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Squaby Demo

 import QtQuick 2.0
 import Felgo 4.0 // for System
 import "../entities"
 import "../balancing"

 // in this component, only the shared settings for ALL levels are entered
 // all level-specific settings are set in e.g. Level01.qml, Level02.qml, ...
 Item {
   id: level
   // the whole level has scene.width(=480)/scene.gridSize(=16) = 30 columns and scene.height(=320-64)/16=16 rows

   // by default, the level should get the size of its parent (the scene)
   // the level size is needed for instance by EntityBaseDraggable to determine the level boundaries
   width: parent.width
   height: parent.width

   // this might be changed in the performance test options menu for a strong entity to test only the effect of the towers, not of dying squabies
   property bool createYellowSquaby: true

   // needed for the LevelEditor
   property alias levelLoader: levelLoader

   // an alias is not possible here, because item is null in the beginning!
   property variant pathEntity: levelLoader.loadedLevel ? levelLoader.loadedLevel.pathEntity : null
   property variant waves: levelLoader.loadedLevel ? levelLoader.loadedLevel.waves : null
   property variant nextLevelId: levelLoader.loadedLevel ? levelLoader.loadedLevel.nextLevelId : null

   property variant difficulty: levelLoader.loadedLevel ? levelLoader.loadedLevel.difficulty : null
   property variant maxPlayerLife: levelLoader.loadedLevel ? levelLoader.loadedLevel.maxPlayerLife : null
   property variant startGold: levelLoader.loadedLevel ? levelLoader.loadedLevel.startGold : null
   property variant endlessGame: levelLoader.loadedLevel ? levelLoader.loadedLevel.endlessGame : null
   property variant towerPermissions: levelLoader.loadedLevel ? levelLoader.loadedLevel.towerPermissions : null

   property alias loadedLevel: levelLoader.loadedLevel

   // by default, load the local obstacles, may also be loaded from remote server or from database (see LevelEditingMenu for that)!
   //Loader {
   LevelLoader {
     id: levelLoader
     // by default, load the first level
 // don't set anything by default! that may be set in levelLoader.qml if wanted to load a level initially!
 //    levelsource: Qt.resolvedUrl("01/Level01.qml")

 //    onSourceChanged: {
 //      console.debug("LevelBase: levelSource changed to", levelSource)
 //    }

     Component.onCompleted: {
       console.debug("SquabyLevelContainer: LevelLoader.onCompleted - pathEntity:", pathEntity, "item:", levelLoader.loadedLevel)

     onLoaded: {
 //      console.debug("LevelLoader: loaded level with source", source)

       console.debug("________________SquabyLevelContainer: loaded with LevelLoader:", levelSource)

       // after the level got loaded, the waypoints must be initialized
       // TODO: this causes the app to crash if started with it!? because they are removed when not created completely!
       // this must not be called here, because in onCompleted of PathEntity there is an initialize anyway!

   // creates squabies that get removed immediately, so they can be used for the entity pool
   function preCreateEntitiesForPool() {

     // don't pool entities on Sym & meego - creation takes very long on these platforms
     if(system.isPlatform(System.Meego) || system.isPlatform(System.Symbian))

     // NOTE: precreation 120 entities takes far too long! only precreate the first couple of squabies, then create on demand!
     entityManager.createPooledEntitiesFromComponent(sy, 5);
     // also add these entities, because the performance during gameplay is key, it is not that bad if loading takes a bit longer!
     entityManager.createPooledEntitiesFromComponent(sgreen, 3);
     entityManager.createPooledEntitiesFromComponent(so, 2);
     entityManager.createPooledEntitiesFromComponent(sr, 2);
     entityManager.createPooledEntitiesFromComponent(sgrey, 2);
     entityManager.createPooledEntitiesFromComponent(sblue, 2);

   // this needs to be accessed by squabies and towers
   property alias balancingSettings: balancingSettings
   BalancingSettings {
     id: balancingSettings
   SquabyTypes {
     id: squabyTypes

   Binding {
     target: player
     property: "balancingSettings"
     value: balancingSettings

   // for faster accessing in the waves-definition in each concrete level
   property alias sy: squabyTypes.squabyYellow
   property alias so: squabyTypes.squabyOrange
   property alias sr: squabyTypes.squabyRed
   property alias sgreen: squabyTypes.squabyGreen
   property alias sblue: squabyTypes.squabyBlue
   property alias sgrey: squabyTypes.squabyGrey
   //property alias squabyTypes: squabyTypes // this is only internally, only the concrete components are required for wave definitions! so no alias is needed for squabyTypes

   // the bed & path are not snapped to the raster, but positioned freely!
   // thus the positions are retrieved from photoshop and not specified with column&row
   Obstacle {
     id: bed
     x: 486
     y: 207
     variationType: "bed"

   Obstacle {
     id: closet

     x: -5
     y: 0

     variationType: "closet"

   Obstacle {
     id: closetDoor1
     anchors.left: closet.right
     anchors.top: closet.top
     variationType: "closet-door1"

   Obstacle {
     id: closetDoor2
     anchors.left: closet.right
     anchors.bottom: closet.bottom
     variationType: "closet-door2"

   // this is a dev-only testing area for cheating (get more gold) or performance tests create squabies
   MouseArea {
     enabled: cheatMoneyEnabled
     anchors.fill: closet
     onClicked: {
       // only in game mode, not in editor
       if(scene.state === "levelEditing")

       player.gold += 100
   MouseArea {
     enabled: developerBuild
     x: bed.x - bed.width/2
     y: bed.y - bed.height/2
     width: bed.width
     height: bed.height
     onClicked: {
       // only in game mode, not in editor
       if(scene.state === "levelEditing")

       // this is just for debugging: allow to add a squaby by clicking the closet
       // this would create a squaby with the default settings

   Component.onCompleted: {

     // entityContainer is valid here, but only if the alias is used for in the GameSceneLoader!
     // if set in onLoaded, the onCompleted is called first and no entityContainer would be available here!
     console.debug("___________entityManager:", entityManager, ", entityContainer:", entityManager.entityContainer)
     //var entityId = entityManager.createEntityFromUrlWithProperties(Qt.resolvedUrl("../entities/Waypoint.qml"), {x:200, y: 100})
     //var entity = entityManager.getEntityById(entityId)
     //console.debug("created entity and parents:", entity, entity.parent)

     // change this for debugging purposes to test the game logic
     // position at the 9th column, 6th row
     //entityManager.createEntityWithProperties(Qt.resolvedUrl("entities/Nailgun.qml"), {"x":scene.gridSize*9, "y":scene.gridSize*6} );

     // the below is the same as: entityManager.createEntity("Squaby.qml")
     //entityManager.createEntityWithProperties(Qt.resolvedUrl("entities/"Squaby.qml"), {});//{"x":150, "y":300, "rotation":45} );

     // only for testing the z-ordering of closet
     //entityManager.createEntityWithProperties(Qt.resolvedUrl("entities/Obstacle.qml"), {"column":1, "row":1, "obstacleType": "soccerball"} );

   // this gets added dynamically by EntityManager - but by adding it here as well, both approaches get tested
   //    Squaby {
   //        // x & y are irrelevant, as animation starts at the first waypoint at squaby anyway!
   //        x:250
   //        y:200
   //    }

   // uncomment the following for adding prebuilt towers, e.g. for quick testing the upgrading functionality
 //  Nailgun {
 //    x: scene.gridSize*9
 //    y: scene.gridSize*6
 //  }
 //  Flamethrower {
 //    x: scene.gridSize*9
 //    y: scene.gridSize*4
 //  }
 //  Turbine {
 //    x: scene.gridSize*9
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