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Platformer with Level Editor

 import QtQuick 2.0
 import Felgo 3.0
 import "../common"

 MultiResolutionImage {
   id: sidebar

   // holds the currently active tool
   // can be draw", "erase", "hand"
   // by default this is "hand"
   property string activeTool: "hand"

   // properties to access gameScene elements
   property var bgImage
   property var grid
   property var undoHandler

   // this property holds all BuildEntityButtons
   // we use this in the unselectAllButtonsButOne() function
   property var buttons: [groundButton, ground2Button, platformButton, spikeballButton, spikesButton, opponentJumperButton, opponentWalkerButton, coinButton, mushroomButton, starButton, finishButton]

   // aliases to allow access from outside
   property alias gridSizeButton: gridSizeButton

   z: 100 // make sure the sidebar is above all other elements on the screen

   // set size
   width: 100
   height: editorOverlay.height

   anchors.top: editorOverlay.top
   anchors.left: editorOverlay.left

   // set image source
   source: "../../assets/ui/sidebar.png"

   // sidebar column for layout
   Item {
     anchors.fill: parent
     anchors.margins: 4

     Row {
       id: undoRedo

       width: parent.width
       height: 30

       anchors.top: parent.top
       anchors.left: parent.left

       spacing: 2

       property int buttonWidth: width / 2 - spacing / 2

       // undo button
       PlatformerImageButton {
         width: parent.buttonWidth

         // set image to colored if undo is possible, otherwise
         // to grey
         image.source: undoHandler.pointer >= 0 ? "../../assets/ui/undo.png" : "../../assets/ui/undo_grey.png"

         // hide hoverRectangle, when undo isn't possible
         hoverRectangle.visible: undoHandler.pointer >= 0 ? true : false

         onClicked: undoHandler.undo()

       // redo button
       PlatformerImageButton {
         width: parent.buttonWidth

         // set image to colored if redo is possible, otherwise
         // to grey
         image.source: undoHandler.pointer < undoHandler.undoArray.length - 1 ? "../../assets/ui/redo.png" : "../../assets/ui/redo_grey.png"

         // hide hoverRectangle, when redo isn't possible
         hoverRectangle.visible: undoHandler.pointer < undoHandler.undoArray.length - 1 ? true : false

         onClicked: undoHandler.redo()

     Row {
       id: tools

       width: parent.width
       height: 30

       anchors.top: undoRedo.bottom
       anchors.left: parent.left
       anchors.topMargin: 4

       spacing: 2

       property int buttonWidth: width / 2 - spacing / 2

       PlatformerSelectableImageButton {
         id: drawEraseButton

         // this property holds if draw is active
         // if draw is not active this means, that erase is active
         property bool drawActive: true

         width: parent.buttonWidth
         height: parent.height

         // display image, depending on if draw is active or not
         image.source: drawActive ? "../../assets/ui/drawActive.png" : "../../assets/ui/eraseActive.png"

         onClicked: {
           // if this button is selected, switch between draw and erase mode
           if(isSelected) {
             drawActive = !drawActive
           // otherwise unselect the handButton and select this button
           else {
             handButton.isSelected = false
             isSelected = true

           // update the activeTool

           // if the draw mode is activated and there is no BuildEntityButton
           // selected yet...
           if(drawActive && editorOverlay.selectedButton == null) {
             // ...switch to the first entity group...

             // ...and select the groundButton

       PlatformerSelectableImageButton {
         id: handButton

         width: parent.buttonWidth
         height: parent.height

         image.source: "../../assets/ui/hand.png"

         isSelected: true

         onClicked: {
           // if this button is not selected unselect the drawEraseButton and select this button
           if(!isSelected) {
             drawEraseButton.isSelected = false
             isSelected = true

           // update the activeTool

     // entity groups
     // with these buttons the user can change the currently shown group
     // of entities
     Row {
       id: entityGroups

       width: parent.width
       height: 30

       anchors.top: tools.bottom
       anchors.left: parent.left
       anchors.topMargin: 4

       spacing: 2

       // the active entity group
       property int activeGroup: 1

       // set button width
       // Divide sidebar width by three. Then subtract a third of the total spacing.
       // Since there are 3 buttons, the total spacing is 2 * spacing.
       property int buttonWidth: width / 3 - spacing * 2 / 3

       ItemGroupButton {
         image.source: "../../assets/ui/entityGroups/group1.png"

         selected: entityGroups.activeGroup == 1

         onClicked: changeActiveEntityGroup(1)

       ItemGroupButton {
         image.source: "../../assets/ui/entityGroups/group2.png"

         selected: entityGroups.activeGroup == 2

         onClicked: changeActiveEntityGroup(2)

       ItemGroupButton {
         image.source: "../../assets/ui/entityGroups/group3.png"

         selected: entityGroups.activeGroup == 3

         onClicked: changeActiveEntityGroup(3)

     // this is the flickable component, where all buildEntityButtons are
     Flickable {
       id: buildFlickable

       width: parent.width

       anchors.top: entityGroups.bottom
       anchors.bottom: optionsButton.top
       anchors.left: parent.left
       anchors.topMargin: 4
       anchors.bottomMargin: 4

       // size of the flickable content
       contentWidth: width
       contentHeight: buildColumn.height

       // set margins
       topMargin: 5
       bottomMargin: 5

       // clip the content on the boundaries
       clip: true

       // we only want to allow vertical flicking
       flickableDirection: Flickable.VerticalFlick

       // pressDelay delays the delivery of the press event to the buildEntityButtons.
       // This allows the user to flick this Flickable, even when pressing on a buildEntityButton.
       pressDelay: 100

       // build entity buttons
       Column {
         id: buildColumn

         // set size
         width: parent.width

         spacing: 5

          * Editor options --------------------------------

         // this item holds the level name as text and a button to change it
         Item {
           id: levelNameItem

           width: parent.width
           height: 30

           visible: entityGroups.activeGroup == 0

           // this text displays the current level name
           Text {
             // set text to level name, if it exists
             text: levelEditor.currentLevelName ? levelEditor.currentLevelName : ""

             anchors.left: parent.left
             anchors.top: parent.top
             anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
             anchors.right: nameLevelButton.left
             anchors.rightMargin: 4

             // align text in the vertical center
             verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter

             // make font size dynamic
             fontSizeMode: Text.Fit
             font.pixelSize: 13
             minimumPixelSize: 7

           // change level name button
           PlatformerImageButton {
             id: nameLevelButton

             image.source: "../../assets/ui/edit_black.png"

             width: 30
             height: parent.height

             anchors.right: parent.right
             anchors.top: parent.top
             anchors.bottom: parent.bottom

             onClicked: {
               // when we click this button, we show a native text input dialog
               nativeUtils.displayTextInput("Enter levelName", "Enter a level name. (max 15 characters)", "", levelEditor.currentLevelName)

             // this listens for the end of the native text input dialog
             Connections {
               target: nativeUtils

               onTextInputFinished: {
                 // if the text input dialog is closed
                 // and the user clicked "ok"
                 if(accepted) {

                   // the text can't be longer than 9 characters
                   if(enteredText.length > 15) {
                     nativeUtils.displayMessageBox("Invalid level name", "A maximum of 15 characters is allowed!")

                   // change level name
                   levelEditor.currentLevelName = enteredText

         // change-background-image buttons
         Row {
           id: backgroundButtons

           width: parent.width
           height: 30

           visible: entityGroups.activeGroup == 0

           spacing: 2

           // set button width; subtract half of spacing, to make buttons fit
           property int buttonWidth: width / 3 - spacing * 2 / 3

           // with these three buttons the user can change the background image
           PlatformerImageButton {
             width: parent.buttonWidth

             image.source: bgImage.bg0
             image.fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectCrop

             onClicked: bgImage.bg = 0

           PlatformerImageButton {
             width: parent.buttonWidth

             image.source: bgImage.bg1
             image.fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectCrop

             onClicked: bgImage.bg = 1

           PlatformerImageButton {
             width: parent.buttonWidth

             image.source: bgImage.bg2
             image.fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectCrop

             onClicked: bgImage.bg = 2

         // grid options
         Item {
           id: gridOptions

           width: parent.width
           height: 30

           visible: entityGroups.activeGroup == 0

           // label
           Text {
             height: parent.height

             anchors.top: parent.top
             anchors.left: parent.left

             text: "GridSize:"
             font.pixelSize: 12

             // align text in the vertical center
             verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter

           // button to switch between gridSizes 16 and 32
           PlatformerTextButton {
             id: gridSizeButton

             screenText: "32"

             width: 30
             height: parent.height

             anchors.top: parent.top
             anchors.right: parent.right

             // alternate gridSizes 16 and 32 when clicking this button
             onClicked: {
               if(screenText == "32") {
                 screenText = "16"
                 editorOverlay.scene.gridSize = 16
               else {
                 screenText = "32"
                 editorOverlay.scene.gridSize = 32

         // publish button
         PlatformerTextButton {
           id: publishButton

           screenText: "Publish"

           width: parent.width
           height: 30

           visible: entityGroups.activeGroup == 0

           onClicked: {
             // open publish dialog
             publishDialog.opacity = 1

          * BuiltEntityButtons --------------------------------

         PlatformerBuildEntityButton {
           id: groundButton

           // each button is only visible, if the corresponding
           // entity group is active
           visible: entityGroups.activeGroup == 1

           // path to the entity type of the entity, which should be created
           toCreateEntityTypeUrl: "../entities/GroundGrass.qml"

           // handle selection and unselection of this button
           onSelected: selectBuildEntityButton(this)
           onUnselected: unselectBuildEntityButton()

         PlatformerBuildEntityButton {
           id: ground2Button

           visible: entityGroups.activeGroup == 1

           toCreateEntityTypeUrl: "../entities/GroundDirt.qml"

           onSelected: selectBuildEntityButton(this)
           onUnselected: unselectBuildEntityButton()

         PlatformerBuildEntityButton {
           id: platformButton

           visible: entityGroups.activeGroup == 1

           toCreateEntityTypeUrl: "../entities/Platform.qml"

           onSelected: selectBuildEntityButton(this)
           onUnselected: unselectBuildEntityButton()

         PlatformerBuildEntityButton {
           id: spikeballButton

           visible: entityGroups.activeGroup == 1

           toCreateEntityTypeUrl: "../entities/Spikeball.qml"

           onSelected: selectBuildEntityButton(this)
           onUnselected: unselectBuildEntityButton()

         PlatformerBuildEntityButton {
           id: spikesButton

           visible: entityGroups.activeGroup == 1

           toCreateEntityTypeUrl: "../entities/Spikes.qml"

           onSelected: selectBuildEntityButton(this)
           onUnselected: unselectBuildEntityButton()

         PlatformerBuildEntityButton {
           id: opponentJumperButton

           visible: entityGroups.activeGroup == 2

           toCreateEntityTypeUrl: "../entities/OpponentJumper.qml"

           onSelected: selectBuildEntityButton(this)
           onUnselected: unselectBuildEntityButton()

         PlatformerBuildEntityButton {
           id: opponentWalkerButton

           visible: entityGroups.activeGroup == 2

           toCreateEntityTypeUrl: "../entities/OpponentWalker.qml"

           onSelected: selectBuildEntityButton(this)
           onUnselected: unselectBuildEntityButton()

         PlatformerBuildEntityButton {
           id: coinButton

           visible: entityGroups.activeGroup == 3

           toCreateEntityTypeUrl: "../entities/Coin.qml"

           onSelected: selectBuildEntityButton(this)
           onUnselected: unselectBuildEntityButton()

         PlatformerBuildEntityButton {
           id: mushroomButton

           visible: entityGroups.activeGroup == 3

           toCreateEntityTypeUrl: "../entities/Mushroom.qml"

           onSelected: selectBuildEntityButton(this)
           onUnselected: unselectBuildEntityButton()

         PlatformerBuildEntityButton {
           id: starButton

           visible: entityGroups.activeGroup == 3

           toCreateEntityTypeUrl: "../entities/Star.qml"

           onSelected: selectBuildEntityButton(this)
           onUnselected: unselectBuildEntityButton()

         PlatformerBuildEntityButton {
           id: finishButton

           visible: entityGroups.activeGroup == 3

           toCreateEntityTypeUrl: "../entities/Finish.qml"

           onSelected: selectBuildEntityButton(this)
           onUnselected: unselectBuildEntityButton()

     // options button
     ItemGroupButton {
       id: optionsButton

       width: 30
       height: 25

       anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
       anchors.right: parent.right

       image.source: "../../assets/ui/options.png"

       selected: entityGroups.activeGroup == 0

       onClicked: changeActiveEntityGroup(0)

   // handle the selection of a BuildEntityButton
   function selectBuildEntityButton(button) {
     // if active tool is erase, change to draw
     if(activeTool == "erase") {

     // unselect all other buttons, select this button

   // handle the unselection of a BuildEntityButton
   function unselectBuildEntityButton() {
     // if active tool is draw or erase, change to hand
     if(activeTool == "draw" || activeTool == "erase") {

     // reset selectedButton to null
     editorOverlay.selectedButton = null

   // unselects all PlatformerBuildEntityButtons
   function unselectAllButtons() {
     for(var i=0; i<buttons.length; i++) {
       buttons[i].isSelected = false

     // reset selectedButton to null
     editorOverlay.selectedButton = null

   // unselects all buttons but one
   function unselectAllButtonsButOne(button) {
     // unselect all buttons

     if(button) {
       // select given button
       button.isSelected = true

       // set selectedButton to this button
       editorOverlay.selectedButton = button

   function changeActiveEntityGroup(newGroup) {
     // if group isn't already selected...
     if(entityGroups.activeGroup !== newGroup) {
       // ...change active entity group
       entityGroups.activeGroup = newGroup

   // this function updates the activeTool property depending on which button is active
   function updateActiveTool() {
     if(drawEraseButton.isSelected) {
       if(drawEraseButton.drawActive) {
         activeTool = "draw"
       else {
         activeTool = "erase"
     else if(handButton.isSelected) {
       activeTool = "hand"
     else {
       activeTool = ""

   // this function sets the activeTool to the given tool parameter
   // also it selects the respective button/button mode
   function setActiveTool(tool) {
     if(tool === "draw") {
       handButton.isSelected = false
       drawEraseButton.isSelected = true
       drawEraseButton.drawActive = true
     else if(tool === "erase") {
       handButton.isSelected = false
       drawEraseButton.isSelected = true
       drawEraseButton.drawActive = false
     else if(tool === "hand") {
       drawEraseButton.isSelected = false
       handButton.isSelected = true


   // reset the sidebar
   function reset() {
     // unselect all buttons

     // set active entity group to 1

     // reset drawEraseButton's drawActive property to true
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