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YouTube Video Player App

 import Felgo 4.0
 import QtQuick 2.0
 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3
 import QtMultimedia 5.0
 import Qt5Compat.GraphicalEffects

 Item {
   id: feedVideo
   width: parent ? parent.width - 2 * spacing : 0
   height: topSpacer.height + content.height + bottomSpacer.height
   anchors.horizontalCenter: parent ? parent.horizontalCenter : undefined

   // properties
   property alias previewImageSource: previewImage.source
   property alias title: titleItem.text
   property string description: ""
   property string richDescription: ""
   property string richDescriptionPreview: richDescription.substring(0, 150)
   property var videoStatistics: []

   property real spacing: dp(Theme.navigationBar.defaultBarItemPadding)
   property string videoId: ""
   property bool showDetails: false

   // cross-linking
   onDescriptionChanged: updateCrossLinks()
   //Component.onCompleted: updateCrossLinks()

   property string otherUrl :""
   property string spotifyUrl: ""
   property string itunesUrl: ""
   property string amazonUrl: ""
   property string soundcloudUrl: ""
   property string facebookUrl: ""
   property string instagramUrl: ""
   property string twitterUrl: ""

   function updateCrossLinks() {
     var regex = /(?:(?:https?):\/\/)?([a-zA-Z/\-=%]+\.)+[\w/\-?=%]{2,}/ig;
     if(description) {
       var results = description.match(regex)
       for(var key in results) {
         var link = results[key]

         // add http to link if not specified
         if(!link.startsWith("http://") && !link.startsWith("https://"))
           link = "https://" + link

         if(results[key].includes("spoti.fi") && !spotifyUrl)
           spotifyUrl = link
         else if(results[key].includes("apple.co") && !itunesUrl)
           itunesUrl = link
         else if(results[key].includes("amzn.to") && !amazonUrl)
           amazonUrl = link
         else if(results[key].includes("soundcloud") && !soundcloudUrl)
           soundcloudUrl = link
         else if(results[key].includes("facebook") && !facebookUrl)
           facebookUrl = link
         else if(results[key].includes("instagram") && !instagramUrl)
           instagramUrl = link
         else if(results[key].includes("twitter") && !twitterUrl)
           twitterUrl = link
         else if(!otherUrl)
           otherUrl = link

       // create rich text with links
       richDescription = description.replace(regex, function(link) { return "<a href='"+link+"'>"+link+"</a>" })

       // add line breaks
       richDescription = "<p>"+richDescription.replace("\n", "</p>\n<p>")+"</p>"
       richDescription = ""

   // spacer
   Item {
     id: topSpacer
     height: spacing / 2

   // mouse area / playback
   MouseArea {
     anchors.fill: parent
     onClicked: {
       console.log("clicked feed video")
       youTubePlayer.visible = false
       youTubePlayer.parent = youtubeVideoContainer
       youTubePlayer.loadVideo(videoId, true) // load and play video
       youTubePlayer.visible = true

   // content
   Item {
     id: content
     width: parent.width
     height: previewImageContainer.height + textPanel.anchors.topMargin + textPanel.height
     anchors.top: topSpacer.bottom

     layer.enabled: true
     layer.effect: DropShadow {
       radius: dp(8)
       //samples: 16
       horizontalOffset: dp(2)
       verticalOffset: horizontalOffset
       color: "#16161400"

     // preview image
     Item {
       id: previewImageContainer
       anchors.fill: youtubeVideoContainer
       clip: true

       AppImage {
         id: previewImage
         source: Qt.resolvedUrl("../../assets/felgo-logo.png")
         width: parent.width
         height: parent.height
         anchors.centerIn: parent
         fillMode: AppImage.PreserveAspectCrop

     // embedded video
     Item {
       id: youtubeVideoContainer
       width: parent.width
       height: width / 16 * 9

     // details
     Rectangle {
       id: textPanel
       width: parent.width
       height: detailsCol.height + 2 * detailsCol.spacing
       color: "white"
       anchors.top: previewImageContainer.bottom

       Column {
         id: detailsCol
         width: parent.width - 4 * spacing
         anchors.centerIn: parent
         spacing: feedVideo.spacing / 2

         // spacer
         Item { width: parent.width; height: px(1) }

         // title
         AppText {
           id: titleItem
           color: Theme.secondaryTextColor
           width: parent.width
           wrapMode: AppText.WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere
           font.pixelSize: sp(14)

         // spacer
         Item { width: parent.width; height: px(1); visible: socialLinks.visible }

         // social links
         GridLayout {
           id: socialLinks
           anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
           visible: height > 0

           property real spacing: feedVideo.spacing
           columnSpacing: spacing
           rowSpacing: spacing
           columns: parent.width / (dp(36) + spacing)

           property int maxWidth: parent.width - 2 * spacing
           property int itemWidth: children.length * children[0].width + children.legnth - 1 * spacing

           SocialLink {
             targetUrl: otherUrl
             source: "../../assets/web.png"

           SocialLink {
             targetUrl: spotifyUrl
             source: "../../assets/spotify.png"

           SocialLink {
             targetUrl: itunesUrl
             source: "../../assets/itunes.png"

           SocialLink {
             targetUrl: amazonUrl
             source: "../../assets/amazon.png"

           SocialLink {
             targetUrl: soundcloudUrl
             source: "../../assets/soundcloud.png"

           SocialLink {
             targetUrl: instagramUrl
             source: "../../assets/instagram.png"

           SocialLink {
             targetUrl: facebookUrl
             source: "../../assets/facebook.png"

           SocialLink {
             targetUrl: twitterUrl
             source: "../../assets/twitter.png"

         // spacer
         Item { width: parent.width; height: px(1); visible: socialLinks.visible }

         // description
         Item {
           width: parent.width
           height: !showDetails ? descPreviewItem.height : descItem.height

           Behavior on height {
             PropertyAnimation { duration: 150 }

           // preview details
           AppText {
             id: descPreviewItem
             text: richDescriptionPreview + "..."
             width: parent.width
             wrapMode: AppText.WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere
             color: Theme.secondaryTextColor
             font.pixelSize: sp(12)
             textFormat: AppText.RichText
             visible: !showDetails && showMoreButton.visible
             onLinkActivated: nativeUtils.openUrl(link)

           // full details
           AppText {
             id: descItem
             text: richDescription
             width: parent.width
             wrapMode: AppText.WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere
             color: Theme.secondaryTextColor
             font.pixelSize: sp(12)
             textFormat: AppText.RichText
             visible: !descPreviewItem.visible
             onLinkActivated: nativeUtils.openUrl(link)

         // show more
         AppButton {
           id: showMoreButton
           text: !showDetails ? "show more" : "show less"
           flat: true
           textSize: dp(10)
           minimumHeight: dp(24)
           anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
           onClicked: showDetails = !showDetails
           visible: richDescriptionPreview !== richDescription
           textColor: "#FF0000"

         FeedVideoStatistics { statistics: videoStatistics }

   // spacer
   Item {
     id: bottomSpacer
     anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
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