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One Card! - Multiplayer Card Game

 import Felgo 3.0
 import QtQuick 2.0
 import "../common"
 import "../interface"

 SceneBase {
   id: storeScene

   readonly property bool simulateStore: Constants.simulateStore // set this to true on desktop to allow testing the feature without actual store access
   readonly property int tokens: simulateStore ? simulatedTokens.balance : tokenCurrency.balance

   // dummy item for testing purposes to simulate a working store plugin (plugin not available on desktop)
   Item {
     id: simulatedTokens
     property int balance: 0

   // background
   Image {
     id: background
     source: "../../assets/img/BG.png"
     anchors.fill: storeScene.gameWindowAnchorItem
     fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectCrop
     smooth: true

   // token info
   TokenInfo {
     id: tokenInfo
     tokens: storeScene.tokens
     anchors.right: gameWindowAnchorItem.right
     anchors.top: gameWindowAnchorItem.top
     anchors.topMargin: 20
     onClicked: {
       tokenTimerText.visible = true

   // token remaining time info
   Text {
     id: tokenTimerText
     text: gameTokensEarnedPerDay + " free token\nin "+remainingTime
     color: "white"
     font.family: standardFont.name
     font.pixelSize: 10
     horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
     anchors.right: gameWindowAnchorItem.right
     anchors.rightMargin: 10
     anchors.top: tokenInfo.bottom
     anchors.topMargin: 10
     visible: false
     onVisibleChanged: if(visible) tokenTimerText.timeUntilBonus = getTimeUntilBonus()
     width: 75

     property var timeUntilBonus: getTimeUntilBonus()
     property string remainingTime: timeUntilBonus.hours + "h "+ timeUntilBonus.minutes + "m " + timeUntilBonus.seconds + "s"

     // timer to show and update remaining time info
     Timer {
       interval: 100
       running: tokenTimerText.visible
       repeat: true
       property int count: 0
       onRunningChanged: if(running) count = 0
       onTriggered: {
         if(count >= 50)
           tokenTimerText.visible = false

         tokenTimerText.timeUntilBonus = getTimeUntilBonus()
         menuScene.checkDailyBonus() // check for daily bonus

   // UI
   Column {
     id: buttonCol
     anchors.centerIn: parent
     spacing: 10

     // generate rows for products with repeater
     Repeater {
       model: store.currencyPacks

       delegate: Row {
         anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
         spacing: 20

         // product
         Text {
           text: modelData.name
           width: 95
           font.family: standardFont.name
           color: "white"
           anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter

         // price
         Text {
           text: modelData.purchaseType.marketPriceAndCurrency
           width: 60
           font.family: standardFont.name
           color: "white"
           anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter

         // buy button
         ButtonBase {
           text: "Buy Now"
           width: buttonText.contentWidth + 50
           anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
           onClicked: {
             if(simulateStore) {
               // simulate buying of product
             else {
               // trigger actual purchase

               storeScene.sendPurchaseEvent("IAP.OpenNativeBuyDialog", modelData)
     } // repeater

     ButtonBase {
       id: watchButton
       text: "Watch Video (+" + gameTokenEarnedPerVideoWatch + " Token)"
       anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
       onClicked: {
          // show interstitial without opening menu and force ad even if enough tokens
         adMobInterstitial.displayInterstitial(false, true, "storeScene")

     // ad description
     Text {
       text: "No advertisements are shown if you have "+gameTokenNoAdsLimit+" tokens or more."
       font.family: standardFont.name
       font.pixelSize: 10
       color: "white"
       anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter

     ButtonBase {
       id: backButton
       text: "Back"
       anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
       onClicked: backButtonPressed()
   } // column

   // timer to first show daily free tokens without user action
   Timer {
     id: autoShowDailyTimer
     interval: 1000
     onTriggered: {
       tokenTimerText.visible = true

   // dialog for successful purchase
   OnuDialog {
     id: purchaseSuccessDialog
     width: 250
     _internalScale: 0.5
     backgroundTargetItem: gameWindowAnchorItem // background will fill whole screen
     title: "Purchase Successful"
     description: ""
     options: ["Ok"]
     visible: false
     onOptionSelected: {
       visible = false

   // store for purchasing
   Store {
     id: store

     version: 1
     secret: Constants.soomlaSecret
     androidPublicKey: Constants.soomlaAndroidKey

     // Virtual currencies within the game
     currencies: [
       Currency {
         id: tokenCurrency
         itemId: Constants.currencyId
         name: "Tokens"

     // Purchasable token packs
     currencyPacks: [
       // 100 tokens pack
       CurrencyPack {
         id: token100Pack
         itemId: Constants.currency100PackId
         name: "100 Tokens"
         description: "Buy 100 Tokens"
         currencyId: tokenCurrency.itemId
         currencyAmount: 100
         purchaseType:  StorePurchase { id: token100Purchase; productId: token100Pack.itemId; price: 1.0 }
       // 500 tokens pack
       CurrencyPack {
         id: token500Pack
         itemId: Constants.currency500PackId
         name: "500 Tokens"
         description: "Buy 500 Tokens"
         currencyId: tokenCurrency.itemId
         currencyAmount: 500
         purchaseType:  StorePurchase { id: token500Purchase; productId: token500Pack.itemId; price: 2.0 }
       // 1000 tokens pack
       CurrencyPack {
         id: token1000Pack
         itemId: Constants.currency1000PackId
         name: "1000 Tokens"
         description: "Buy 1000 Tokens"
         currencyId: tokenCurrency.itemId
         currencyAmount: 1000
         purchaseType:  StorePurchase { id: token1000Purchase; productId: token1000Pack.itemId; price: 3.0 }
       // 5000 tokens pack
       CurrencyPack {
         id: token5000Pack
         itemId: Constants.currency5000PackId
         name: "5000 Tokens"
         description: "Buy 5000 Tokens"
         currencyId: tokenCurrency.itemId
         currencyAmount: 5000
         purchaseType:  StorePurchase { id: token5000Purchase; productId: token5000Pack.itemId; price: 5.0 }

     // show dialog on successful purchase
     onItemPurchased: {
       console.debug("Purchased item:", itemId)
       for(var idx in store.currencyPacks) {
         var pack = store.currencyPacks[idx]
         if(pack.itemId === itemId) {
           purchaseSuccessDialog.description = pack.currencyAmount+" tokens were added to your balance."
           purchaseSuccessDialog.visible = true
           storeScene.sendPurchaseEvent("IAP.Purchased", pack)

    onStorePurchaseCanceled: {
      console.debug("Canceled store purchase:", itemId)
      for(var idx in store.currencyPacks) {
        var pack = store.currencyPacks[idx]
        if(pack.itemId === itemId) {
          storeScene.sendPurchaseEvent("IAP.PurchaseCanceled", pack)

    onStorePurchaseStarted: {
      console.debug("Started store purchase:", itemId)
      for(var idx in store.currencyPacks) {
        var pack = store.currencyPacks[idx]
        if(pack.itemId === itemId) {
          storeScene.sendPurchaseEvent("IAP.PurchaseStarted", pack)
   }// Store

   // convenienc function to send additional data to flurry like the currency and local price
   function sendPurchaseEvent(name, pack) {
     flurry.logEvent(name, {"currencyAmount": pack.currencyAmount, "marketPriceAndCurrency": pack.purchaseType.marketPriceAndCurrency})

   function takeTokens(amount) {
     if(amount <= 0) {
       console.log("Invalid Amount for takeTokens(): "+amount)

     // tokens may not be negative!
     if(storeScene.tokens < amount)
       amount = storeScene.tokens // will set tokens to zero

     if(amount > 0) {
       // take tokens
         simulatedTokens.balance -= amount
         store.takeItem(tokenCurrency.itemId, amount)
     else if(amount < 0) {
       giveTokens(amount * -1) // give tokens to reset them to zero! (no negative token balance possible)

   function giveTokens(amount) {
     if(amount <= 0) {
       console.log("Invalid amount for giveTokens(): "+amount)

       simulatedTokens.balance += amount
     else {
       // can either be gameTokensEarnedByDay or gameTokensEarnedPerVideoWatch - useful to analyze what is called how often
       flurry.logEvent("IAP.GiveTokens", "currencyAmount", amount)
       store.giveItem(tokenCurrency.itemId, amount)

   function enterScene() {
     tokenTimerText.visible = false
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