h = s = 0; // achromatic
     else {
       var d = max - min;
       s = l > 0.5 ? d / (2 - max - min) : d / (max + min);
       switch(max) {
       case r: h = (g - b) / d + (g < b ? 6 : 0); break;
       case g: h = (b - r) / d + 2; break;
       case b: h = (r - g) / d + 4; break;
       h /= 6;
     return [h, s, l];
Qt_Technology_Partner_RGB_475 Qt_Service_Partner_RGB_475_padded