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Platformer with Level Editor

 import QtQuick 2.0
 import Felgo 3.0

 EntityBaseDraggable {
   id: entityBase

   // this is the scene this entity is in
   // NOTE: if your scene's id is NOT gameScene change this to make it fit to your implementation
   property var scene: gameScene

   // alias, to be able to access the sprite from the outside
   property alias image: sprite

   // this property stores the entity's last snapped position
   property point lastPosition

   // when this component is loaded, set lastPosition to the
   // current position
   Component.onCompleted: lastPosition = Qt.point(x, y)

   // the entity's size equals the size of it's sprite
   width: sprite.width
   height: sprite.height

   // this is the grid size the entity gets snapped to when it's dragged and dropped
   gridSize: scene.gridSize

   // this property must be set for EntityBaseDraggable
   selectionMouseArea {
     anchors.fill: sprite

     // if the hand tool is active, entities should not be draggable
     // so we don't accept the mouse event - it gets forwarded to the base mouse area (in GameScene)
     onPressed: {
       if(scene.editorOverlay.sidebar.activeTool == "hand") {
         mouse.accepted = false

   // in levelEditingMode drag and drop is enabled
   // NOTE: if your editing state is not "edit", change this to make it fit to your implementation
   inLevelEditingMode: scene.state === "edit"

   // set dragOffset to (0, 0)
   dragOffset: Qt.point(0, 0)

   // this enables clicking on an object - we want this for removing entities
   delayDragOffset: true

   // make the notAllowedRectangle fit to the sprite
   notAllowedRectangle.anchors.fill: sprite

   // enable entity pooling to improve performance
   poolingEnabled: true

   // since our levels have no size limit, we don't want any
   // boundaries when dragging our entities
   ignoreBounds: true

   // this event is handled in the editorOverlay
   onEntityClicked: scene.editorOverlay.clickEntity(entityBase)

   onEntityStateChanged: {
     if(entityState == "entityDragged")

   onEntityReleased: {
     // If lastPosition is < 0, it means, that this entity
     // was dragged from the sidebar. In this case we don't
     // want to create a "move"-undoObject, but a "create".
     // We handle this in PlatformerBuildEntityButton.
     if(lastPosition.x < 0) return

     // get new position
     var currentPosition = scene.editorOverlay.snapToGrid(x, y)

     // if the entity's position has changed...
     if(lastPosition !== currentPosition) {

       // ...add a new "move"-undoObject to the undoHandler
       var undoObjectProperties = {"target": entityBase, "action": "move",
         "otherPosition": lastPosition, "currentPosition": currentPosition}
       var undoObject = scene.editorOverlay.undoHandler.createUndoObject(undoObjectProperties)

       // update lastPosition
       lastPosition = currentPosition


   // handle position changes
   onXChanged: positionChanged()
   onYChanged: positionChanged()

   // when this entity is taken from the entity pool, set it's lastPosition property
   onUsedFromPool: {
     lastPosition = Qt.point(x, y)

   // the sprite of the entity
   MultiResolutionImage {
     id: sprite

   // in this function we check if the entity is dragged out of bounds
   function positionChanged() {
     // if entity is dragged, check if entity is in bounds
     if(entityBase.entityState == "entityDragged") {
       // calculate x screen coordinate
       // adjust entity position to scale, and add container position
       var xScreen = entityBase.x * scene.container.scale + scene.container.x

       // The leftLimit is the leftmost point where the entity
       // may be released.
       // To get this value, we take the width of the sidebar,
       // and subtract a small tolerance value.
       var leftLimit = scene.editorOverlay.sidebar.width - 8 * scene.container.scale

       // calculate y screen coordinate
       // adjust entity position to scale, and add container position
       var yScreen = entityBase.y * scene.container.scale + scene.container.y

       // The bottomLimit is the lowest point on the screen, where
       // the entity may be released. This value is calculated by
       // subtracting a small tolerance value from the game window
       // height.
       var bottomLimit = scene.gameWindowAnchorItem.height - 17 * scene.container.scale

       // If this entity is too far left or too low, forbid building.
       // We check if yScreen is larger than bottomLimit, because
       // the origin of the coordinate system is in the top left
       // corner. This means, that a higher y value is actually
       // lower on the screen.
       if(xScreen < leftLimit || yScreen > bottomLimit)
         forbidBuild = true
       else // otherwise allow it
         forbidBuild = false
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