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A radio with a platform-specific styling for iOS and Android. More...

Import Statement: import Felgo 4.0
Since: Felgo 2.7.1



Detailed Description

The AppRadio component allows the user to select one of many choices. The AppRadio comes with a default look that matches platform-specific styles.

iOS Android

Example Usage

Here is an example of how to use the new control, and how it can be combined with the AppListItem for a native UI/UX:

 import QtQuick
 import QtQuick.Controls as QC2
 import Felgo

 App {
   NavigationStack {
     AppPage {
       title: "AppRadio"
       backgroundColor: Theme.secondaryBackgroundColor

       Column {
         width: parent.width

         SimpleSection {
           title: "As list items: " + ratioButtonGroup1.checkedButton.value + " selected"

         QC2.ButtonGroup {
           id: ratioButtonGroup1
           buttons: [radio1, radio2, radio3]

         AppListItem {
           text: "First Option"
           showDisclosure: false

           leftItem: AppRadio {
             id: radio1
             checked: true
             value: "Option 1"
             anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter

           onSelected: {
             if(!radio1.checked) radio1.toggle()

         AppListItem {
           text: "Second Option"
           showDisclosure: false

           leftItem: AppRadio {
             id: radio2
             value: "Option 2"
             anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter

           onSelected: {
             if(!radio2.checked) radio2.toggle()

         AppListItem {
           text: "Third Option"
           showDisclosure: false
           lastInSection: true

           leftItem: AppRadio {
             id: radio3
             value: "Option 3"
             anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter

           onSelected: {
             if(!radio3.checked) radio3.toggle()

         SimpleSection {
           title: "Inline: " + ratioButtonGroup2.checkedButton.value + " selected"

         QC2.ButtonGroup {
           id: ratioButtonGroup2
           buttons: [radio4, radio5]

         Rectangle {
           width: parent.width
           height: contentCol.height

           Column {
             id: contentCol
             width: parent.width
             padding: dp(Theme.contentPadding)

             AppRadio {
               id: radio4
               value: "Option 1"
               text: "First Option"
               checked: true

             AppRadio {
               id: radio5
               value: "Option 2"
               text: "Second Option"

Property Documentation

borderColorOff : color

The color of the radio's border if it is unchecked. Matches Theme::appRadio.borderColorOff by default.

borderColorOffDisabled : color

The color of the radio's border if it is unchecked and disabled. Matches Theme::appRadio.borderColorOffDisabled by default.

borderColorOn : color

The color of the radio's border if it is checked. Matches Theme::appRadio.borderColorOn by default.

borderColorOnDisabled : color

The color of the radio's border if it is checked and disabled. Matches Theme::appRadio.borderColorOnDisabled by default.

borderWidth : real

The width of the radio's border. Matches dp(Theme::appRadio.borderWidth) by default.

circleSize : real

The size for the checked circle within the radio, if useIcons is set to false. The default value is dp(Theme.appRadio.circleSize).

fillColorOff : color

The fill color of the radio if it is unchecked. Matches Theme::appRadio.fillColorOff by default.

fillColorOffDisabled : color

The fill color of the radio if it is unchecked and disabled. Matches Theme::appRadio.fillColorOffDisabled by default.

fillColorOn : color

The fill color of the radio if it is checked. Matches Theme::appRadio.fillColorOn by default.

fillColorOnDisabled : color

The fill color of the radio if it is checked and disabled. Matches Theme::appRadio.fillColorOnDisabled by default.

iconColorOff : color

The color of the checked icon if the radio is unchecked. Matches Theme::appRadio.iconColorOff by default.

iconColorOffDisabled : color

The color of the checked icon if the radio is disabled and unchecked. Matches Theme::appRadio.iconColorOffDisabled by default.

iconColorOn : color

The color of the checked icon if the radio is checked. Matches Theme::appRadio.iconColorOn by default.

iconColorOnDisabled : color

The color of the checked icon if the radio is disabled and checked. Matches Theme::appRadio.iconColorOnDisabled by default.

iconOff : string

The icon that is shown within the radio in checked state. The default value is Theme.appRadio.iconOff

To hide the icon, set iconColorOn to "transparent".

iconOn : string

The icon that is shown within the radio in unchecked state. The default value is Theme.appRadio.iconOn

To hide the icon, set iconColorOff to "transparent".

iconSize : real

The size for the checked icon within the radio. Matches Theme::appRadio.iconSize by default.

indicatorHeight : real

The height of the indicator of the radio. This refers to the rectangle that contains either the icon or the circle indicator, depending on useIcons. The default value is dp(Theme.appRadio.indicatorHeight).

indicatorWidth : real

The width of the indicator of the radio. This refers to the rectangle that contains either the icon or the circle indicator, depending on useIcons. The default value is dp(Theme.appRadio.indicatorWidth).

labelColorOff : color

The color of the label text if the radio is unchecked. Matches Theme::appRadio.labelColorOff by default.

labelColorOffDisabled : color

The color of the label text if the radio is disabled and unchecked. Matches Theme::appRadio.labelColorOffDisabled by default.

labelColorOn : color

The color of the label text if the radio is checked. Matches Theme::appRadio.labelColorOn by default.

labelColorOnDisabled : color

The color of the label text if the radio is disabled and checked. Matches Theme::appRadio.labelColorOnDisabled by default.

labelFontSize : real

The font size of the label text of the radio. Matches sp(Theme::appRadio.labelFontSize) by default.

radius : real

The border radius of the radio. Matches dp(Theme::appRadio.radius) by default.

updateChecked : bool

If set to false, the control does not change its checked property when it is clicked.

This might be useful if the property is bound to a value that should not be overwritten. The clicked signal is fired in any case and allows to react to user interactions.

The default value is true.

useIcons : bool

Set this property to true to show the radio state with an AppIcon. Set it to false to show the state with a filled or empty dot.

The default value uses the value of Theme.appRadio.useIcons.

value : var

This is a helper property for easier evaluation and processing of the checked radio button.

See Customize AppListItems for custom Lists for an example usage.

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